Steps to building a pandemic business continuity plan
Your business continuity plan may address some concerns that come along with a pandemic, but COVID-19 has emphasized the importance of having remote work as part of it. Continue Reading
Small business pandemic plan should cover supply chain, staff
COVID-19 has many organizations shifting gears when it comes to pandemic planning, and SMBs are no exception. For small companies, adaptability is the key to recovery. Continue Reading
Use disaster recovery standards to guide pandemic planning
International quality management and compliance standards can help an organization kick off a disaster recovery plan for unprecedented scenarios, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Continue Reading
Remote data protection and DR in the work-from-home boom
Building a data protection strategy around remote working requires companies to enable employee access to data while ensuring that it is protected from threats such as shadow IT. Continue Reading
Strategies for kicking off your pandemic recovery plan
Before resuming business activities after a pandemic, establish a timeline and plan for recovery. Reviewing a business impact analysis and creating a recovery framework can help. Continue Reading
8 DRaaS risks to identify and remediate
Before signing with a specific DRaaS provider, get information on how the vendor handles data protection and recovery and restoration, among other things. Continue Reading
Iland vs. Recovery Point: Compare these DRaaS providers
Iland and Recovery Point Systems are two leading providers of managed DRaaS. Learn how each vendor's services compare and how they differentiate themselves. Continue Reading
Remote business continuity techniques to implement now
Managing business continuity and disaster recovery without employees on site can be a challenge for an organization that doesn't typically function remotely. Continue Reading
Prepare for serious health threats with a pandemic recovery plan
COVID-19 has become a serious global threat and is rapidly becoming an issue for business continuity. Pandemic planning can help mitigate disruptive effects of disastrous events. Continue Reading
5 tips for building a crisis communication plan
A crisis communication plan is a set of steps and procedures that outlines how a company should communicate with its employees, stakeholders and the public during an emergency. Continue Reading
12 key elements of a crisis management plan
Starting or revising your crisis management planning? Include these elements in a plan to make sure you don't leave anything out and your organization can run effectively. Continue Reading
Roles and responsibilities of a crisis management team
The formation of a crisis management team that includes members with diverse skills can help organizations respond quickly and decisively to a crisis. Continue Reading
Don't cut corners with disaster recovery and backup
A well-thought-out BCDR plan is just half of the resilience equation. A solid data protection strategy relies on thorough backup and disaster recovery planning. Continue Reading
What to look for in DR orchestration
Disaster recovery orchestration is a must-have in the modern data center. However, that doesn't mean choosing the right tools for your organization is an easy process. Continue Reading
The future of DR orchestration goes beyond recovery
What's next for disaster recovery orchestration? As tools grow and change, orchestration may soon go beyond disaster recovery, as well as aid in planning. Continue Reading
Tips for updating your corporate pandemic response plan
To ensure your workplace pandemic response plan is up-to-date and sufficient, check it against other business continuity procedures, and consult important sources for further guidance. Continue Reading
Disaster recovery regulations complicate data compliance
Many organizations struggle when it comes to compliance with recent data regulations. Modern disaster recovery adds an extra layer of difficulty for meeting these requirements. Continue Reading
Updating your old business continuance plan for the new year
Has your business continuity plan kept up with data center changes of the past year? If not, it may be time to revisit your plan's capabilities and existing recovery objectives. Continue Reading
How to build and train organizational resilience teams
Well-trained resilience and emergency response teams are a key element of maintaining business continuity and recovering your organization when disaster strikes. Continue Reading
Tips for outsourcing business resilience services
Outsourcing IT resilience is more feasible than ever, thanks to a rise in cloud-based options. If you plan on outsourcing resilience to a third party, be sure to do your homework. Continue Reading
Where cloud-based disaster recovery is headed in 2020
To understand how the cloud will be used for disaster recovery in 2020, it will help to look at its recent trajectory. While growth is inevitable, there are bumps along the way. Continue Reading
Post-disaster recovery, don't overlook user connectivity
After you've successfully recovered your environment, the job isn't quite over. Ensuring user connectivity following a recovery is the final vital step of a complete DR plan. Continue Reading
Tips for obtaining BC/DR plan and resilience funding
Creating a comprehensive business continuity and disaster recovery plan is no joke, and funding those services can add another hurdle to your company's IT resilience strategy. Continue Reading
Organizational vs. operational resilience: What's the difference?
