Weigh the pros and cons of technologies, products and projects you are considering.
Weigh the pros and cons of technologies, products and projects you are considering.
Brace your IT operations team for a cloud migration
A cloud migration isn't as easy as some providers suggest. Use these five tips to prep your IT ops teams for the big management and support changes that lie ahead. Continue Reading
Azure Machine Learning services ease data science struggles
With Azure machine learning services, such as Workbench, Experimentation and Model Management, Microsoft hopes to address common data science challenges in the enterprise. Continue Reading
Azure Migrate aims to attract VMware workloads to the cloud
A new Azure service removes a lot of the guesswork for IT teams that want to move VMs to Microsoft's public cloud. But will a lack of early support from VMware hurt its appeal? Continue Reading
With more providers, security issues in cloud computing rise
We hear a lot about the pros and cons of a multi-cloud strategy, but a surprising number of organizations don't think they need to worry about it. They do. Continue Reading
Simplify multi-cloud management with two abstraction models
To streamline management and reduce complexity in a multi-cloud model, enterprises can turn to two abstraction techniques: resource and orchestration. Continue Reading
BPM in cloud evolves to suit line of business, IoT
While on-premises BPM tools have caused a tug of war between lines of business and IT, the cloud helps appease both sides. Here's what to expect from this cloud BPM trend and more.Continue Reading
Human error still poses a significant cloud security risk
Even with the most sophisticated cloud security tools in play, human error -- both from end users and IT teams -- can open up your enterprise to numerous kinds of attacks.Continue Reading
Alibaba Cloud services become strong IaaS contender
Alibaba continues to gain traction in the IaaS market, and despite not having the same breadth of services as some of its rivals, it could lure some smaller shops away from AWS.Continue Reading
Can you choose the right tools to manage Azure resources?
Azure continues to evolve its tool set to simplify cloud monitoring and management for admins. Take this brief quiz to see how much you know about these tools' capabilities.Continue Reading
Optimize serverless apps with real-time troubleshooting
Serverless computing demands a new way of thinking to successfully troubleshoot apps. Carefully define error states, and maintain logs to pinpoint and solve performance issues.Continue Reading
Look beyond public cloud giants for the right PaaS offering
While the leading public cloud vendors remain a popular choice for PaaS, there are other offerings, ranging from Heroku to Engine Yard, that might be worth a closer look.Continue Reading
Explore the revert-to-snapshot feature in OpenStack Cinder
OpenStack Cinder has added a revert-to-snapshot function, enabling enterprises to recover from corrupted data sets. However, if the feature falls into the wrong hands, risks arise.Continue Reading
Multi-cloud management still a work in progress for IT teams
Multi-cloud deployments are a mixed bag, providing both business value and complex management challenges. Fortunately, a number of third-party management tools can help.Continue Reading
Bare-metal cloud services lure legacy workloads off premises
For some enterprises, bare-metal services in the cloud act as a crucial steppingstone to an IaaS deployment, and providers, including IBM, Oracle and AWS, have taken notice.Continue Reading
Virtualization trends in 2018 signal edge technology disruption
New technologies build on virtualization and threaten disruption. Virtualization administrators must familiarize themselves with what's coming and plan their careers accordingly.Continue Reading
How to blend the advantages of cloud computing with containers
Containers and cloud sound like a perfect match. But how well does containerization help boost application portability? And will the effort be worth it?Continue Reading
Prepare for hybrid cloud implementation with these key steps
As enterprises mix public and private IT resources, they grapple with app workflows, network connections and more. Here are four ways to alleviate common hybrid cloud challenges.Continue Reading
Containerized applications and the portability dream
To make containers work within a cloud strategy, you're going to need to carefully consider the complexities of porting an application from platform to platform.Continue Reading
Application release automation drifts to the cloud
CI/CD initiatives will spark increased adoption of app release automation tools this year, including those hosted in the cloud, but the market hasn't fully matured just yet.Continue Reading
User self-service challenges mount in multi-cloud computing
Self-service provisioning presents challenges with a single cloud provider, and a multi-cloud strategy only magnifies those issues, as IT seeks to integrate multiple interfaces.Continue Reading
Review chatbot development options in public cloud
As users look to interact with applications via more natural language and text, chatbots become increasingly popular. And many developers turn to the public cloud to create them.Continue Reading
Azure B-series VMs reduce resource waste for bursty apps
Paying only for the resources they consume is the ultimate goal for many enterprises in the cloud. Azure's B-series VMs make that goal more attainable -- for certain workloads.Continue Reading
Compare managed Kubernetes services from AWS and Azure
AWS and Azure have both rolled out a managed service for Kubernetes, and while their overall aim is the same, there are key differences users should note.Continue Reading
Serverless cloud providers aim to ease adoption in 2018
