Ask the Experts
Ask the Experts
Learn the differences between 3PL and 4PL
A 3PL logistics provider fulfills some companies' needs, while others require a 4PL's more extensive services. Learn the difference between 3PL and 4PL. Continue Reading
How to use the Excel LARGE function, with examples
The Excel LARGE function can help users who need to rank numbers in a list. Learn how to use it, some related functions and some errors to avoid when doing so. Continue Reading
What is a commonly overlooked step in an ERP implementation?
Overlooking critical stakeholders in an ERP implementation can negatively affect the project. Learn how including them early can help keep the project on schedule. Continue Reading
What is the role of the consultant in ERP vendor selection?
When your company chooses an ERP vendor, an outside consultant can contribute in a number of ways. Here's what a consultant can help drive and what you should handle yourself. Continue Reading
What key stakeholders are vital to ERP requirements analysis?
The right stakeholders are critical to choosing and buying the right ERP system. Here's a look at some of those key stakeholders and why they're so important. Continue Reading
Data migration vs. data conversion: What are the differences?
Data migration and data conversion are related, but not the same. Discover how each one factors into an ERP or other software implementation and its importance. Continue Reading
What are the main Microsoft Dynamics ERP products?
Learn about Dynamics 365 Business Central and Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain Management, why Microsoft narrowed its ERP portfolio, and why this move is important. Continue Reading
Is a move to cloud ERP inevitable for most companies?
More companies are turning to cloud ERP for modernization, cost and security. Here's a look at whether those factors are enough to make cloud a foregone conclusion. Continue Reading
How can IT improve existing ERP system benefits?
A canceled ERP project due to the COVID-19 pandemic doesn't have to stall productivity. Here's how to get the most from your current system. Continue Reading
How can CFOs pivot to a virtual financial close?
As finance teams have suddenly turned into a remote workforce, CFOs must guide them in a successful close. Here's advice to help. Continue Reading
What are the risks of canceling an ERP project?
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many business and technology leaders are deciding whether to cancel or pause an ERP implementation. Here are some risks to factor into the decision. Continue Reading
What you need to know about fourth-party logistics
Fourth-party logistics build on the benefits third-party logistics offers. Learn more about how this services model can help create more efficient logistics. Continue Reading
Choose the best ERP implementation partner: 7 key questions
Learn which questions CIOs, IT administrators and others involved in an ERP implementation project should ask when they are evaluating and interviewing a partner. Continue Reading
What are the benefits of cloud ERP?
More and more businesses have turned to cloud technologies, even when it comes to their ERP systems. Here's a look at the many benefits cloud ERP systems offer. Continue Reading
What are the top ways to improve warehouse efficiency?
Today's warehouses have different issues than the warehouses of yesteryear, so it's critical to understand the role technology serves. Here's a look. Continue Reading
Can modern technology solve demand forecasting problems?
Predicting demand has never been easy, but in the age of e-commerce and omnichannel, that difficulty has multiplied. Here is some helpful guidance for organizations. Continue Reading
What are the roles of 3PL and 4PL in supply chain management?
Third-party logistics providers have long been part of warehouse and transportation operations, but 4PLs are also in the mix. How can they improve your supply chain together? Continue Reading
How can AI improve production planning in manufacturing?
Now is a good time for manufacturers to start thinking about how they can incorporate artificial intelligence technologies into their production planning systems. Continue Reading
Where is 3D printing in manufacturing most useful?
Most manufacturers are still experimenting with 3D printing, but a growing number of companies have taken it a step further and are incorporating it into production processes. Continue Reading
Which order management system features can improve customer service?
Great order management provides insight that shipping, production, marketing and other functions need to gain a competitive edge and keep customers happy. Here's what to know. Continue Reading
How can distributors create an omnichannel supply chain?
Manufacturers need to be aware of the impact of omnichannel on their operations so they can determine what additional functions they'll need in three specific areas. Continue Reading
What are the biggest inventory optimization factors in ERP?
