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Learn to apply best practices and optimize your operations.
Intel Win10 UWP Configuration Utility
When I try out a new Intel Win10 UWP Configuration Utility, I learn that it brings lots of useful, informative capability into a single app. Good stuff! Continue Reading
Out Darned Win10 Dollar Files!
When an inspection of my C: drives reveals a bunch of hidden system folders, I figure out how to chase out darned Win10 dollar files! Continue Reading
Win10 Servicing Stack Updates Support CUs
Win10 Servicing Stack Updates Support CUs (Cumulative Updates) by pre-emptively addressing possible issues and problems with a CU's content and changes. That's why an SSU normally accompanies each ... Continue Reading
Ready to build a custom Windows 10 image? Find out!
With a customized Windows 10 image, IT can automate much of the installation process for users and deliver the exact configurations they need. Are you prepared? Continue Reading
Cumulative Update KB4469342 Weaves Tortuous Win10 Track
After four releases, each new one to unsnarl problems from its predecessors, Cumulative Update KB4469342 weaves tortuous Win10 track for the 1809 release. Continue Reading
Intel Windows 10 Modern Drivers
As of November 2018, Intel Windows 10 Modern Drivers and an Intel Control Panel app represent the current and future direction for built-in Intel graphics chipsets.Continue Reading
How Windows desktop storage evolved to meet today's demands
Storage for Windows desktops has changed significantly as end-user demands and technologies have changed. Cloud-based storage is a top option today.Continue Reading
False Bug ID Causes 1809 Re-Release
When Windows Central reports that a false bug ID causes 1809 re-release, it turns out that the real data losses for 1809 looked enough like illusory ones in earlier releases to fool MS engineers.Continue Reading
Command-line Sequence Kills Resistant Windows.old Files
When a specific set of folders defies normal clean-up techniques I learn a command-line sequence kills resistant Windows.old files and folders.Continue Reading
How Windows 10 certificates create a chain of trust
Certificates in Windows 10 create a chain of trust that confirms the identity of the user accessing corporate resources and ensures that she is doing so over a trusted connection.Continue Reading
Create and enforce a password policy across the enterprise
There are new-fangled approaches to enterprise security, such as biometric authentication, but tried-and-true passwords are still critical to protecting an organization's network.Continue Reading
Win10 1809 Is Re-released
After a 40-day hiatus, Win10 1809 is re-released. You can get the latest version through Windows Update, or use the Windows 10 Download page to force the upgrade or build installation media.Continue Reading
1809 Users Missing Critical Fixes
I was surprised to learn that 1809 users missing critical fixes must join the Insider Preview program to receive them. Fortunately, it's an easy fix.Continue Reading
New Win10 Zoom Controls Are Coming
For the 19H1 release, new Win10 zoom controls are coming. They'll make it much easier to resize command windows (PowerShell, cmd.exe and WSL) and the text they contain.Continue Reading
Handy Win10 USB Eject Tool
When Windows 10 won't properly handle or report on ejecting USB devices, this handy Win10 USB Eject tool does the job quite nicely.Continue Reading
5 Windows 10 management tools every IT pro must know
With tools such as PowerShell and the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit, IT can make managing Windows 10 much simpler from deployment through mobile device management.Continue Reading
MS Posts New Win10 1809 Group Policy Reference
When MS posts new Win10 1809 Group Policy Reference in Excel spreadsheet format it provides a rare (and fairly complete) snapshot of state-of-the-art management stuff. Grab your copy soon!Continue Reading
Can WUMgr Replace WUMT?
As I get to know David Xanatos Windows Update Manager tool, I find myself asking: Can WUMgr replace WUMT. At present, I'm leaning toward "Yes!" But only time will tell.Continue Reading
Print Scan Drivers Move to Windows Update
Reducing the overall Win10 image size, print scan drivers move to Windows Update starting with Version 1809. Thus, WU must be available when adding new printers.Continue Reading
RunAsTool Elevates Privileges Per Application
Because the RunAsTool elevates privileges per application, admins don't need to promote accounts to admin level unnecessarily. This reduces overall security risks.Continue Reading
SpiceWorld 2018 Confirms Win10 Migration Intelligence
SpiceWorld 2018 confirms Win10 migration intelligence, as I interact with attendees, and learn about their migration progress, plans, and challenges.Continue Reading
How can IT put Windows 10 containers to use?
