Fast Guide to acronyms used in manufacturing
The following glossary or acronyms are those most used in internal communications within the manufacturing industry.
ABB: activity-based budgeting
ABM: activity-based management
ABVS: automated best value system
ACV: all commodity volume
ADC: automated data collection
ADE: automated data entry
ADP: automatic data processing
AIAG: Automotive Industry Action Group
AIDC: automatic identification and data capture
AIM: application integration middleware
AIMS: agile infrastructure for manufactured systems
AMT: advanced manufacturing technology
AMT: Association for Manufacturing Technology
AOI: automated optical inspection
APICS: American Production and Inventory Control Society
APO: advanced planner and optimizer
APQP: advanced product quality planning
APS: advanced planning and scheduling
APS: advanced planning systems
APQP: advanced product quality planning
ASQ: American Society for Quality
ASRS: automated storage retrieval systems
ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials
ATR: automated trouble reporting
ATO: assemble to order
ATP: advanced technology program
ATP: available to promise
AXI: automated X-ray inspection
AVL: approved vendor list
BAM: bottleneck allocation methodology
BIC: best in class
BIST: built-in self-test
BMP: best manufacturing practices
BOH: balance on hand
BOM: bill of materials
BPEL: business process execution language
BPMN: Business Process Modeling Notation
BPR: business process reengineering
BTF: build to forecast
BTO: build to order
BTS: build to stock
CAE: computer-aided engineering
CAFE: corporate average fuel economy
CAGR: compound annual growth rate
CAIV: cost as (an) independent variable
CALS: continuous acquisition and lifecycle support
CALS: commerce at light speed
CAM: computer-aided manufacturing
CAM: customer asset management
CAM-I: Consortium for Advanced Manufacturing -- International
CAMU: computerized assembly mock-up
CAPA: corrective and preventive actions
CAPOSS: capacity and operation sequence scheduling
CASA: computer and automated systems association
CASE: computer-aided system engineering
CBSA: component-based solution assembly
CCB: change control board
CCM: color changing material
CCR: central contractor registration
CEMS: Contract Electronic Manufacturing Services
CERCLA: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Litigation Act
CFAR: collaboration forecasting and replenishment
CFD: computational fluid dynamics
CFI: custom factory integration
CFM: continuous flow manufacturing
CG: consumer goods
CGMP: current good manufacturing practices
CIDM: customer-integrated decision-making
CIPE: compressed integrated product engineering
CLASS: capacity loading and operation sequence scheduling
CLM: Council for Logistics Management
CM: contract manufacturer
CMM: capability maturity model
CMRP: capacitated material requirements planning
CNC: computer numerical control
COA: continuous ordering agreement
COB: chip on board
CAFC: container on flatcar
COB: close of business
COTS: commercial off the shelf
CP: cost performance
CPIM: Certified in Production and Inventory Management
CPM: Certified Purchasing Manager
CPPS: cost performance products sector
CQA: Certified Quality Auditor
CQE: Certified Quality Engineer
CRM: customer relationship management
CRP: capacity requirements
CRP: continuous replenishment program
CRT: current reality tree
CSBB: Client Side Browser Based
CSI: customer satisfaction index
CSP: commerce service provider
CTE: Committee on Trade and the Environment
CTG: Council for Trade in Goods
CTO: configure to order
CTP: capability to promise
DAMA: design anywhere manufacture anywhere
DAQ: data acquisition
DBMS: database management system
DC: distribution center
DCS: distributed control system
DDE: dynamic data exchange
DEM: dynamic enterprise modeling
DES: distributed execution system
DFA: design for assembly
DFAA: design for automated assembly
DFB: distributed feedback
DFD: design for disassembly
DFE: design for environment
DFL: demand flow leadership
DFM: demand flow management
DFM: demand flow manufacturing
DFM: design for manufacturability
DFS: distributed factory system
DFSC: design for supply chain
DFT: demand flow technology
DMD: direct metal deposition
DMI: digital migration interface
DNC: direct numerical control
DOC: Department of Commerce
DOD: Department of Defense
DOE: Department Of Energy
DOE: design of experiments
DOL: Department of Labor
DOLAP: desktop online analytical processing
DP: design postponement
DRC: design rule checking
DRP: distribution requirements planning
DSB: dispute settlement body
DSC: digital still camera
DSO: days sales outstanding
DSOM: distributed system object model
