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Best project management practices for CIOs and IT managers

The best project management practices emphasize efficiency over chaos, so we've gathered some top project management tips from our sister sites.

An increased need for efficiency in all aspects of the workplace is one of the factors underlying a rising focus on best project management practices in IT. Busy project managers, so focused on the next pressing deadline, often don't have time to invest in their own training and preparation for carrying out large-scale IT initiatives.

In the SMB, as in the enterprise, good project management begins at the foundation. Across different projects and business activities, the right training, technology and strategy can keep SMBs on course for growth. We've searched our sister sites for the best project management practices, tips and expert advice to prepare SMB CIOs and their staff for success.

Techniques for project management that sidestep too much multitasking

"As humans, we don't actually process more than one task at the same time," says Joanna Rothman, an award-winning author on project management. Her simple statement gets to the heart of how the human brain works, and why IT leaders need to give serious consideration to their role as IT project managers. This expert tip guides those first steps to project management strategy, suggesting that leaders should commit to one project at a time, if possible, and leave room for iteration and even interruption.

How budget cuts can be a stake to the heart of project management training

Companies have trimmed project management training over the course of the downturn, likely leading to more cost overruns and delayed project implementation even once budgets are restored. But despite this decline, project management offices (PMOs) have grown in popularity. In this tip, find out why PMOs are something of a one-stop shop for senior executives, and why they're sometimes so misunderstood. And if your SMB's too small for a formal PMO? Pick and choose the functions that suit your organization best.

Manage a project like you're the big cheese

Finding the right technology to carry out your project is nearly as important as your project management strategy itself, and for the SMB, it can be a time-consuming task. When Emmi of Switzerland acquired Cypress Grove, a goat cheese manufacturer, it became quickly clear that Cypress Grove's data management and collaboration capabilities needed some work. It took about a year to fully implement project collaboration management technology. Find out how these two companies made it work, and what other project management tools are available to the enterprising SMB.

Ten tips for healthy IT project management

IT leaders are no stranger to juggling several projects at once, but how do you distinguish the success rate of each? This tip by Reda Chouffani, vice president of development at Biz Technology Solutions Inc., covers the top 10 tips for IT project management success in health care, specifically, but the principles apply to any industry. CIOs, here are the steps that can help you determine which projects should be a priority, and the factors likely to make them a success.

The best project management practices and trends for the SMB

ESI International's list of the top project management trends in 2013 put a premium on project management training. Beyond that, engaging with customers, using innovative techniques and optimizing leadership opportunities are but a few examples of how companies can stay ahead of the project management curve. In this post, read one blogger's take on ESI's management trends, and develop a better understanding of where your SMB should be steering its project ship in the coming year.

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