Using Docker containers in Windows 10, IT can isolate apps and processes from users' devices, which can help in several ways, including preventing conflicts with other apps.Continue Reading
Check Those Win10 Installer UFDs
To be absolutely, positively sure what you're about to install, here's how to check those Win10 installer UFDs for version info.Continue Reading
Interesting 1809 Disk Layout Changes
After I perform the 1809 upgrade on numerous PCs, I observe interesting 1809 disk layout changes on some machines, because WinRE partition size increases for this release.Continue Reading
Win10 WSUS Gets Smaller Downloads
Thanks to limiting update downloads to 64-bit only for commercial users of WSUS and SCCM, Win10 WSUS gets smaller downloads (as much as 40% smaller).Continue Reading
Get to know the Windows upgrade paths for different OSes
When organizations upgrade to Windows 10, they must understand the Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 8 upgrade paths, potential pitfalls and best practices.Continue Reading
Logoff Disconnected Win10 Users Via Command Line
Saw an interesting question raised on this morning. The thread was entitled “Log off all but current user.” On a PC where multiple users share the same machine, but don’t always log ...Continue Reading
Getting KB4458469 Installed When Windows Update Offer Absent
Getting KB4458469 installed when Windows Update offer absent requires manual update. A quick download from the Microsoft Update Catalog, and all is well.Continue Reading
Preserving Cleanmgr.exe for Future Use
Preserving Cleanmgr.exe for future use in Win10 is easy, as long as you know which files to grab and how to arrange them. Here are those details.Continue Reading
Windows 10 updates options to ease the process
Windows 10 update issues are commonplace in the enterprise, but IT isn't helpless to deal with them. Group Policy and other tools can help IT regain control over updates.Continue Reading
8GadgetPack Remains Viable and Valuable
Despite resting on technology introduced in Vista, and officially deprecated in Windows 7, 8GadgetPack remains viable and valuable today. Check it out!Continue Reading
Bye-Bye Disk Cleanup?
When MS says the program is being deprecated, does that mean bye-bye Disk Cleanup? Storage Sense is upping capabilities in Version 1809, but it's too soon to say if Disk Cleanup will disappear.Continue Reading
Handling Intel Management Engine Exploits . . . or Not!
Handling Intel Management Engine exploits can throw up some interesting and challenging obstacles, as I learn in attempting to deal with Intel advisory Intel-SA-00141. I may have a fix, but I'm ...Continue Reading
A Win10 Post-Upgrade Checklist
With a well-crafted Win10 Post-Upgrade checklist, you can streamline the process of cleaning up and tweaking a new Windows 10 desktop once the upgrade is complete. Here's a good start!Continue Reading
GPT vs MBR Disks
The distinction between GPT vs MBR disks in Windows 10 can be important for boot-up, and also determine the maximum number of partitions and disk sizes allowed.Continue Reading
Finding Another Path to Reliability Monitor
When Start10 throws an unexpected launch error at me, I'm off, finding another path to Reliability Monitor. Turns out that "perfmon /rel" does the trick!Continue Reading
PS Get-HotFix Cmdlet Checks Update Status
For those who want to know if a Windows update or upgrade is present or absent, the PS Get-HotFix Cmdlet checks update status. Here's how to use it.Continue Reading
KB 4093836 Summarizes August 2018 Spectre Microcode Updates
KB 4093836 summarizes August 2018 Spectre Microcode Updates, and points to patches for Windows 10 1803, 1709, 1703, 1607 and the long-term servicing versions.Continue Reading
