Learn to apply best practices and optimize your operations.
Learn to apply best practices and optimize your operations.
6 ways to use AI in IT disaster recovery
AI is everywhere these days, and disaster recovery is no different. IT teams can use AI to mitigate, prevent and recover from disruptions faster than traditional methods. Continue Reading
How to manage and mitigate reputational risk
Believe it or not, there are actually several reasons for a business to care about its reputation. Continue Reading
How to assess and manage geopolitical risk
Geopolitical risks are often linked to international political, social and economic activities. Set policies for global business to better identify risks before they happen. Continue Reading
Types of climate risk and how DR teams can prepare for them
Understanding different types of climate risks and how to plan for them can help organizations better prepare for disasters and improve their impact on the environment. Continue Reading
What is a business continuity plan audit and how do you create one?
A business continuity plan audit is a formalized method for evaluating how business continuity processes are being managed. Continue Reading
Free network disaster recovery plan template and guide
Proper network disaster recovery planning can mean the difference between a brief disruption and extensive downtime. Download our free template to get started building a plan.Continue Reading
6 disaster recovery site requirements for businesses
Building a disaster recovery site provides organizations with a high degree of control over the facility. It also makes them responsible for several critical requirements.Continue Reading
Prepare your small business for ransomware attacks
Ransomware is a threat to all organizations, but small businesses are particularly at risk. Mitigation efforts and recovery planning are key to keep smaller companies in business.Continue Reading
Example disaster recovery plan for small businesses
Small businesses make significant investments in IT infrastructure. They must protect those investments from unplanned and potentially destructive events with a DR plan.Continue Reading
8 reasons businesses have no DR plan (and why they're wrong)
In today's interconnected world, disaster recovery planning is not a luxury but a necessity for safeguarding the future of any business. Don't make the mistake of being unprepared.Continue Reading
13 reasons your disaster recovery plan failed
Preventing failure is an important goal for DR teams, but disasters do not conform to how plans are designed. Familiarity with the causes of failure can help bolster a DR plan.Continue Reading
6 benefits that make a disaster recovery plan worth it
Disaster recovery plans help reduce recovery time, ultimately saving time and money. Time spent testing and planning upfront pays dividends when a disaster strikes.Continue Reading
Avoid the high costs of downtime for small businesses
Small businesses often lack technical support and resources, but they face many of the same risks as larger companies. Strong BCDR efforts can mitigate the risks of downtime.Continue Reading
Disaster recovery in healthcare: Free plan template and overview
Healthcare organizations handle critical, sensitive data in their IT infrastructures. They must protect those infrastructures from disruptive events with a disaster recovery plan.Continue Reading
disaster recovery (DR) test
A disaster recovery test is the examination of each step in a disaster recovery plan to ensure that an organization can recover data, restore business critical applications and continue operations after an interruption of services.Continue Reading
When is multi-cloud disaster recovery the right choice?
A multi-cloud disaster recovery strategy has numerous benefits, including enhanced resilience. It also brings in several technical and organizational hurdles for IT teams.Continue Reading
4 disaster recovery plan best practices for any business
Disaster recovery plans are unique, built around an organization's size, type and industry. However, there are some key best practices that all businesses can implement.Continue Reading
What is the link between sustainability and business continuity?
At first glance, business continuity planning and sustainability efforts might seem separate. But at their core, both aim to create a resilient organization.Continue Reading
The emerging role of the chief resilience officer in BCDR
Business continuity, disaster recovery and resilience are often managed by a variety of different personnel. Appointing a chief resilience officer can bring BCDR to the forefront.Continue Reading
High availability and resiliency: A DR strategy needs both
An organization's resiliency during and after a crisis depends on many factors. High availability is one aspect of overall resiliency that DR teams can't afford to overlook.Continue Reading
Build and maintain digital resilience for a stronger DR program
A digital resilience program builds on existing preventive and restorative activities by identifying the ways an organization's infrastructure can become more resilient.Continue Reading
Top 5 IT disaster scenarios DR teams must test
While most organizations are prepared to face small-scale interruptions, they cannot overlook a larger, more complex crisis just because it seems less likely to occur.Continue Reading
Real-life business continuity failures: 4 examples to study
Business continuity failures are costly and can significantly harm a company's reputation. These four high-profile examples demonstrate what can go wrong when a plan fails.Continue Reading
Business continuity maturity model: An at-a-glance guide
Business continuity maturity models are effective tools to improve disaster recovery processes and define an organization's desired level of BC preparedness.Continue Reading
What are 5 good reasons to do yearly disaster recovery testing?