As the buzz around serverless computing carries over into 2018, providers will look to simplify adoption in several ways, including more support for hybrid cloud.Continue Reading
Prepare for these cloud computing technologies in 2018
Not sure what to expect, exactly, in the cloud computing market in 2018? Three of our Advisory Board members share their top predictions.Continue Reading
Cloud conferences to check out in the first half of 2018
For beginners and experts alike, cloud conferences are a good way to gain industry knowledge and sharpen your skills. Here are some to pencil in over the next several months.Continue Reading
CASBs address wide range of cloud security concerns
Cloud and distributed apps create complex security challenges. CASBs aim to resolve these issues with features for threat protection, data loss prevention and more.Continue Reading
Google cloud features evolve to turn up the heat on AWS
Google made several moves in 2017 in an attempt to close the gap between itself and market leader AWS. But will those efforts be enough to win over new customers?Continue Reading
Evaluate VMware, public cloud provider integration
Hybrid cloud providers don't yet have the seamless integration they promised. VMware cluster admins need to evaluate available options in order to formulate a VMware cloud strategy.Continue Reading
BPM market advances around AI, cloud technology
As AI, microservices and other emerging technologies transform the BPM industry, enterprises need to carefully navigate their business processes to the cloud to avoid GRC risks.Continue Reading
Serverless, containers shape future of cloud computing
Experts seem to agree that serverless platforms, containers and the eventual merging of the two will be the biggest cloud trends to follow this year.Continue Reading
App development teams brace for big change in 2018
Multi-cloud, blockchain and more sophisticated PaaS tools are three trends expected to reshape app development practices in 2018. Is your team ready for the change?Continue Reading
Providers continue to push hybrid cloud technologies in 2018
The hybrid cloud market changes rapidly, as major cloud providers release new services to bridge private and public platforms, but for now, management challenges remain.Continue Reading
The case for private cloud vs. public cloud implementation
Take security, compliance, cost and scalability into account when deciding between a private and public cloud. Also, think about the future potential of hybrid cloud adoption.Continue Reading
Azure App Service Isolated boosts security and PaaS performance
Aimed at organizations with unique security needs, Azure App Service Environment v2 lets applications run in a dedicated network without sacrificing scale or performance.Continue Reading
Four ways the container ecosystem will evolve in 2018
The container market constantly evolves, as new technologies and uses emerge. See what the new year will bring with these four container predictions around IoT, Windows and more.Continue Reading
Build an application migration plan step by step
To migrate apps to the cloud, start with nonessential workloads and move to more mission-critical ones from there. But, remember, some apps might not be suited for cloud at all.Continue Reading
Explore the benefits, tradeoffs of GPU instances in cloud
While GPU instances can give compute-intensive apps the processing boost they need, not all workloads -- or budgets -- will benefit from these cloud instance types.Continue Reading
Compare two types of cloud automation and orchestration tools
There are two camps of tools for automation and orchestration in cloud: provider-native and third-party. To pick the right one, know your future needs, especially for multi-cloud.Continue Reading
IaaS benefits broaden as public cloud market evolves
The benefits of IaaS now range from increased scalability to access to emerging technologies, such as serverless. Review these key benefits, as well as management implications.Continue Reading
What are the pros, cons of PaaS offerings from AWS, Google, Microsoft?
Get started with exploring these PaaS offerings: AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Google App Engine and Microsoft Azure. An IT veteran summarizes their pros and cons.Continue Reading
Real-time vs. near-real-time analytics -- how to choose
Data is king, but what happens when the data isn't truly real-time? Expert Tom Nolle explains the cloud platform choices when it comes to 'real-time' analytics.Continue Reading
Overcome common IP address issues during a cloud migration
During a move to the cloud, many organizations overlook potential snags surrounding IP addresses. To start, know how cloud providers manage address assignment.Continue Reading
Quiz time: Test your knowledge of hybrid cloud computing trends
Do developers and IT decision-makers cite different factors for moving to -- and staying away from -- a hybrid cloud architecture? See where your opinions line up.Continue Reading
Compare OpenStack local storage options for now and in the future
SSDs, HDDs and NVMe can all provide local storage for an OpenStack deployment. But what are the benefits and tradeoffs of each, and how will these technologies evolve?Continue Reading
Explore Google XPN for virtual private cloud networks
Isolated networks strengthen cloud security, but sharing data can become a challenge. Learn how Google XPN enables multiple users or departments to share one virtual private cloud.Continue Reading
Your cloud bill climbs due to these five overlooked costs
AWS, Google and Azure offer tools that help users estimate cloud costs. But overlooked services, usage spikes and outages can cause actual cloud bills to far exceed those estimates.Continue Reading
Build a cloud-based infrastructure one layer at a time