Windows Defender Blocks PUAs
Windows Defender offers numerous advanced security capabilities. Among them, Windows Defender Blocks PUAs (potentially unwanted applications). Here's how to put it to work!Continue Reading
Win10 Registry Includes AllowExperimentation Key
If it comes as a surprise that Win10 Registry includes AllowExperimentation key that's enabled by default, take cheer from an easy fix to disable it explicitly.Continue Reading
Add Recovery Partition to Win10 Boot Menu
When recovery entry fails on my Lenovo T520, I re-learn how to add recovery partition to Win10 Boot Menu. Easily done thanks to EasyBCD and MTPW.Continue Reading
Manual Download Works When WU Finds Nothing
After TenForums news alerts me to a new firmware update for my Surface Pro 3, a manual download works when WU finds nothing. The real secret is knowing where to look.Continue Reading
7 features for managing Windows 10 updates and upgrades
Managing updates and upgrades in Windows 10 is tough. Fortunately, Microsoft includes seven features in the OS, including SetupDiag, that IT pros can use to simplify both processes.Continue Reading
Establish help desk best practices to improve the system
To run a successful help desk, IT must prioritize help desk tickets and establish expectations for admins and users, as well as reduce the number of time-wasting tickets.Continue Reading
Fixing Win10 Upgrade Stuck on Restart Issues
When it comes to fixing Win10 Upgrade stuck on Restart, there are several techniques that can put things back to rights. I usually start with WUMT then move onto a full-blown WU reset maneuver. One ...Continue Reading
Prepare for Windows 7 end of life before time runs out
The end-of-extended-support date for Windows 7 is a short 18 months from now: Jan. 14, 2020. Make sure you're ready and have considered Windows 10 as well as other options.Continue Reading
Clean Install Fixes Long-Standing Win10 Restart Issue
A clean install fixes long-standing Win10 Restart issue and thereby vindicates conventional wisdom that occasional or periodic clean Windows installs serve as a kind of OS maintenance technique or ...Continue Reading
PS Cmdlet Turns Win10 Networks Private
Because GUI access to the control can sometimes be problematic (or MIA), it's a good thing that PS Cmdlet turns Win10 networks Private. That cmdlet is named Set-NetConnectionProfile.Continue Reading
DISM Export-Image Grabs Selected Image Installer
When I observe that a multi-image ISO file results in an installer for Windows 10 Home, I learn that DISM Export-Image grabs selected image installer for Pro instead. This lets me update my ...Continue Reading
Win10 Migration Survey Reveals 2018 Challenges
Jeremy Moskowitz's recent Win10 migration survey reveals 2018 challenges facing organizations of all kinds, based on 500-plus responses from 30 countries (80% US-based).Continue Reading
Are you prepared to manage PC lifecycles?
IT can face many challenges when it comes to PC management, including faulty hardware and management complications. Find out if you're ready to face them with this quiz.Continue Reading
Productivity Hurdles Emphasize Office PC Setup Benefits
Working on the road for just over a week, I realize that productivity hurdles emphasize office PC setup benefits. With a little thought, ingenuity and money, though, most of these hurdles can be ...Continue Reading
MS Smartens Update Downloads
By downloading updates from smallest to largest in size in that order, and downloading updates in pairs, MS smartens Update downloads. Now, if I could only figure out what determines update ...Continue Reading
How can IT turn off Windows 10 automatic updates?
