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How does data insight remove human bias from customer research?
Integrating IoT analytics with supply chain management helps create an efficient and successful customer experience by utilizing data insight not found anywhere else.
When analyzing customer experience, there is a natural human bias. We look for things we think our customers want and take pride in knowing how to please them.
However, the truth is, people behave in ways we don't and can't anticipate. Companies only know a small amount about the customer's human perspective and they need to gather and analyze information and understand what drives customers into certain patterns in order to provide a better customer experience.
Utilizing analytics and data insight allows a company to not only know a customer's patterns, but also know when that pattern shifts. This helps create an advantage over competitors.
The biggest benefit of integrating IoT analytics into supply chain management is that it allows companies to look at data in ways it hasn't been looked at before. By discovering patterns, anticipating customer behavior through data insight and looking beyond human bias, companies can now deliver a whole new level of customer satisfaction.