Achieving both operational and organizational resilience is key to ensuring that a company can protect and adapt its processes and bounce back in the event of a disaster. Continue Reading
Disaster recovery and backup: To converge or not to converge?
While it makes sense to some degree to have overlap between backup and disaster recovery systems, there may be even more sense behind keeping them discrete. Continue Reading
Cybersecurity and business continuity integration boosts resilience
Are you doing all you can to make your organization resilient? You might be hampering your company's efforts by keeping business continuity and cybersecurity planning separate. Continue Reading
Using multiple cloud providers can benefit your DR plan
Incorporating a cloud-to-cloud strategy using multiple providers may not simplify your DR plan, but it can offer peace of mind in the event of a disaster. Continue Reading
Fortify your business resilience with consequence management
Is there something lacking in your incident response strategy? Consequence management could be the missing piece in your organization's IT resilience plan. Continue Reading
Underscore preparation in your natural disaster recovery plan
When it comes to recovering after a natural disaster, you'll need more than just basic business continuity and recovery planning. Being informed about severe weather events is key. Continue Reading
3 types of DRaaS: Which approach is best?
Your disaster recovery-as-a-service strategy needs to consider not only business needs but your IT staff's capabilities. Options range from full-on help to do-it-yourself DRaaS. Continue Reading
A good business disaster recovery plan considers IT, staffing
Not sure if your disaster recovery plan takes business needs into account? A good plan should cover business operations, as well as technology and staffing requirements. Continue Reading
Successful disaster recovery approaches set priorities
By taking a tiered approach, similar to cybersecurity, disaster recovery planners can structure their recovery to cut downtime and protect high-priority data. Continue Reading
How to plan for the worst possible disaster recovery scenarios
Your worst-case DR scenario today might be vastly different than it was just a few years ago. What's the worst that could happen to your data center in the event of a disaster? Continue Reading
How to evaluate DRaaS providers
DR-as-a-service providers need to be vetted properly to ensure that the services you have purchased are deliverable and meet expectations during a disaster. Continue Reading
Conduct a business impact analysis with these tips and tools
A business impact analysis is a fairly standard part of disaster recovery planning, but nuances within your organization may affect your approach to conducting and using a BIA. Continue Reading
Secure disaster recovery will be a priority in 2019
Along with weather events and IT outages, data security has become a major concern in DR. With cyberattacks on the rise, strategists are placing higher importance on resilience. Continue Reading
What to do if an internal notification system fails
Having an emergency notification system in place can help maintain contact with staff during a crisis, but make sure that your company has a plan in place in case it malfunctions. Continue Reading
How to determine your disaster recovery objectives
Ideal recovery objectives are different for every business. Luckily, there are four basic steps you can follow to ensure you set the right RTO and RPO. Continue Reading
DRaaS benefits that make ditching traditional DR worth it
The benefits of disaster recovery as a service include lower cost, enhanced reliability and streamlined administration. It's no wonder that more organizations are being drawn to it. Continue Reading
How to ensure a secure disaster recovery operation
As if recovering from a disaster isn't pressing enough, organizations also need to be mindful of potential security breaches when they are most vulnerable. Continue Reading
4 key qualities in a disaster recovery team consultant
An experienced and reliable disaster recovery consultant can offer significant benefits to a DR team. When choosing a DR consultant, it helps to be picky. Continue Reading
Focus more on disaster recovery strategy in 2019
Evolving disaster recovery technologies have eased some of the common DR burdens over the past year, but strategic areas such as funding and security could use some more attention. Continue Reading
Disaster recovery trends and technologies to watch
Major disaster recovery developments have changed the market yet again, and it's time to get ready for a new year in DR technology, before you end up lagging behind. Continue Reading
Disaster recovery planning tools: Predictive analytics for DR
Today, predictive analytics and AI are fully realized disaster recovery tools. In the unpredictable world of DR, predictive analytics is a particularly powerful technology. Continue Reading
3 common disaster recovery challenges from 2018
The past year was a big one for disaster recovery teams, for better or for worse. Major challenges included the prevalence of ransomware, GDPR compliance and the cloud. Continue Reading
DR failover may benefit from API use
Automating failovers for disaster recovery is a complex process, and APIs can help. However, implementing these changes effectively takes time and effort, so plan accordingly. Continue Reading