In some cases, IT pros should disable Windows 10 updates to gain control over the process. They can use methods such as editing group policies and setting a metered connection.Continue Reading
The Occasional Resurgence of Windows.old
When it comes to post-upgrade cleanup in Windows 10, an occasional resurgence of Windows.old seems to pop up from time to time. Here's another one found and fixed!Continue Reading
MS Win7 Cert Exams Expire July 31
When S Win7 Cert Exams expire July 31 they signal that today's reigning Windows version is nearing the end of its lifecycle. With 900-plus million devices still running Win7, lots of change is at hand.Continue Reading
DISM Cleans Up After Windows Update
Because DISM cleans up after Windows Update adds new items to Win10, it's a good idea to use its AnalyzeComponentStore and CleanupComponentStore directives from time to time. Here's how!Continue Reading
Strange Display Behavior Gets Workarounds
Strange display behavior gets workarounds in Windows 10: right-click the taskbar entry, Alt+Space to restore the original window, or force-change then restore screen resolution. Very interesting!Continue Reading
Take the Windows 10 migration tools pop quiz
Microsoft offers a host of tools IT pros can use to make the move to Windows 10 a little easier. See how well you know your options with this quiz.Continue Reading
WUMT Resolves Update Woes Yet Again
When one of my laptops balks at completing the update check for a current cumulative update, WUMT resolves update woes yet again for Windows 10.Continue Reading
Win10 Hyper-V VMs Benefit from More VRAM
Depending on the workload and applications in use Win10 Hyper-V VMs benefit from more VRAM (virtual RAM), easily allocated using the Hyper-V manager.Continue Reading
UWP Win10 Sticky Notes Backup
Making a UWP Win10 Sticky Notes backup translates into finding and copying the file named plum.sqlite to a safe place. Easy-peasy!Continue Reading
Grab New DriverStore Explorer from GitHub
Whether you're a first-time user or are running an older version, please take the time to grab new DriverStore Explorer from GitHub. It's worth using!Continue Reading
AI Drives Win10 Update Access
AI drives Win10 Update access, and uses telemetry and feedback data to target updates PCs likely to have a positive experience. Over time, MS extends updates to more PCs as the likelihood of ...Continue Reading
Sysprep Audit Mode Alternate Key Sequence
When the default Ctrl+Shift+F3 won't do it, try the Sysprep Audit Mode alternate key sequence instead: Ctrl+Fn+Shift+F3. Works for me!Continue Reading
Discover three key exploit protection features in Windows 10
To defend against memory-based attacks, Microsoft introduced three key features to Windows Defender Exploit Guard, including Address Space Layout Randomization.Continue Reading
Ctrl+Winkey+C Toggles Win10 Display to Grayscale Mode
For some people, learning that Ctrl+Winkey+C toggles Win10 display to grayscale mode comes as an unpleasant surprise. Fortunately, it's easy to reverse.Continue Reading
How well do you know your Windows 10 update options?
Microsoft offers three Windows 10 servicing channels, a host of tools for managing updates and different update types. See if you can sort it all out with this Windows 10 update quiz.Continue Reading
How do the Windows 10 servicing channels work?
IT can use the servicing channels for Windows 10 to assign different deployment cadences to different devices and defer updates where necessary.Continue Reading
NirSoft NetBScanner Offers Win10 LAN Insights
After the 1803 upgrade monkey with LAN visibility for some nodes, NirSoft NetBScanner offers Win10 LAN insights to help get things running again. Good stuff!Continue Reading
Set Win10 RS5 Rollback Retention Interval
I don't normally write much about the Insider Preview builds for this blog post. Practicing Enterprise admins have enough on their hands keeping up with current branch versions of the OS. But when ...Continue Reading
Two Win10 Setup.exes Offer Differing Capabilities
If you build conventional Win10 installation media, you'll find two Win10 Setup.exes offer differing capabilities. One is good to upgrades or repair an existing Win10 install, the other for ...Continue Reading
Tread carefully with modern Windows application management
With the Windows winds changing, IT pros must consider whether it's time to transition from SCCM to modern management via the cloud.Continue Reading
Use Windows Analytics to better support Windows 10 desktops
With the help of Windows Analytics, IT can improve its Windows 10 desktop support with tools such as Device Health, which monitors desktop performance and identifies underperforming devices.Continue Reading
Win10 NetBIOS Names Get Weirder
When I say Win10 NetBIOS names get weirder I mean two things: they are indeed case sensitive, and sometimes the actual defined case-correct name string won't resolve properly.Continue Reading
Win10 1803 Gets New Bluetooth Version
Amidst a raft of other changes, enhancements and additons, Win10 1803 gets new Bluetooth version that leaves some users in the lurch, functionality-wise.Continue Reading
Win10 DCOM 10016 Errors Are Mostly Benign
Finally! A Microsoft Support note explicitly confirms what I've long suspected: Win10 DCOM 10016 errors are mostly benign. They occur by deliberate design, in fact.Continue Reading
Bring Back Basic Win10 1803 Networking
The demise of HomeGroup makes it necessary to bring back basic Win10 1803 networking for Workgroup based Windows networks. Here's how!Continue Reading
MS Publishes Big Free Command Line Reference
Last Friday, my partner in crime at Win10.Guru, Kari Finn, sent me a link to a very interesting document. It comes from the Microsoft Download Center and shows up with very little descriptive ...Continue Reading
Win10 1803 Sometimes Creates Phantom Recovery Drive
Thanks to a minor but annoying error, Win10 1803 sometimes creates phantom Recovery Drive during the upgrade process. Here are two easy fixes to make it go away.Continue Reading
Tune Into
If you tune into and use their platform, you'll find a great way to take tools, utilities and applications with you onto any PC. Great stuff!Continue Reading
Conquer the end-user productivity balancing act
Keeping users productive is one of the most critical jobs IT pros have. But there are some hurdles to jump, including understanding the risks with collaboration tools.Continue Reading
Finding Windows Defender Security About Info
It turns out that finding Windows Defender Security About info is a little convoluted, but checking its Settings will point you in the right direction.Continue Reading
Are you prepared for a Windows 10 transition?
