A guide to how digital transformation IT infrastructure works
Explore requirements, goals and issues around digital transformation plans and modern IT infrastructures such as hyper-converged, disaggregated hyper-converged and composable.

Digital transformation isn't just a buzzword. C-level executives and others in the corporate hierarchy have tasked IT shops with making infrastructures more agile and responsive as technology increasingly becomes the business, not just a supporter. Employing a digital transformation IT infrastructure strategy through modernization can help.
Modernizing IT infrastructure could involve standard hyper-converged infrastructure hardware or software as part of an on-premises, cloud, hybrid multi-cloud or edge computing plan. Disaggregated hyper-converged, aka HCI 2.0, a cousin of standard hyper-convergence, is another option. Or -- perhaps -- the latest paradigm in the evolution of the converged data center, composable infrastructure, would do the trick.
Each approach has its strengths and weaknesses, and where one may thrive as part of a digital transformation IT infrastructure strategy, another might fail. Below, we explore the technological and business requirements and issues to consider when modernizing infrastructure for a digital transformation. Then get an overview of hyper-converged, HCI 2.0 and composable infrastructures and discover how each one may or may not meet your transformational needs.