Editor's note
Maintaining high server performance and appropriate scale to keep up with growing computing demands doesn't happen automatically. Data center administrators must continuously track performance and make the most of hardware resources. There are ways in which IT professionals can simplify server management at top performance.
Benchmark testing helps administrators monitor server resources, manage utilization, optimize performance and identify problems before they occur. Simple server configuration tweaks can squeeze more performance out of physical and virtual machines (VMs).
This guide covers best practices for benchmark testing with valuable tips from data center experts on how to improve server performance.
1Benchmark testing tool choices
Benchmark testing establishes baseline performance expectations, tracks system performance over time, plans virtualization capacity and manages server resources and performance. Benchmarks identify potential performance problems and future capacity needs.
2Benchmark testing strategies, best practices
When conducted properly and consistently, good benchmark testing can provide valuable information that admins can use to improve server performance.
Integrate performance troubleshooting
Data center administrators can't keep an eye on server performance 24/7, but they should have systems that alert on potential problems. Monitoring tools help identify and track issues, even when you aren't in the facility. Read Now
Fit benchmarks into a larger standard of performance
Server benchmark testing is one piece of an overall plan to ensure the data center performs well for the business. This checklist of key performance indicators helps tailor your operations along with business priorities over time. Read Now
3Optimize server performance
Fine-tuning server configurations and eliminating bottlenecks can lead to substantial performance gains with minimal expense. Ensuring that systems are set up correctly is especially important with virtualized infrastructures. Performance options sometimes come with trade-offs, such as cooling problems or increased energy consumption.
Tweak BIOS settings, improve system performance
By adjusting BIOS settings, administrators can ensure their servers are running at peak performance. Optimize these settings for significant gains in computing power, but be aware that changing some BIOS settings could compromise system stability or augment overheating problems. Read Now
Adjust the BIOS for energy-efficient operation
BIOS changes can also save money without sacrificing server performance. Fan settings greatly contribute to power use. Read Now