Supply chain and manufacturing
Learn how technology can optimize your supply chain, logistics and manufacturing processes. Explore how the internet of things, AI and blockchain are bringing new efficiencies and how ERP software can help with supply chain operations and improve product delivery. Here you'll also find overviews on important supply chain management concepts.
Top Stories
13 Mar 2025
10 benefits of RFID in supply chain management and logistics
RFID can help companies in their supply chain operations by assisting with product tracking and potentially improving product availability. Learn some of RFID's other benefits. Continue Reading
By- Paul Maplesden, Freelance Editorial Services
28 Feb 2025
What to include in an RFP for an OMS, with template
A request for proposal can help save software buying teams time because they receive most, if not all, of the data they'll need to make a vendor selection. Learn more. Continue Reading
05 Jun 2018
Can low-code development benefit supply chain management?
The low-code/no-code movement is exploding as it puts app development into the hands of business users. One possibly overlooked area for this technology is the supply chain. Continue Reading
04 Jun 2018
Supply chain risk mitigation strategies on multiple fronts
Experts say you can't tackle supply chain risk with a one-size-fits-all approach. It has to address many facets -- and supplier relationships are the key. Continue Reading
24 May 2018
IoT may throw a lifeline to PLM systems
PLM systems have functioned mostly in engineering, but now IoT-connected devices are allowing PLM to be more useful across the entire product lifecycle. Continue Reading
23 May 2018
Smart manufacturing technology is changing business processes
The future is here: AI enablement and smart manufacturing technologies are transforming business systems today, according to technology futurist Jack Shaw. Continue Reading
By- Jim O'Donnell, Senior News Writer
23 May 2018
Analyst details industrial roles of 3D printing technology
In this Q&A, Gartner analyst Pete Basiliere discusses how advancements in 3D printing may move beyond prototyping to help improve traditional manufacturing processes. Continue Reading
By- Jim O'Donnell, Senior News Writer
14 May 2018
Supply chain risk management tools vary from generic to niche
Specialized supply chain monitoring and risk tools exist, but you're more likely to use an assortment of general-purpose analytics, financial and GRC applications. Continue Reading
09 May 2018
Three companies display 3D printing advances
Take a look at three printers from Nano Dimension, XJet, and HP demonstrated at the Rapid + TCT additive manufacturing conference that are prime examples of advances in 3D printing. Continue Reading
By- Jim O'Donnell, Senior News Writer
30 Apr 2018
Additive manufacturing industry still small but innovative
The Rapid+TCT 3D printing conference shows new developments in machines, materials and digital systems may fuel growth as an industrial manufacturing option. Continue Reading
By- Jim O'Donnell, Senior News Writer
23 Apr 2018
Why do EDI standards dominate for electronic transactions?
The EDI standard format is the only option accepted by Walmart and other retailers. But as technology and data formats have changed over the years, is there a better way? Continue Reading
03 Apr 2018
How will AI in demand forecasting help improve accuracy?
Changing consumer demand and supply chain disruptions are just two factors that might influence demand forecasting results. Here's a look at how AI can help. Continue Reading
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03 Apr 2018
Integrating IoT with EAM systems can provide insights
More EAM systems are using IoT data to offer information on systems and equipment, but it takes state-of-the-art analytics to return results quickly and get meaningful answers. Continue Reading
02 Apr 2018
Which supply chain visibility tools help improve logistics?
At the intersection of IoT, analytics and other technologies lies better supply chain visibility. Here's a look at what's making logistics a little easier. Continue Reading
12 Mar 2018
What should companies know about sustainability software?
Sustainability is composed of social, environmental and economic pillars. That's why technologies focused on this market address different needs. Here's a narrow glimpse. Continue Reading
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06 Mar 2018
Why craft beer makers are tapping into ERP for craft brewery software
As with other process manufacturers, ERP software can help craft breweries maintain quality, while better managing growth and unexpected success. Here's a look. Continue Reading
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02 Mar 2018
Integrating an EAM system with ERP makes sense, but isn't easy
Experts say that integrating EAM and ERP systems helps organizations utilize their physical and financial assets, but they need to address challenges to make the systems work together. Continue Reading
12 Feb 2018
E-commerce packaging waste becoming a bigger issue
With the rise of online shopping, the packaging waste is becoming more of an issue. Here's a look at why and at some of the early work to solve the problem. Continue Reading
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11 Jan 2018
How is inventory management for e-commerce challenging?