DSP: digital signal processor
DSRP: demand solutions requirements planning
DSS: decision support system
DTP: distributed transaction processing
DUT: device under test
EAI: external application interface
EBR: electronic batch record
EBXML: electronic business XML
EC: engineering change
ECM: engineering change management
ECN: electronic change notice
ECO: engineering (or electronic) change order
ECR: efficient consumer response
ECR: engineering change request
ECRC: electronic commerce resource center
EDA: electronic document access
EDA: electronic design automation
EDA: engineering design aids
EDGAR: electronic data gathering, analysis and retrieval
EDI: electronic data interchange
EDIFACT: electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport
EDM: electronic discharge machine
EDM: electronic data management
EDMS: engineering document management systems
EEOC: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
EES: engineering execution systems
EFI: electronic freight invoice
EFT: electronic funds transfer
EIC: earned income credit
EIS: executive information system
EISA: industry standard architecture
ELV: end of life vehicle
EMAS: eco-management and audit scheme
EMI: early manufacturing involvement
EMS: effective management systems
EMS: enhanced messaging service
EMS: environmental management system
EMS: electronic manufacturing services
E&O: excess and obsolete
EOQ: economic order quantity
ERA: electronic remittance advice
ERC: Engineering Research Center
ERP: enterprise resource planning
ERS: evaluated receipt settlement
ESE: environmentally sustainable electronics
ETM: enterprise transportation management
ETO: engineer to order
ETP: enterprise transportation planning
EV: electric vehicle
EVA: economic value added
EVM: earned value management
EZ/EC: Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Community
FA: flexible automation
FAS: final assembly schedule
FASAB: Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board
FBE: framework-based environment
FCA: flip chip assembly
FCP: finite capacity planning
FCS: finite capacity scheduling
FDI: foreign direct investment
FEM: finite elements method
FIFO: first in, first out
FIP: factory information protocol
FIS: factory information system
FLSA: Fair Labor Standards Act
FMEA: failure mode and effective analysis
FMS: flexible manufacturing system
FP: finite planning
FPDS: federal procurement data system
FPI: federal prison industries
FPT: fine pitch technology
FRA: Federal Railroad Administration
FROG: free roaming on grid
FRT: future reality tree
FSAN: full services access network
FTA: Federal Transit Authority
GAAP: generally accepted accounting principles
GAO: General Accounting Office
GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GATS: General Agreement on Trade in Services
GDP: gross domestic product
GEM: generic equipment model
GMP: good manufacturing practices
GMROI: gross margin return on investment
HASA: highly accelerated stress audit
HH: hand held
HMD: head mounted display
HP: high performance
HPC: high performance computing
HPPS: high performance product sector
HPV: high production volume
HR: human resources
HRM: human resource management
HSM: hierarchical storage management
HMI: Human machine interface
IDIS: integrated disbursement and information system
IG: inspector general
IIoT: industrial internet of things
IMCS: inventory management and control system
IMT: international mobile telephone
IMTI: Integrated Manufacturing Technology Initiative
IMS: intelligent manufacturing systems
IPC: Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits
IPPD: integrated product and process development
IPR: intellectual property rights
IPS: in-plane switching
IPT: integrated product team
IRI: Industrial Research Institute
IRM: integrated resource management
ISO: International Standards Organization
ISV: independent software vendor
ITA: information technology agreement
ITAC: International Telework Association and Council
ITS: intelligent transportation system
ITSS: information technology solutions shop
ITU: International Technical Union
JIT: just in time
KBE: knowledge-based engineering
KGD: known good die
KPI: key performance indicator
LC: low cost
LCA: lifecycle assessment
LCC: leadless chip carrier
LCCA: lifecycle cost analysis
LCL: less than container load
LCPC: lifecycle product cost
LMDS: local multi-point distribution system
LNA: local noise amplifier
LSI: large scale integration
LTL: less than truckload
LVS: layout verification systems
MADE: manufacturing automation and design exploration
MC: mass customization
MCS: manufacturing control system
MEMS: micro-electromechanical systems
MEP: manufacturing extension partnership
MES: manufacturing execution system
