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EHNAC Updates Interoperability Criteria, Health IT Standards
EHNAC, a health IT data standards accreditation organization, has released updated criteria for its programs to support new interoperability regulations.
The Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission (EHNAC), a non-profit health IT data standards development organization, has announced the release of new criteria versions for its 20 accreditation programs to support compliance with the CMS interoperability rule.
Major updates to the 2022 criteria include new interoperability and information blocking criteria across related EHNAC accreditation programs.
The health IT data standards development organization has also updated its Trusted Dynamic Registration and Authentication Accreditation Programs (TDRAAP) to include recommended best practices for CMS interoperability rule compliance.
In an effort to provide the industry with the ability to understand the most important measurement points, EHNAC has added KPI requirements to almost all programs.
"As we reflect on all of the changes our industry has experienced over the last two years, it is essential that we continue to place security, confidentiality, availability, integrity and efficiency at the forefront when electronically exchanging healthcare data," Lee Barrett, executive director and CEO of EHNAC, noted in a press release.
"EHNAC's newly enhanced accreditation programs are designed to ensure compliance, mitigate risk, and address contingency planning as organizations address the ever-changing best practices and legislative and regulatory revisions,” Barrett added.
Following the standard, 60-day public comment period, EHNAC's Criteria Committee and Commission have incorporated public feedback to finalize the final versions for the following 20 accreditation programs:
- ACOAP - Accountable Care Organization Accreditation Program (V4.1)
- DRAP - Data Registry Accreditation Program (V4.1)
- DT P&S - DirectTrust Privacy & Security (V2.1)
- EHNAC P&S - EHNAC Privacy & Security (V2.1)
- ePAP-EHN - e-Prescribing Accreditation Program (V9.1)
- EPCSCP-Pharmacy - Electronic Prescription of Controlled Substances Certification Program - Pharmacy Vendor (V4.2)
- EPCSCP-Prescribing - Electronic Prescription of Controlled Substances Certification Program - Prescribing Vendor (V4.2)
- FSAP-EHN - Financial Services Accreditation Program for Electronic Health Networks (V5.1)
- FSAP-Lockbox - Financial Services Accreditation Program for Lockbox Services (V5.1)
- HIEAP - Health Information Exchange Accreditation Program (V4.1)
- HNAP-EHN - Healthcare Network Accreditation Program for Electronic Health Networks [Includes Payer] (V13.1)
- HNAP-Medical Biller - Healthcare Network Accreditation Program for Medical Billers (V4.1)
- HNAP-TPA - Healthcare Network Accreditation Program for Third Party Administrators (V4.1)
- MSOAP - Management Service Organization Accreditation Program (V4.1)
- OSAP - Outsourced Services Accreditation Program1 (V4.1)
- PMSAP - Practice Management System Accreditation Program (V4.1)
- TDRAAP-Basic - Trusted Dynamic Registration & Authentication Accreditation Program Basic (V1.2)
- TDRAAP-Comprehensive - Trusted Dynamic Registration & Authentication Accreditation Program Comprehensive (V1.2)
- TNAP-Participant - Trusted Network Accreditation Program (V1.3)
- TNAP-QHIN - Trusted Network Accreditation Program (V1.3)
The criteria for each of the accreditation programs sets the requirements for measuring an healthcare organization's ability to align with federal and state reform mandates such as HIPAA/HITECH and the 21st Century Cures Act.