The inventory challenges of adding e-commerce to your supply chain are considerable. Here's a look at what they entail and how you might overcome them. Continue Reading
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15 Dec 2017
How are companies solving the last-mile delivery problem?
E-commerce has radically changed how goods are transported, and put a spotlight on the last-mile delivery problem. Learn how retailers are changing their tactics to address the issue. Continue Reading
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05 Dec 2017
What are the advantages and disadvantages of drop shipping?
For both retailers and manufacturers, drop shipping has pros and cons. Here's some considerations to fuel research into the best strategy. Continue Reading
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22 Nov 2017
How does material intensity help measure sustainability?
One important foundation of sustainability is using fewer materials and less energy. Using the material intensity measure can help determine the success of those reduction efforts. Continue Reading
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10 Nov 2017
What are some elements of sustainable product design?
With waste from electronics, plastics and other materials growing at a frightening rate, manufacturers can help address the problem with sustainable product design efforts. Continue Reading
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13 Oct 2017
How is e-commerce packaging waste an issue, and what can be done?
As the world turns to online shopping for convenience, a pressing issue is developing -- packaging waste. Here are some considerations to get the conversation started. Continue Reading
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24 Aug 2017
Can warehouse robots help solve supply chain issues?
The direct-to-consumer model is transforming warehouse management and, in turn, supply chain management. Here's a look at how robotics is helping to solve some of the issues. Continue Reading
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02 Jun 2017
The risks and rewards of a multivendor ERP strategy
As old-school mega ERP implementations increasingly fall out of favor, companies are now picking and choosing software. Here are some of the issues that these choices create. Continue Reading
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25 May 2017
What is the role of demand shaping in supply chain planning?
In the age of omnichannel, an effective demand shaping process is critical. Here's what you need to know about the strategy and collaboration that process requires. Continue Reading
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05 May 2017
Top four supply chain strategies to create the omnichannel experience
The need for omnichannel capabilities is a major force affecting modern supply chain management. Here are four ways to get strategic, so you won't be left behind. Continue Reading
02 May 2017
Seven supply chain risk factors that affect assessment, mitigation
Over the years, managing supply and demand has become increasingly complicated. Here's a look at factors that influence today's supply chain risk assessments. Continue Reading
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10 Apr 2017
Why internal supply chain alignment is critical -- and how to get it
The internal supply chain -- from procurement to sales -- is critical to your company's success. Here's how to make sure your departments are aligned, and not working at cross-purposes. Continue Reading
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27 Feb 2017
Three measures for capturing the value of data-driven decisions
Here's advice on how to track not just the amount of use of the analytics team's data and insights, but the value of the analytics they bring to the entire organization. Continue Reading
30 Jan 2017
How lean production systems cut the fat out of manufacturing, ERP
From its introduction, the lean approach has influenced manufacturing efficiency, and ERP systems have incorporated its concepts to a greater and greater degree. Here's a look at how lean and ERP have grown increasingly intertwined. Continue Reading
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13 Dec 2016
S&OP software can coordinate integrated, data-driven planning process
Sales and operations planning is certainly possible with spreadsheets and paper, but collaboration and benchmarking across departments are much easier with specialized software. Continue Reading
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22 Nov 2016
LogFire is cloud-based WMS software suited for omnichannel warehouses
With LogFire, users get cloud-based WMS software that's scalable, easy to use and integrates with other Oracle supply chain management systems. Continue Reading
By- Mary E. Shacklett, Transworld Data
11 Nov 2016
What are the benefits of RFID in the fashion industry?
Trendy fashions -- with their quick cycles of 'hot' or 'not' -- need auto-ID technology that can keep pace. Here's a look at why RFID fills the bill. Continue Reading
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07 Nov 2016
Why is engineering change control important to manufacturers?
When a product needs changes after being released to production, the process can be disruptive and messy. Engineering change control can help. Continue Reading
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07 Nov 2016
Are both an engineering bill of materials and a manufacturing BOM needed?