Replenishment strategies, lot sizes, safety stock, reorder point planning and replenishment lead time are five factors in ERP that can ensure inventory remains at an optimal level. Continue Reading
Why is supplier segmentation key to supplier relationship management?
Your customer relies on your supply chain to work well, so that means you need effective supplier relationship management. Here's information to help you create it. Continue Reading
What's most important in creating a supply chain management strategy?
Begin with the end in mind: great customer service. That's one secret to establishing your supply chain priorities -- one that can help as you decide on its tradeoffs. Continue Reading
What is the difference between logistics and supply chain management?
Logistics is part of supply chain management, but the two terms are often used synonymously. Here's a quick explanation of how these two are different. Continue Reading
What are the benefits of machine learning in supply chain optimization?
Machine learning is being used to improve a wide array of business processes, including supply chain management functions. Here's a look at three areas it's helping the most. Continue Reading
What are some best practices for crafting a supply chain technology strategy?
Supply chain managers have a tough job and face many challenges. Technology can help but must also be approached with return on investment top of mind. Here are three tips that can help. Continue Reading
How do e-commerce returns affect reverse logistics management?
Customers expect to return purchases, which means you need to be proactive in your approach to reverse logistics. Here are some things to think about. Continue Reading
Can low-code development benefit supply chain management?
The low-code/no-code movement is exploding as it puts app development into the hands of business users. One possibly overlooked area for this technology is the supply chain. Continue Reading
Is the lack of IIoT standards holding back industrial progress?
Some companies are blazing forward in their efforts to implement industrial IoT, while the issue of standards causes some to hold back until there is more clarity. Continue Reading
Why do EDI standards dominate for electronic transactions?
The EDI standard format is the only option accepted by Walmart and other retailers. But as technology and data formats have changed over the years, is there a better way? Continue Reading
How will AI in demand forecasting help improve accuracy?
Changing consumer demand and supply chain disruptions are just two factors that might influence demand forecasting results. Here's a look at how AI can help. Continue Reading
Which supply chain visibility tools help improve logistics?
At the intersection of IoT, analytics and other technologies lies better supply chain visibility. Here's a look at what's making logistics a little easier. Continue Reading
What should companies know about sustainability software?
Sustainability is composed of social, environmental and economic pillars. That's why technologies focused on this market address different needs. Here's a narrow glimpse. Continue Reading
Why is the smart factory concept key for manufacturing?
With the growth of connected technologies, the factory of the near-future is expected to work quite differently than the one of today. Here's a look. Continue Reading
How can manufacturers begin an Industry 4.0 roadmap?
Are you driving toward the next industrial revolution? Industry 4.0 will transform the manufacturing landscape, according to experts. Here's how to get ready. Continue Reading
Why is digital twin technology important for manufacturing's future?
The industrial IoT landscape and the concept of Industry 4.0 both rely heavily on digital twins to push them forward. Here's some explanation of why that is. Continue Reading
How is inventory management for e-commerce challenging?
The inventory challenges of adding e-commerce to your supply chain are considerable. Here's a look at what they entail and how you might overcome them. Continue Reading
How are companies solving the last-mile delivery problem?
E-commerce has radically changed how goods are transported, and put a spotlight on the last-mile delivery problem. Learn how retailers are changing their tactics to address the issue. Continue Reading
What are the advantages and disadvantages of drop shipping?
For both retailers and manufacturers, drop shipping has pros and cons. Here's some considerations to fuel research into the best strategy. Continue Reading
How does material intensity help measure sustainability?
One important foundation of sustainability is using fewer materials and less energy. Using the material intensity measure can help determine the success of those reduction efforts. Continue Reading
What are some elements of sustainable product design?
With waste from electronics, plastics and other materials growing at a frightening rate, manufacturers can help address the problem with sustainable product design efforts. Continue Reading
How is e-commerce packaging waste an issue, and what can be done?
As the world turns to online shopping for convenience, a pressing issue is developing -- packaging waste. Here are some considerations to get the conversation started. Continue Reading
Can warehouse robots help solve supply chain issues?
