How does AI aid in metadata tagging?
Using AI in tagging, a business task that once took hours now takes minutes, freeing employees for more pressing tasks and making them more productive.
Imagine that you're preparing for a sales presentation and need information about a just-released feature update for your company's premier product. You quickly check an enterprise repository containing all the content from the product team's release event, locate the video recorded two days ago and immediately find the 30-second segment that you need to close the sale. When it comes time to finalize the contract, you easily locate the company-approved terms and conditions clauses in your company's contract management system that are relevant for the new release.
Thanks to AI and metadata tagging, routine business tasks that once took hours now take minutes. AI introduces innovative algorithms for pattern recognition to extract meaning and understanding from data.
There are two steps: analysis followed by action. In the case of a video stream, speech-to-text processing can transcribe the spoken words in a presentation, while image recognition algorithms can identify the words in a slide presentation, and the results -- expressed as metadata tags and values -- are synced with the video time codes. In the case of the contract repository, various approaches to text analytics can extract meaning from the terms and conditions phrases and then categorize them by relevant metadata.
Video analysis can be followed by a query and automatically locate the relevant snippet within an hourlong recording. Text analysis can become a step in a workflow process and automatically assemble the terms and conditions for a new contract, based on the capabilities of the product being shipped.
Remember, metadata is data about data. From the perspective of a computer -- which, as a binary machine, represents everything as ones and zeros -- metadata becomes the computational mechanism for describing what something is about. Aboutness becomes the secret sauce for translating digital bits into intelligence and then action.
Smart algorithms, which are the basis for AI, generate metadata tags that digitize routine tasks and augment human processes. When it comes to sales, they take a lot of the drudgery out of selling and promise to make salespeople more productive.