As enterprise IT teams enter the cloud adoption phase, they must understand the technical underpinnings that comprise cloud infrastructure -- from servers to storage to apps.Continue Reading
Avoid downtime during the cloud migration process
During a public cloud migration, IT teams need to take a cautious, one-step-at-a-time approach to avoid hearing the dreaded phrase, 'the system is down.'Continue Reading
The true definition of cloud computing is still lost on some IT pros
The misuse of the phrase 'cloud computing' has created misperceptions of the technology. Remember that the cloud isn't a location -- it's a more agile way to design IT services.Continue Reading
Build an effective API management system for multicloud
APIs play a critical role in cloud, allowing apps and services to communicate with each other. But with multiple cloud providers in the mix, API management gets complicated.Continue Reading
Choose cloud configuration management tools for multiple platforms
The multicloud model presents unique configuration management challenges. When choosing a tool, enterprises should compare cloud native and third-party options carefully.Continue Reading
Awareness of shared-responsibility model is critical to cloud success
When companies move to the cloud, it's paramount that they know where the provider's security role ends and where the customer's begins. The shared-responsibility model is one of the fundamental ...Continue Reading
Compare offline data migration services from AWS, Azure and Google
Sending a storage disk to a cloud provider seems like an antiquated data-migration method, but it's a common choice. Here's how AWS, Azure and Google manage the process.Continue Reading
Identify and reduce multicloud integration costs
When using multiple cloud providers, application integration costs can grow quickly. To prevent billing surprises, carefully plan application deployments and workflows.Continue Reading
Using Azure Site Recovery for data and VM replication
Data replication is a critical part of a disaster recovery plan, and the devil is in the details. Ease your plan with automation through Azure Site Recovery.Continue Reading
Test your knowledge of big data cloud services
Big data in the cloud is a big deal. But without the right management and analytic tools, you won't get far. Test your knowledge of big data tools in the cloud with this quiz.Continue Reading
How does Azure Premium Storage billing work?
For Azure Premium Storage, are users billed by how much storage capacity they actually use or how much they reserve or allocate?Continue Reading
Breaking down the costs of cloud storage
Storage is a primary reason enterprises move workloads to the cloud. But before shipping off your data, learn how region, capacity and other factors shape cloud storage costs.Continue Reading
The what, why and how of the TOSCA cloud standard
As the acceptance of DevOps rises, the TOSCA standard has become a popular option for cloud application deployment. Here's a closer look at how it works.Continue Reading
Choose the best Google cloud instance types for your workloads
Not all workloads are the same -- some require more CPUs, while other require more memory. Fortunately, Google's range of cloud instance types offers enterprises a lot of options.Continue Reading
Perform a PaaS pricing comparison for public cloud
When choosing a platform, enterprises need to focus on features and prices for Azure, Google and AWS. Take a look under the hood before you take it for a spin.Continue Reading
Practice cloud resource management to reduce sprawl, cut costs
Some organizations go overboard with cloud deployments, paying for more resources than they actually need. Follow these steps to decrease wastefulness and increase cost efficiency.Continue Reading
Overcome cloud performance issues with these quick tips
Poor performance can have a devastating impact on public, private and hybrid cloud. Use these quick tips to fix performance issues related to cloud apps, APIs and more.Continue Reading
Choosing an IaaS provider for traditional vs. cloud native apps
As IaaS providers expand their portfolios to include more higher-level services, the requirements of your apps -- not just your infrastructure -- should drive vendor choice.Continue Reading
Build a cloud redundancy strategy using multiple providers
No cloud platform is perfect; there is always a risk of an outage or data loss. Consider a multicloud model to ensure redundancy and backup.Continue Reading
On-premises vs. cloud: What's more cost-effective for your apps?
Some organizations rush into a cloud migration, assuming cost savings are a guarantee. But not all applications are meant for the public cloud, and moving them may cost you more.Continue Reading
Compare AWS vs. Azure vs. Google big data services
Big data services are an attractive cloud lure for enterprises. AWS, Azure and Google are fighting for number one, but who will come out on top?Continue Reading
Prepare for your next cloud security manager interview
When interviewing for a cloud security manager position, candidates should be ready to talk about everything, from encryption technology to DevOps.Continue Reading
SQL Server Azure IaaS vs. SQL Azure Database PaaS
Learn the differences between SQL Server Azure IaaS and SQL Azure Database PaaS to figure out which would best support your enterprise.Continue Reading
Six questions cloud app developers should nail in an interview
To wow potential employers, cloud app developers should prove in an interview that they're more than just code jockeys.Continue Reading
Containers vs. VMs: Which should you use for cloud?
Before going all in with containers, it's critical to understand how the technology differs from VMs in terms of private, public and hybrid cloud deployment.Continue Reading
When should I use Azure VM Scale Sets?