Manufacturing a product can be very different than what engineers have envisioned. Here's a look at what that means for different bills of materials. Continue Reading
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31 Oct 2016
SAP's adaptable warehouse management software boosts supply chain ops
SAP's warehouse management software, EWM, integrates with different SAP SCM applications and other ERP systems and provides automation and support for multiple warehouse locations. Continue Reading
By- Mary E. Shacklett, Transworld Data
28 Oct 2016
The six most important criteria when evaluating WMS software
Number of sales channels, deployment, integration and agility are just some of the important variables to consider when evaluating WMS software for your business. Continue Reading
By- Mary E. Shacklett, Transworld Data
14 Oct 2016
Define warehouse workflows and processes with Manhattan SCALE
See how Manhattan SCALE could aid your organization with warehouse operations. Deployed in the cloud or on premises, it's WMS software that works for businesses of all sizes. Continue Reading
By- Mary E. Shacklett, Transworld Data
30 Sep 2016
Five scenarios where WMS technology can help your organization
From distribution center and warehouses globalizing, to omnichannel strategies and manufacturing software integration, WMS technology solves many needs in the warehouse. Continue Reading
By- Mary E. Shacklett, Transworld Data
21 Sep 2016
How manufacturers can use an MRP system to reduce inventory
By focusing on compensating factors such as safety stock and shrinkage, you can counteract the tendency of an MRP system to increase inventory, especially in the beginning. Continue Reading
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14 Sep 2016
JDA's WMS technology integrates with virtually any ERP system
JDA provides WMS technology that helps organizations manage all aspects of their warehouses, including people, products, space and equipment. Continue Reading
By- Mary E. Shacklett, Transworld Data
07 Sep 2016
How material requirements planning can lead to more inventory
It seems counterintuitive, but inventory can actually increase after implementing an MRP system. Here are some reasons why it's so hard to zero out the excess in the supply chain. Continue Reading
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31 Aug 2016
Use WMS software to manage your warehouse and streamline operations
As customers' demands and expectations for quicker delivery times grow, see why WMS software has become an important technology to help organizations become more efficient. Continue Reading
By- Mary E. Shacklett, Transworld Data
08 Jul 2016
S&OP inventory a key metric in sales and operations planning
Inventory is just one output of sales and operations planning, but it's also one of the best S&OP metrics for how well a plan is working and serves as a shock absorber between supply and demand. Continue Reading
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04 May 2016
What supply chain issues most worry discrete manufacturers?
Discrete manufacturers face challenges related to demand forecasting and inventory management, to name just two. Here's a look at why -- and what can be done. Continue Reading
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25 Apr 2016
Manufacturing execution systems now key in digitized world
MES technology links plant systems to business applications. As more devices go digital over the Internet, it's positioned to be the control center for digital manufacturing. Continue Reading
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14 Apr 2016
Eight keys to supply chain sustainability
Figuring out how to create a comprehensive and compelling supply chain sustainability initiative can be overwhelming. Here's guidance on getting it right. Continue Reading
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22 Feb 2016
What are the components of a digital supply chain?
A digital supply chain can help companies gain insight into their business processes and enable greater connectivity with suppliers. Here's a look at why you need one. Continue Reading
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21 Dec 2015
What are the advantages of cycle counting?
If you're looking for that holy grail of 98% inventory accuracy, cycle counting can help. Here's how to move away from taking only periodic inventory counts. Continue Reading
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18 Dec 2015
How can lean manufacturing concepts be used with MRP and ERP?
Sometimes, in technology, as in life, opposites come together in a surprising way. Such is the case for lean's pull technique and ERP's emphasis on push. Continue Reading
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16 Dec 2015
Why aren't more companies using RFID for inventory tracking?
Radio frequency identification tags have a number of benefits over the bar code, but the latter continues to be the go-to for manufacturers. Here's a look at the reasons for that. Continue Reading
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14 Dec 2015
Why is demand-driven MRP becoming more popular?
In today's markets, material requirements planning can fall short. Demand-driven MRP is the innovative approach that marries the best of "push" and "pull" in manufacturing. Continue Reading
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14 Dec 2015
How does eKanban differ from traditional Kanban?
With its basis in physical cues, the traditional Kanban system has been limited by lag time in passing along information. Electronic Kanban is a different story. Continue Reading
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23 Nov 2015
What can PLM technology do for enterprises?