Do you think yearly disaster recovery testing is overkill? You're not alone, but you are missing out on some key ways DR testing can help backup and recovery efforts.Continue Reading
6 ways to support business resilience at your organization
Without enough support, resilience initiatives are unlikely to succeed. Here are six ways individuals and departments can support business resilience.Continue Reading
How often should you review a business continuity plan?
Business continuity plans are not a one-and-done deal. Before a disaster strikes, ensure your organization's BC plan is up to date with regular reviews.Continue Reading
10 game-changing disaster recovery trends
Recent trends in AI, ransomware and data regulations have a major impact on disaster recovery teams. Don't let the rapidly changing IT landscape hurt your DR initiatives.Continue Reading
10 disaster recovery questions to ask in 2023 and beyond
There are many factors to getting a disaster recovery plan to run smoothly. Here are 10 questions disaster recovery teams should ask themselves, their vendors and their leadership.Continue Reading
12 business continuity trends to keep an eye on
As technology rapidly evolves, IT pros are bound to see countless trends come and go. In business continuity, there are some significant trends shaping up to change the field.Continue Reading
Network documentation best practices for DR teams
In the event of a disaster, IT teams often think of servers and storage, but forget about networks. Find out what you should document as part of your network DR plan.Continue Reading
How to maintain network continuity in a DR strategy
Disaster doesn't just come in the form of fire, flood and ransomware. Loss of network continuity is a real issue and must be appropriately addressed in disaster recovery planning.Continue Reading
Fine-tune a social media emergency plan with ISO 22329:2021
Social media and its effective management are major interests for emergency management professionals. Find out how ISO's recent standard can help guide a social media strategy.Continue Reading
Developing an emergency communications plan: A template for business continuity professionals
Communicating details in a crisis is a vital part of BC and resilience planning. Follow the steps below and the associated template to prepare an emergency communication plan.Continue Reading
Why BCDR teams should consider EMP disaster recovery plans
An EMP event could be a major game changer depending on where it happens and who is affected. EMP disaster recovery might not seem urgent, but it never hurts to be prepared.Continue Reading
Where do business continuity plans fit in a ransomware attack?
Recovery isn't the only priority when ransomware hits. Careful planning, training and coordination among IT teams are critical to maintain business continuity during an attack.Continue Reading
Where does security fit into a business continuity plan?
Cybersecurity breaches are a prominent threat to business continuity today. Make sure your security and BCDR teams are in sync to recover data in a crisis.Continue Reading
Use ISO 22320:2018 to prepare an incident management plan
Incident management is critical to ensure that businesses can deal with unplanned disruptive events. Find out how the ISO:22320:2018 standard can help.Continue Reading
Use ISO/TS 22317:2021 to shape your business impact analysis
ISO/TS 22317:2021 is a useful tool for BCDR practitioners and other personnel tasked with executing a BIA, which can often be a highly complex activity.Continue Reading
Free disaster recovery budget template to justify BCDR spending
Budgeting for disaster recovery does not need to be difficult. With detailed guidance from our free budget template, IT professionals can easily initiate and manage the process.Continue Reading
Use recovery level objective to fine-tune BCDR response
Recovery level objective is not a widely used metric, but it has value to business continuity and disaster recovery teams. Learn how it fits in the BCDR timeline here.Continue Reading
Get the most out of Azure Site Recovery DRaaS
For Azure users, the Site Recovery DRaaS tool provides reliable and accessible disaster recovery. Testing and good management are critical to get the most out of the service.Continue Reading
Tighten up work recovery time for successful disaster recovery
The best strategy for reducing work recovery time windows is done before the need arises. Proactive disaster recovery planning is key to being as prepared as possible.Continue Reading
ITGC audit checklist: 6 controls you need to address
Assess the risks to your IT operations and company infrastructure with an IT general controls audit. Download our checklist to help you remember what to include in the audit.Continue Reading
A free business continuity plan template and guide
A business continuity plan is critical for an organization when an unplanned event occurs. Follow this template and BC planning guidelines to get on the right path to resilience.Continue Reading
Zerto tips and tricks for ransomware recovery
Ransomware recovery is a major concern for disaster recovery teams. For businesses using Zerto, there are a variety of ransomware protection and recovery features that can help.Continue Reading
How to calculate maximum allowable downtime
Determining maximum allowable downtime is more than a simple equation. Find out why it's important, how it varies and the elements that make the maximum allowable downtime metric.Continue Reading
How to manage disaster recovery in SQL Server
SQL Server offers a platform for hosting relational databases. Enacting a disaster recovery plan that won't disrupt mission-critical SQL Server workloads is essential.Continue Reading
Critical event management software simplifies disaster recovery
Critical event management software can help reduce the chaos of disaster response, without overloading disaster recovery teams with data or complicating communications.Continue Reading
Where do PSIM systems fit into disaster recovery?