Microsoft Azure VM Scale Sets help cloud admins manage a collection of VMs as a single unit. But what workloads are they best suited for?Continue Reading
How to plan for the cost of cloud computing
Choosing a multicloud solution can save up to 74%, if you review the cost of cloud computing first.Continue Reading
How are microservices and cloud computing related?
Microservices and cloud are both on the up and up when it comes to enterprise adoption. But what exactly is the connection between the two technologies?Continue Reading
Considerations for choosing an OpenStack distribution
When it comes to choosing an OpenStack distribution, HP, Red Hat, Cisco and others are all viable options. But enterprises should make their decision carefully.Continue Reading
Cloud-based integration seeks to tear down data silos
As companies adopt a pantheon of cloud apps, so grows the risk of having isolated bodies of data. The cloud-based integration of far-flung systems can have divine results.Continue Reading
Testing cloud applications for Azure, Google Cloud
As software development cycles accelerate, IT must more rapidly test cloud-based applications. The right tools and services can help pick up the pace.Continue Reading
Evaluating OpenStack vs. VMware for private cloud
OpenStack and VMware are both viable options for hybrid and private cloud. So which one should your organization choose?Continue Reading
How to define hybrid cloud service-level agreements
Defining hybrid cloud service-level agreements takes more forethought and planning than traditional SLAs. Here is what you should consider.Continue Reading
Is Google's PerfKit a reliable cloud benchmarking tool?
As the IaaS market grows, choosing the right vendor becomes challenging. Google's PerfKit Benchmarker can help, but will it provide unbiased results?Continue Reading
Exploring capabilities, costs of Microsoft Azure cloud
Microsoft Azure targets enterprises that want to connect their existing data centers to the cloud. But is Azure the best bet for your organization?Continue Reading
Getting a handle on Google Cloud Platform options
With a range of options for big data, storage and more, Google Cloud Platform has become the public cloud of choice for many enterprise users.Continue Reading
Comparing features, tiers and pricing of PaaS vendors
As cloud services become more complex and customized, the harder they are to evaluate. An expert offers advice for evaluating PaaS vendors.Continue Reading
Understanding public cloud risks and costs
Public cloud boasts a number of enterprise benefits, but it isn't perfect. Enterprises should be aware of unpredictable cost structures and other drawbacks.Continue Reading
How microservices bring agility to SOA
Learn about a new style of application development called microservices and how it is bringing Agile development to classic SOA services.Continue Reading
2015 cloud predictions: What to expect
Contributor George Lawton spoke with many industry experts to discuss 2015 cloud predictions.Continue Reading
Are there intellectual property issues with SaaS tools?
Should businesses worry about intellectual property when using SaaS tools? Read this expert response to find out.Continue Reading
A cloud management tools comparison guide
With its complex nature, cloud management can get bumpy at times. Luckily, cloud management tools from VMware, Dell and others can help.Continue Reading
Cloud data security comes with hefty price tag
As attacks on IT systems with sensitive data continue, cloud security becomes a top concern. Users won't find the best security practices on a clearance rack.Continue Reading
OpenStack features, services creating industry buzz
OpenStack features, including portability, security and storage are prompting vendors and IT pros alike to support the open source cloud platform.Continue Reading
Dell's latest tactic centers on cloud broker service
Dell's upcoming cloud broker service is its latest in a string of cloud strategies. Will this one be the winner?Continue Reading
Microsoft, Google claw for cloud market share with AWS
Amazon has dominated the early stages of cloud. With Microsoft and Google getting stronger, can AWS keep a stranglehold on the market in the future?Continue Reading
OpenStack talk of open source town, but is it hype?
OpenStack garnered a lot of hype over the past four years, and many companies got behind the open source platform. Has it met the high expectations?Continue Reading
Sizing, pricing Amazon Web Services EC2 instance types
Bill Claybrook compares complex sizing and pricing issues when choosing EC2 instance types.Continue Reading
Analyzing VMware vCHS for the cloud consumer
In direct competition with Amazon's IaaS, VMware vCloud Hybrid Service differentiates itself from the pack with several features.Continue Reading
Amazon Kinesis benefits and alternatives
Amazon made waves with the release of Kinesis, but companies should know its ups and downs before blindly adopting AWS's service.Continue Reading
Is Amazon CloudSearch superior to do-it-yourself search tools?
Big data can be incredibly valuable for enterprise business intelligence. But to extract that value, you must choose the most appropriate search tool.Continue Reading
PaaS adoption upswing predicted for 2014; will it last?
The Platform as a Service market could heat up next year, but what is PaaS, exactly? And will it eventually be subsumed under other cloud categories?Continue Reading
Pivotal's open source PaaS play arrives in-house
Pivotal's latest offering includes private PaaS for enterprises. Sounds great in theory, but will it work across multiple platforms?Continue Reading