Product lifecycle management can be an opaque topic. Here's help understanding exactly what PLM technology is and how it can help your company innovate. Continue Reading
By- Jim Brown, Tech-Clarity
16 Nov 2015
How do I choose an effective supply chain analytics system?
Supply chain analytics promises rich insight into operations and better decision making. Here are a host of considerations when thinking about what you need. Continue Reading
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19 Oct 2015
Can MRP be successful without 98 percent inventory accuracy?
Effective MRP requires prioritizing inventory accuracy and true troubleshooting over a reliance on safety stock and other compensating factors. Continue Reading
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14 Sep 2015
Manufacturers: Use a warehouse for product customization
Leveraging warehouses for product customization, or late personalization, adds flexibility, shortens delivery lead time and helps better meet customer expectations. Continue Reading
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29 Jun 2015
How can distribution requirements planning help inventory management?
An expert explains how distribution requirements planning can help companies gain better control over their inventory and prevent shortages. Continue Reading
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27 Jan 2015
How can manufacturers improve field service operations?
Equipment providers and distributors are shifting their focus to improving field service. What are some best practices and technologies that can boost customer engagement and increase sales? Continue Reading
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07 Nov 2014
Manufacturing operations management merges ERP and MES
As integrated manufacturing systems evolve, a new term -- manufacturing operations management -- signifies the merger of ERP and MES. Continue Reading
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01 Oct 2014
The buzz: New 4-D printing gets itself together
And you thought 3-D printing was avant-garde? Get a load of this one-upper: The 4-D process prints parts that can assemble or repair themselves. That is, in theory. Continue Reading
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19 Jun 2014
Use balanced scorecards to follow through on business strategy
Balanced scorecards are deceptively powerful tools for defining and tracking key metrics and objectives. Continue Reading
21 Jan 2014
FAQ: Understanding and leveraging 3PL providers
In this FAQ, learn all about third-party logistics (3PL) providers and what they can offer manufacturers. Continue Reading
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17 Sep 2013
Best practices for ERP and WMS integration
In this expert tip, learn how to successfully integrate a warehouse management system with an ERP system. Continue Reading
02 Aug 2013
Batch scheduling and demand-driven manufacturing can coexist, experts say
By understanding the benefits -- and limitations -- of demand-driven manufacturing and batch scheduling, manufacturers can optimize both. Continue Reading
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01 Aug 2013
Companies respond to customer needs with demand-driven manufacturing
Demand-driven manufacturing can help companies react to rapid market changes -- and save money in the process. Continue Reading
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05 Apr 2013
Decoding active and passive RFID tags
Active and passive RFID differs greatly in terms of functionality and cost. Here's what you need to know about the flavors of RFID. Continue Reading
19 Dec 2012
GPS technology steers towards the manufacturing supply chain
Rather than replacing other AIDC technologies, GPS complements bar code and RFID technology and is typically deployed for logistics tracking. Continue Reading
19 Nov 2012
Know the SCOR model to build strong supply chain metrics
By following the SCOR model, manufacturers can put supply chain metrics in place to ensure enterprise-wide success. Continue Reading
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19 Apr 2012
Manufacturing PLM tools beginner’s tutorial
In this guide, learn the basics of PLM tools, including software selection, implementation, and cloud computing options. Continue Reading
02 Nov 2011
Manufacturing requirements planning: The four critical questions answered
Read a key chapter in the recently revised and updated "Orlicky's Material Requirements Planning," considered by some to be a landmark book by one of the pioneers of MRP. Continue Reading
By- Carol Ptak and Chad Smith
17 Nov 2010
Warehouse control system (WCS)
Warehouse control system (WCS) is a software application for orchestrating activity flow within a warehouses and distribution center. Continue Reading
04 Nov 2010
Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC)
Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) is a broad set of technologies used to collect information from an object, image or sound without manual data entry. The actual technologies involved, the information obtained and the purpose of collection vary widely. AIDC systems are used to manage inventory, delivery, assets, security and documents. Continue Reading
09 Mar 2010
Manufacturing ERP case studies and examples
These manufacturing ERP case studies will help you get started with an implementation project. Learn best practices, strategy building methods, common mistakes to avoid and more. Continue Reading