Organizations that use multiple security platforms can look to PSIM systems to be better prepared for an incident. Read on for more about how they work.Continue Reading
Prepare and conduct a ransomware tabletop exercise
Tabletop exercises help organizations practice response and recovery, but one size doesn't fit all. For ransomware attacks, use this template to create a targeted exercise.Continue Reading
IT risk assessment template (with free download)
Risk assessments are a critical part of a disaster recovery plan. Find out how to prepare a risk assessment and then download the included free template to create one.Continue Reading
Decode different types of business interruption insurance
Business interruption insurance can be difficult to navigate because not all policies are the same. Here's what to examine when exploring insurance options.Continue Reading
Top mass notification system vendors and how to choose one
Mass notification systems are crucial to a business continuity and disaster recovery strategy. To choose the right system, cross-check its capabilities with your requirements.Continue Reading
Use ISO 22332 to improve business continuity plans
Standards offer guidance on business continuity and disaster recovery plans. ISO 22332 is no exception, providing great detail on how to prepare and execute a BC plan.Continue Reading
Maximize the benefits of virtual disaster recovery
Compared to physical setups, virtualization can accelerate and streamline DR processes. Automation, however, is essential to achieve those benefits.Continue Reading
Fortify emergency communications systems with a business plan
Emergency communications is one of the first actions organizations should undertake during an incident. An automated system is critical but cannot stand alone without a plan.Continue Reading
Make a power outage business continuity plan with these tips
Power outages can lead to business disruption and hit at any moment. Infrastructure testing and emergency protocols can help with business continuity when the lights go down.Continue Reading
Prepare for planned and unplanned downtime
There are two types of IT downtime: planned and unplanned. Neither are desirable, but one is necessary and the other could strike at any moment. Here's how to prepare for both.Continue Reading
DRaaS vs. BaaS: Compare 2 data protection options
While DRaaS and BaaS can simplify data protection operations, they aren't right for all IT shops. Learn the differences between the two technologies -- and the potential risks.Continue Reading
How to plan for the cost of unplanned downtime
Unplanned downtime can lead to serious consequences, including reputational harm, revenue loss and extra IT costs. Use these tips to plan for the unexpected.Continue Reading
Crisis communications training exercises to implement
A crisis communications team must be prepared to spring into action at a moment's notice. Here are three crisis communications training strategies to ensure a team is ready.Continue Reading
Build a BCDR employee training program for peak resilience
A BCDR training program teaches employees key skills, such as how to conduct risk assessments, coordinate emergency response with first responders and restore business processes.Continue Reading
12 skills business continuity managers need to succeed
Communication, collaboration, IT expertise and project management are key skills that business continuity managers must have to efficiently lead a BCDR team. Here's why.Continue Reading
How to build a strong crisis communications team
A crisis communications team works best when all members are fully aware of their responsibilities. Here are some tips on building a highly effective response team.Continue Reading
What are some examples of organizational resilience?
Organizational resilience encompasses everything a company needs to run in times of crisis. These examples show how businesses handle tough situations.Continue Reading
Operational resilience frameworks hinge on breaking down silos
Resilience is more than just business continuity and disaster recovery. Operational resilience depends on communication among many different business functions at an organization.Continue Reading
Remote disaster recovery presents new business challenges
With more employees working remotely than ever, natural disasters and other typical DR crises present an entirely new challenge. How can businesses tackle this new set of risks?Continue Reading
How to manage virtual disaster recovery setup costs
Creating a virtual disaster recovery setup shouldn't be pricey, but costs can easily add up if providers don't take all expenses into account.Continue Reading
It's a new age for hot site disaster recovery
Hot sites are a viable disaster recovery strategy, but high costs and changing DR risks have made alternatives like disaster recovery as a service a more appealing option.Continue Reading
Understanding BC, resilience standards and how to comply
Follow these nine steps to first identify relevant business continuity and resilience standards and, second, launch a successful compliance program at your organization.Continue Reading
Use disaster recovery standards to guide pandemic planning
International quality management and compliance standards can help an organization kick off a disaster recovery plan for unprecedented scenarios, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.Continue Reading
Remote data protection and DR in the work-from-home boom
Building a data protection strategy around remote working requires companies to enable employee access to data while ensuring that it is protected from threats such as shadow IT.Continue Reading
Business continuity challenges emerge as work from home ends
As governments consider reopening, organizations must address how it affects business continuity planning, such as accounting for WFH employees returning to offices and the potential for outages.Continue Reading
Remote business continuity techniques to implement now