The direct-to-consumer model is transforming warehouse management and, in turn, supply chain management. Here's a look at how robotics is helping to solve some of the issues. Continue Reading
How can production leveling help companies become lean?
Eliminating waste is an important principle in lean production. Here's a look at how heijunka, or production leveling, can help achieve that. Continue Reading
What is the role of demand shaping in supply chain planning?
In the age of omnichannel, an effective demand shaping process is critical. Here's what you need to know about the strategy and collaboration that process requires. Continue Reading
What are the benefits of RFID in the fashion industry?
Trendy fashions -- with their quick cycles of 'hot' or 'not' -- need auto-ID technology that can keep pace. Here's a look at why RFID fills the bill. Continue Reading
Why is engineering change control important to manufacturers?
When a product needs changes after being released to production, the process can be disruptive and messy. Engineering change control can help. Continue Reading
Are both an engineering bill of materials and a manufacturing BOM needed?
Manufacturing a product can be very different than what engineers have envisioned. Here's a look at what that means for different bills of materials. Continue Reading
What supply chain issues most worry discrete manufacturers?
Discrete manufacturers face challenges related to demand forecasting and inventory management, to name just two. Here's a look at why -- and what can be done. Continue Reading
What are the components of a digital supply chain?
A digital supply chain can help companies gain insight into their business processes and enable greater connectivity with suppliers. Here's a look at why you need one. Continue Reading
What are the advantages of cycle counting?
If you're looking for that holy grail of 98% inventory accuracy, cycle counting can help. Here's how to move away from taking only periodic inventory counts. Continue Reading
How can lean manufacturing concepts be used with MRP and ERP?
Sometimes, in technology, as in life, opposites come together in a surprising way. Such is the case for lean's pull technique and ERP's emphasis on push. Continue Reading
Why aren't more companies using RFID for inventory tracking?
Radio frequency identification tags have a number of benefits over the bar code, but the latter continues to be the go-to for manufacturers. Here's a look at the reasons for that. Continue Reading
Why is demand-driven MRP becoming more popular?
In today's markets, material requirements planning can fall short. Demand-driven MRP is the innovative approach that marries the best of "push" and "pull" in manufacturing. Continue Reading
How does eKanban differ from traditional Kanban?
With its basis in physical cues, the traditional Kanban system has been limited by lag time in passing along information. Electronic Kanban is a different story. Continue Reading
How do I choose an effective supply chain analytics system?
Supply chain analytics promises rich insight into operations and better decision making. Here are a host of considerations when thinking about what you need. Continue Reading
Can MRP be successful without 98 percent inventory accuracy?
Effective MRP requires prioritizing inventory accuracy and true troubleshooting over a reliance on safety stock and other compensating factors. Continue Reading
What is your best advice for integrating software applications?
Ian Charles, CFO of Host Analytics, advises to invest time in scoping and consider future needs when integrating software applications. Continue Reading
How can distribution requirements planning help inventory management?
An expert explains how distribution requirements planning can help companies gain better control over their inventory and prevent shortages. Continue Reading
How can manufacturers improve field service operations?
Equipment providers and distributors are shifting their focus to improving field service. What are some best practices and technologies that can boost customer engagement and increase sales? Continue Reading
Top treasury management software features for buyers
Hyoun Park lists critical features finance managers should look for when evaluating treasury management software. Continue Reading
Four steps to consolidate disparate core financial systems
Many large companies have more than one core financial system, which can inhibit data visibility. Learn how and when to consolidate. Continue Reading
Should the CFO sit at the top of the IT reporting structure?
Approximately half of all IT departments roll up to the finance department. Discover how to determine if a hierarchy shakeup is in order. Continue Reading
Identifying and developing an ERP interface
When working with ERP and other manufacturing software systems, it's important to understand the difference between an ERP interface and ERP integration. In this expert response, learn about developing ERP interfaces. Continue Reading