What is data segregation and why is it important in the cloud? What is infrastructure as a service (IaaS)?

Quiz yourself on cloud computing basics

To grasp a technology, it's best to start with the basics. Take this brief cloud computing quiz to gauge your knowledge of providers, deployment models and other 101-level topics.

Cloud computing is a popular technology model in which a provider hosts IT resources and delivers them to users via a network connection.

Almost all cloud offerings provide self-service capabilities for end users, scalability to meet dynamic computing needs, resiliency to keep workloads running and pay-per-use pricing. However, there are differences in the numerous deployment models and services an enterprise can choose from. A foundational knowledge of cloud computing helps enterprises make informed adoption decisions.

Assess your knowledge of general cloud concepts with this brief cloud computing quiz.

Next Steps

Top public cloud providers: A brief comparison

The history of cloud computing explained

The pros and cons of cloud computing explained

Key characteristics of cloud computing

Ways to reduce cloud costs

Dig Deeper on Cloud provider platforms and tools