Managing business continuity and disaster recovery without employees on site can be a challenge for an organization that doesn't typically function remotely.Continue Reading
12 key elements of a crisis management plan
Starting or revising your crisis management planning? Include these elements in a plan to make sure you don't leave anything out and your organization can run effectively.Continue Reading
Roles and responsibilities of a crisis management team
The formation of a crisis management team that includes members with diverse skills can help organizations respond quickly and decisively to a crisis.Continue Reading
Don't cut corners with disaster recovery and backup
A well-thought-out BCDR plan is just half of the resilience equation. A solid data protection strategy relies on thorough backup and disaster recovery planning.Continue Reading
The future of DR orchestration goes beyond recovery
What's next for disaster recovery orchestration? As tools grow and change, orchestration may soon go beyond disaster recovery, as well as aid in planning.Continue Reading
pandemic plan
A pandemic plan is a documented strategy for business continuity in the event of a widespread outbreak of a dangerous infectious disease.Continue Reading
Using a pandemic recovery plan template: A free download and guide
Outbreaks like the latest coronavirus can spread fast. Download our free pandemic planning template and read our step-by-step guide on pandemic planning for businesses.Continue Reading
Ensure your DR strategy meets the challenges of a new decade
Traditional disasters and new cyberthreats have organizations reexamining their DR plans to ensure they maintain high levels of availability and can restore operations quickly.Continue Reading
Preparing an annual schedule of business continuity activities
Many activities comprise a business continuity plan, and the better you manage them, the more successful your overall business continuity program will be.Continue Reading
Updating your old business continuance plan for the new year
Has your business continuity plan kept up with data center changes of the past year? If not, it may be time to revisit your plan's capabilities and existing recovery objectives.Continue Reading
When is having a cloud-based disaster recovery plan critical?
Cloud disaster recovery is accessible, affordable and reliable and has become a strong alternative to on-premises DR. In some situations, it may even be essential.Continue Reading
Business impact analysis checklist: 10 improvements to your BIA strategy
A business impact analysis is a critical part of disaster recovery planning. Avoid potential disruptions and smooth out the planning process with this BIA checklist.Continue Reading
Why you should have a disaster recovery testing plan in place
Regular testing of a disaster recovery plan is one of the only ways to ensure a plan is working, up to date and well-tailored to an organization's needs.Continue Reading
Post-disaster recovery, don't overlook user connectivity
After you've successfully recovered your environment, the job isn't quite over. Ensuring user connectivity following a recovery is the final vital step of a complete DR plan.Continue Reading
Important questions about DRaaS you're not asking your vendor
Not all DRaaS vendors are created equal. Expose any weaknesses and shortcomings in your current or prospective providers by asking the following questions.Continue Reading
Tips for obtaining BC/DR plan and resilience funding
Creating a comprehensive business continuity and disaster recovery plan is no joke, and funding those services can add another hurdle to your company's IT resilience strategy.Continue Reading
Disaster recovery and backup: To converge or not to converge?
While it makes sense to some degree to have overlap between backup and disaster recovery systems, there may be even more sense behind keeping them discrete.Continue Reading
Free IT disaster recovery plan template and guide
A DR strategy is the cornerstone to ensuring infrastructure and applications continue to operate when a major outage hits. Our free DR template outlines the needed steps.Continue Reading
Sample business continuity plan template for small businesses
Our step-by-step business continuity plan for small businesses enables an organization to restore mission-critical operations during an unforeseen event.Continue Reading
How does a data archiving strategy benefit DR and backup?
In order to be truly resilient, your organization needs more than just a backup and disaster recovery plan. Integrating archiving into your strategy offers some serious benefits.Continue Reading
Using multiple cloud providers can benefit your DR plan
Incorporating a cloud-to-cloud strategy using multiple providers may not simplify your DR plan, but it can offer peace of mind in the event of a disaster.Continue Reading
Fortify your business resilience with consequence management
Is there something lacking in your incident response strategy? Consequence management could be the missing piece in your organization's IT resilience plan.Continue Reading
Underscore preparation in your natural disaster recovery plan
When it comes to recovering after a natural disaster, you'll need more than just basic business continuity and recovery planning. Being informed about severe weather events is key.Continue Reading
Is VMware SRM disaster recovery a good fit for your DR plan?
VMware Site Recovery Manager brings a number of benefits to the disaster recovery process. One of the lesser known roles of SRM is as a planning tool.Continue Reading
A good business disaster recovery plan considers IT, staffing
Not sure if your disaster recovery plan takes business needs into account? A good plan should cover business operations, as well as technology and staffing requirements.Continue Reading
How do slow data transfer speeds affect VM disaster recovery?
When failing over VMs to the cloud or a remote data center, slow data transfer speeds can spell disaster. Don't let failed replications and partial failovers upset your DR plan.Continue Reading