10 steps for optimal IT disaster recovery plan design
Have you ensured your disaster recovery planning is comprehensive and able to be understood by everyone involved? Our guidelines will help set you on the right path. Continue Reading
Disaster recovery vs. backup: Plan for and prioritize VM workloads
Before admins design a recovery plan, they must plan out which VM workloads need a disaster recovery environment and which need backups. Weigh these factors before making the call. Continue Reading
5 crucial multi-cloud disaster recovery principles
A multi-cloud DR plan looks different for every organization, based on its needs. However, there are five universal precepts that can be applied to most multi-cloud strategies. Continue Reading
Malware response plan recovers data in 6 steps
Responding to and recovering from malware is a complex process that requires significant preparation. With a response plan in place, you can be ready to prevent a malware disaster. Continue Reading
GDPR and disaster recovery: How to ensure you're covered
After all of the preparations and changes your organization has gone through to prepare for GDPR, make sure disaster recovery doesn't get swept under the rug. Continue Reading
Highlight these 4 areas in your malware incident response plan
The malware threat is on the rise, and recovery is no simple process. When planning a malware response, it's vital to get down specifics and eliminate unknown factors. Continue Reading
4 areas where compliance with GDPR and disaster recovery intersect
Your disaster recovery plans may have to change following the need for compliance with GDPR. These four elements involve backups, personal data, security and archiving. Continue Reading
With a data recovery plan, take advantage of all resources
Data security and data recovery have a lot in common, and both can cause a lot of strife if not handled properly. Are you using every disaster recovery resource available to you? Continue Reading
Five tips for disaster recovery insurance and funding
Having a complete disaster recovery plan is essential. So is having DR insurance and the money available to fund the recovery. These steps will help you succeed with the latter. Continue Reading
Five data recovery planning steps to protect vital assets
Accurately restoring lost data after disaster strikes requires planning, patience and logic. If your goal is a smooth recovery process, here's what you'll need to know beforehand. Continue Reading
Use an IT outage communication plan to recover from a host crash
Efficiently recover from a host crash by maintaining transparency for your stakeholders and evaluating the resources available for a full root cause analysis. Continue Reading
3 signs you may need a business continuity service provider
Using a BC/DR service provider may give your recovery plan a much-needed boost. As new technologies and standards arise, a partner can address changing needs. Continue Reading
Best practices for social media and business resilience
Solid business continuity and resilience depend on a thorough examination and update of company social media policies. Otherwise, you may have a disaster on your hands. Continue Reading
Consider multi-cloud disaster recovery for added protection
Using multiple clouds in your disaster recovery strategy may be more difficult to implement, but it will also give your cloud plan an added level of reliability. Continue Reading
What to do when a BC/DR plan goes awry
Insufficient testing or not knowing what to expect could result in a failed business continuity plan. Luckily, there are steps you can take if your BC/DR planning goes belly up. Continue Reading
Don't let your BC/DR plan get lost in the shuffle
How can you maintain consistency in your BC/DR strategy in a world of constantly evolving technology? If it's a reactive part of IT, you're already behind. Continue Reading
Lessons in business continuity and disaster recovery planning
When crafting a business continuity and disaster recovery plan, you have to anticipate the unexpected. Here is what we can learn about BC/DR from two high-profile disasters. Continue Reading
Converged backup and recovery strategies offer efficiency, reliability
Are you confident in your backup and recovery strategy? Make sure you have locked down the speed, testing and security of both processes to recover data appropriately. Continue Reading
Cloud data recovery challenges and how to overcome them
For an organization with a short recovery time objective, what makes a good cloud DR strategy? Availability, along with strong security, is a must-have. Continue Reading
A ransomware recovery plan for SMBs in five steps
SMBs are especially at risk of cyberattacks. Follow these steps, and even with a limited budget and staff, you could successfully recover from ransomware. Continue Reading
Create your best GRC program with business continuity and DR
Any governance, risk management and compliance program should work with an organization's business continuity process. There are challenges to consider, though. Continue Reading
Using virtualized disaster recovery to fight ransomware
When it comes to fighting and protecting against ransomware, there are some major features of virtual disaster recovery that top physical environments. Continue Reading