09 Feb 2010
Supply chain management (SCM) and business intelligence (BI): Questions about integration
Integrating SCM and BI can boost the effectiveness supply chain analytics. SCM BI integration can be tricky, so before you get started, find answers to some common SCM and BI questions. Continue Reading
28 Jan 2010
Supply chain management (SCM) modules guide
Supply chain management (SCM) software, which is made up of a variety of modules, is essential to running a smooth supply chain. In this guide, you'll find introductions to SCM system modules, including supply chain planning and execution, supply chain visibility, inventory management, demand planning, value chain, transportation and logistics, network design, event management, proof of delivery, forecasting and asset management. Continue Reading
05 Jan 2010
Getting started with warehouse management system (WMS) training
To be effective, WMS training must cover WMS users' interaction with mobile devices and software, as well as new ways of moving goods safely and efficiently through the warehouse. Continue Reading
By- David Essex, Industry Editor
28 Dec 2009
Top five supply chain technology and integration challenges
Supply chain integration can be a challenging undertaking for manufacturers. Knowing some of the top supply chain technology mistakes and challenges can help make the implementation process run smoother. Continue Reading
28 Dec 2009
Introduction to supply chain management (SCM) EDI
Manufacturers can use supply chain electronic data interchange (EDI) to control processes such as purchase orders, shipment notices and invoices. SCM EDI speeds the transfer of electronic business processes. Continue Reading
17 Dec 2009
Introduction to SCM CRM integration
While supply chain management (SCM) and customer relationship management (CRM) are not commonly thought of together, these software systems make a powerful team. SCM CRM integration can help manufacturers connect with their supply chain customers. Continue Reading
10 Dec 2009
Planning for a warehouse management software (WMS) project
Any warehouse management system (WMS) project brings big changes to your IT and business processes. Here are tips for avoiding pitfalls and creating a WMS plan that meets your unique needs. Continue Reading
10 Dec 2009
SCM and PLM: Questions about integration
Integrating your supply chain management (SCM) software with your product lifecycle management (PLM) software optimizes the capabilities of both systems. Before getting started, read answers to some SCM PLM integration questions. Continue Reading
09 Dec 2009
Introduction to MES integration
Manufacturing execution system (MES) software helps manufacturers to smoothly manage daily processes. MES integration with other systems -- including ERP and SCM -- makes this even easier. Continue Reading
03 Dec 2009
Agile global supply chains a key focus for Procter & Gamble, others
Managing global supply chains is a study in overcoming manufacturing and logistics challenges. Procter & Gamble's strategy was explained at Supply Chain & Logistics North America. Continue Reading
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02 Dec 2009
Inventory management software frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Inventory management software goes beyond simple record-keeping to provide the information and analysis you need to make better decisions. Here are some frequently asked questions. Continue Reading
05 Nov 2009
ERP and GIS integration brings spatial dimension to key business apps
Manufacturers are integrating ERP and geographical information systems (GIS) to view data in a spatial dimension. ERP and GIS integration can map plant locations, analyze the supply chain and track the flow of materials and finished products. Continue Reading
05 Nov 2009
ERP asset management guide
ERP asset management modules handle tracking functions across production, including maintenance schedules, uptime and downtime, compliance and warranty management. Learn the features of asset management software in the ERP asset management guide. Continue Reading
By- Catherine LaCroix, Contributor
08 Oct 2009
Best practices for MES software selection and implementation
Before moving forward with your MES implementation, be sure you've identified your business goals and expectations for your MES software. Check out some best practices for building a business case, selecting software and implementing MES. Continue Reading
By- Lauren Gibbons Paul, Contributor
29 Sep 2009
Tips for manufacturing production planning and scheduling with MES
MES software can aid in production planning by calculating automated sequences. It can also help on the work scheduling end through order processing. Continue Reading
20 Aug 2009
Guide to business intelligence for manufacturing
Business intelligence (BI) software is being adopted by a growing number of manufacturers. In the first installment of this BI guide, find an introduction to BI software for manufacturing. Read how manufacturers are using BI and find software selection tips. Learn the benefits of BI for manufacturing and discover a glossary of manufacturing BI terms . Continue Reading
01 Sep 2008
How to build a business case for RFID
Are you considering RFID for your business needs? In this guide, read an introduction to RFID technology and implementation, learn about SAP RFID software and RFID for ERP and find out how to calculate ROI for RFID. Continue Reading