MESA: Manufacturing Execution System Association
MOU: memorandum of understanding
MPM: manufacturing process management
MPS: master production schedule
MRP: manufacturing resource planning
MRP: material requirements planning
M&S: modeling and simulation
MSDS: material safety data sheet
MTO: make to order
MTS: make to stock
MTTR: mean time to restore
NCMS: National Center for Manufacturing Sciences
NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology
NMTA: National Machining and Tooling Association
NPI: new product introduction
NRLA: National Labor Relations Board
NTR: normal rrade relations
OASIS: Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
OCC: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
ODM: original design manufacturer
ODM: original device manufacturer
ODS: ozone depleting substance
OECD: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OEE: original equipment effectiveness
OEE: overall equipment effectiveness
OEM: original equipment manufacturer
OFPP: Office of Federal Procurement Policy
OLTP: online transaction processing
OMB: Office of Management and Budget
OOP: out of production
OPC: OLE for process control
OPT: optimized production technology
OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OTC: on-time delivery to commit date
OTCR: on-time delivery performance to customer request date
PA: power amplifier
PAC: production activity control
PBT: persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic
PDP: product development process
PI: principal investigator
PID: problem identification document
PIM: product information management
PIP: partner integration process
PLM: product lifecycle management
POM: production/operations management
PPAP: production part approval process
PP&E: property, plant & equipment
PR: process reengineering
PRO-Net: Procurement Marketing and Access Network
PRT: prerequisite tree
PTAC: Procurement Technical Assistance Center
PTO: Patent and Trademark Office
QB: quality breakdown
QFP: quad flat package
QRM: quick response manufacturing
RAP: revenue acquisition process
RCA: root cause analysis
R&D: research and development
RDF: resource description framework
RDT&E: research, development, testing and evaluation
RMA: return material (or merchandise) authorization
ROIC: return on invested capital
RONA: return on net assets
ROP: reorder point
RPM: rapid response manufacturing
RSC: retail service center
RTD: research and technical development
RTM: read the manual
SCC: Supply Chain Council
SCOR: supply chain operations reference
SCR: synchronized customer response
SDWT: self-directed work teams
SEC: Securities and Exchange Commission
SG&A: selling, general and administrative expenses
SIG: special interest group
SIV: signal integrity verification
SKU: stock keeping units
SLICE: simple low-cost innovative engine
SMART: self-monitoring analysis and reporting technology
SME: Society of Manufacturing Engineers
S&OP: sales and operations
SOP: standard operating procedure
SOP: system on a package
SPC: statistical process control
SPM: standard process modules
SPS: standard procurement system
SRM: standard reference material
STARS: standard accounting and reporting system
STEP: standard for the exchange of product model data
SWIFT: simulated work input and flow time
SWOT: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
TACT: total average cycle time
TCM: time critical manufacturing
TCM: transportation control measures
TDC: total delivered cost
TDM: team data manager
TEWE: technology for enterprise-wide engineering
TIG: Technology Implementation Group
TIM: test inspection measurement
TLA: three-letter acronym
T&M: tools and methodology
TOPS: team-oriented problem solving
TPA: technology and product assurance
TPI: total profit improvement
TPM: total productive maintenance
TPOP: time-phased order point
TQC: total quality control
T/R: transmit/receive
TRI: toxic release inventory
TRT: transition tree
TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act
TVA: throughput value added
TW: tin whiskers
TWG: Technology Working Group
UC: unit cost
USITC: United States International Trade Commission
VAD: value-added distribution
VE: value engineering
VFIIP: Virtual Factory Information Interchange Project
VPDM: virtual product data management
VPM: virtual product model
VRML: virtual reality modeling language
WARN: Workers' Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act
WCM: world-class manufacturing
WIMP: woefully inept manufacturing process
WMS: warehouse management system
WTO: World Trade Organization
See also: process manufacturing, digital manufacturing, repetitive manufacturing, virtual manufacturing, hybrid manufacturing, right to repair and Six Sigma.