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Generative AI vs. predictive AI: Understanding the differences

Generative AI and predictive AI vary in how they handle use cases and unstructured and structured data, respectively. Explore the benefits and limitations of each.


Microsoft, Google make moves amid regulators' AI scrutiny

Microsoft is withdrawing stepping down from the OpenAI board. Google has reportedly disbanded its machine learning privacy team. Both vendors face investigations.


10 popular libraries to use for machine learning projects

Machine learning libraries expedite the development process by providing optimized algorithms, prebuilt models and other support. Learn about 10 widely used ML libraries.


Is your business ready for the EU AI Act?

The EU AI Act provides businesses with a rubric for AI compliance. Businesses must understand the landmark act to align their practices with upcoming AI regulations.

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Enterprise Artificial Intelligence Basics

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    Generative AI vs. predictive AI: Understanding the differences

    Generative AI and predictive AI vary in how they handle use cases and unstructured and structured data, respectively. Explore the benefits and limitations of each.

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    gradient descent

    Gradient descent is an optimization algorithm that refines a machine learning (ML) model's parameters to create a more accurate model.

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    Learn how to create a machine learning pipeline

    Well-considered machine learning pipelines provide a structured approach to AI development in modern IT environments, ensuring uniformity, speed and business alignment.

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