Move data with these Google cloud migration tools
From physical appliances to professional services, here's a quick rundown of the tools your team might want to consider for a migration to Google Cloud Platform.
Google, one of the top IaaS providers, is making strides to attract enterprises to its cloud platform. And, though moving workloads can be tricky, Google offers a variety of cloud migration tools to smooth the process.
However, organizations need to consider how and where they want to move their data before they make the switch. Take a closer look at the five core Google cloud migration tools, and see which one best fits your company's needs.
Google Cloud Storage Transfer Service
Enterprises use this online cloud migration tool to move data, such as data in Amazon S3 buckets or an HTTP/HTTPS location, into Google Cloud Storage. It is commonly used to back up data and move it from one Cloud Storage bucket to another. It can also be used for periodic data movement or to perform data synchronization between data sources and Cloud Storage buckets. The service can be accessed through the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Console UI, Google API client libraries and the Storage Transfer Service API.
Google Transfer Appliance
Transfer Appliance is an offline migration service for bulk data transfers. The physical device is a high-capacity storage server that users load with on-premises data and ship to a Google Cloud facility, where it is uploaded by the provider to Cloud Storage. There are two sizes available: 480 TB and 100 TB. The appliance is often used to migrate large amounts of data -- typically, archival and backup information. This Google cloud migration tool is a good choice for those with slow or intermittent network connections.
Google BigQuery Data Transfer Service
This managed service is targeted at those that want to move data from SaaS apps to BigQuery. The process is automated, and enterprises can schedule the transfers. Google handles real-time updates to the service as needed and gives access to data connectors to move data from Teradata and Amazon S3 to BigQuery.
Google Cloud Migrate for Compute Engine
Also known as Velostrata, this cloud migration tool moves local VMware vSphere VMs and Amazon EC2 instances to GCP. The migration waves feature enables enterprises to move data in stages, while the management tool controls the various components and orchestrates the migration.
Cloud Sprint
This professional service gives enterprises a hands-on workshop on cloud migrations. Enterprises, with the help of Google Cloud experts, learn how to design, configure and migrate applications. The experts also share next steps, such as dealing with dependencies and other common issues. In addition to this workshop, organizations can choose full-service partners to work with, such as Accenture, Sureline, Wipro and SADA.