Don't overlook these business resilience plan essentials
Business resilience planning requires preventive and proactive protections across power supply, systems, cybersecurity and backup procedures. Staff planning is important as well. Continue Reading
Protection against ransomware takes flight with canary files
As ransomware attackers get smarter, it's important for data protection systems to step up their game. Canary files and infection detection are a good start. Continue Reading
Risk assessment analysis and BIA data in BC plans
Examine how BIA and RA data are used to formulate business continuity strategies. It's common to bypass these steps, but the data can result in more precise and focused BC plans. Continue Reading
Use business continuity to boost your corporate governance process
Business continuity planning can round out a corporate governance plan by identifying potential areas of failure and how to survive them. Continue Reading
Speed Hyper-V replication process by seeding replica VM
Hyper-V replication lets IT create secondary, offline virtual machines that can be used to recover operations following an outage of the primary VM. Continue Reading
Six steps to build an effective enterprise risk management program
Follow these six steps to develop an enterprise risk management program that maps risks and establishes countermeasures. Continue Reading
Look closer at the granularity, flexibility of hypervisor replication
Increasingly, storage services are moving to the hypervisor. One of the storage services that stands to gain the most is hypervisor replication. Continue Reading
Building an incident response plan
Learn how incident response plans offer a starting point for responding to a situation and then deciding how to proceed in this tip from Paul Kirvan. Continue Reading
The importance of cloud recovery testing
Brien Posey explains why it is extremely important to perform cloud recovery testing that simulates a real recovery following a catastrophe. Continue Reading
Removing a bad patch using Microsoft Windows Server Update Service
This tip offers information about how to remove a bad software patch using Microsoft Microsoft Windows Server Update Service. Continue Reading
Getting started with outsourcing disaster recovery sites
Disaster recovery outsourcing can save you money, but follow these tips before you sign on the dotted line. Continue Reading
Free disaster recovery planning templates
Download our free templates today to help create the best disaster recovery plan for your business. Continue Reading
Disaster recovery planning for your help desk: A help desk template
The help desk is a vital part of IT operations, but it's often not included in disaster recovery plans. Download our help desk template for DR planning. Continue Reading
Top 10 IT disaster recovery tips of 2010
To help alleviate the problems that often arise with disaster recovery (DR) planning and testing, we've compiled our top 10 DR tips from 2010. Learn about cloud disaster recovery, DR maturity levels and more. Continue Reading
Off-site disaster recovery: DR solutions for remote offices
Learn how to find the right off-site disaster recovery solution for your remote or branch office. Continue Reading
Selecting a managed business continuity service provider
In this tip, determine whether or not you need a managed BC service provider for BC/DR planning purposes and the steps to take to get the best results. Continue Reading
Due diligence on a disaster recovery plan enables business continuity
Creating an effective disaster recovery plan is essential to business continuity, regardless of ambiguity around IT controls for data protection. Continue Reading
The pros and cons of IT disaster recovery outsourcing
Outsourcing DR is becoming a popular option for many companies because of its lower cost. Learn about the pros and cons of outsourcing DR in this tip. Continue Reading
Change management in disaster recovery and business continuity planning
Change management is an important process for business continuity and disaster recovery planning for several reasons. Learn about change management best practices and its role in BC/DR planning. Continue Reading
Data replication tools for disaster recovery
For companies whose recovery time objective (RTO) and recovery point objective (RPO) for business-critical applications is a few minutes, data replication tools represent an efficient strategy for disaster recovery (DR). Continue Reading
Risk management for disaster recovery planning
Disaster recovery (DR) planning is typically driven by risk management. This tip focuses on mitigating some of the risks associated with data and storage. Continue Reading
Including employees in your disaster recovery plan
To really ensure business continuity, organizations need to protect and support employees while continuing to manage the business. This tip examines key issues that are affecting employees in business continuity and disaster recovery situations. Continue Reading
Top disaster recovery tips for protecting your VoIP systems
Voice over IP (VoIP) technology is the principal technology for supporting converged or unified communications. This tip discusses how converging voice and data in an all-IP environment gives businesses cost-effective and flexible solutions that ... Continue Reading