When IT executes a transition to Windows 10, it must understand all the potential pitfalls inherent in an OS migration. Quiz yourself to see if you are ready for this challenge.Continue Reading
Fixing Recovery Drive Creation Problems
Fixing recovery drive creation problems in Win10 turns out to involve running the utility twice: once with system files out, again with system files in.Continue Reading
Four Windows 10 built-in security features to know
IT needs an effective plan to maximize security for Windows 10 and get the most out of its built-in features.Continue Reading
Intel Excludes Older CPUs from Spectre Updates
Intel excludes older CPUs from Spectre updates. I summarize the charts to identify newly-added microcode updates, and CPUs for which updates will not be available.Continue Reading
Support for Macs in the enterprise: Three factors to consider
There's no way around it: Many users just love Apple products. IT pros that want to support Macs in the workplace must take into account several considerations.Continue Reading
KB4089848 Poses Widely Reported Win10 Problems
With oodles and scads of users reporting issues, KB4089848 poses widely reported Win10 problems that occur often enough and with severity sufficient to make it advisable to block this update outright.Continue Reading
Script Out Your Win10 Build History Using PowerShell
A nifty pair of carefully crafted commands let you script out your Win10 build history using PowerShell for each PC you run it on.Continue Reading
Reducing Win10 Upgrade Offline Time
MS says a key goal in improving feature upgrades is reducing Win10 upgrade offline time. Personally, I find their current list of upgrade/install steps more informative.Continue Reading
Understanding NTUser.dat in Windows 10
Understanding NTUser.dat in Windows 10 means knowing that those files capture user profile settings and preferences, and are best left alone and untouched for proper OS operation.Continue Reading
How does Microsoft Near Share for browser file sharing work?
Microsoft Edge, Windows 10's default browser, includes a file-sharing tool called Near Share, which is helpful, if not truly groundbreaking.Continue Reading
Check Current Win10 for In-place Upgrade Repair
If you carefully check current Win10 for in-place upgrade repair, you'll be able to choose and download the proper ISO to attempt such repairs every time, without fail.Continue Reading
MS Offers New Spectre Updates
As MS offers new Spectre updates through the Microsoft Update Catalog, I realize that it's going to be a long slog to get those vulnerabilities patches on all my PCs.Continue Reading
MS Foils Coin Mining Compelling Telemetry Case
Through clever and effective use of telemetry data, AI and machine learning, MS foils coin mining in a big way in Russia, Turkey and Ukraine.Continue Reading
How to take advantage of SCCM and Intune co-management
IT can combine Microsoft Intune and System Center Configuration Manager to manage users' mobile devices, as well as any legacy systems in its network.Continue Reading
MS Offers Spectre Meltdown Updates Via Catalog
Is is because OEM are taking too long to pony up that MS offers Spectre Meltdown updates via catalog downloads? I don't know, but I'm glad somebody's doing something!Continue Reading
Firmware Update Proceeds at Glacial Pace
Given that the Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities created such a furor, one can only observe that the attendant firmware update Proceeds at glacial pace.Continue Reading
Win7 Still Activates Win10 2/27/18
After skipping key entry on a clean Windows 10 install, I learn that Win7 Still Validates Win10 for activation. Woo hoo: my sister's HP Pavilion Dv6 is back in action.Continue Reading