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TechTarget editorial advisory boards
Input from industry experts and thought leaders on different topic areas help shape TechTarget's editorial coverage of the topics important to our readers.
In our ongoing effort to provide readers with the information they need, TechTarget's editorial team has formed a series of editorial advisory boards focused on different topic areas. The purpose of these advisory boards is to ensure we hear a range of perspectives from topic experts to help us shape the direction of our editorial coverage. These groups of experts ensure we're providing our readers with the practical guidance and insight they need.
Participants in our advisory boards meet virtually twice a year to share their expertise with TechTarget editors. The experts and editors exchange views on the latest trends and challenges facing businesses today. These thought-provoking discussions shape our approach to topic coverage to better serve our readers.
AI Advisory Board
- Donald Farmer, principal, TreeHive Strategy
- Kashyap Kompella, founder and CEO, RPA2AI Research
- Christopher Tozzi, senior lecturer in IT and society, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; adjunct research adviser, IDC
- Kerry Doyle, independent analyst
Application Development and Delivery Advisory Board
- Graham Baggett, IT manager, U.S. Census Bureau
- Barry Burd, professor, Drew University; owner, Burd Brain Consulting
- Ken Kousen, president, Kousen IT
- Sarah Morgan, head of product and customer engagement, Scout APM
- Mark Richards, consultant and founder, DevelopertoArchitect.com
- Mike Amundsen, author, speaker, trainer and adviser, Amundsen.com
- Robin Goldsmith, president, Go Pro Management
Cloud Computing Advisory Board
- Ernesto Marquez, owner and project director, Concurrency Labs
- Hyoun Park, CEO and analyst, Amalgam Insights
- Keith Townsend, president, The CTO Advisor
- Christopher Tozzi, senior lecturer in IT and society, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; adjunct research adviser, IDC
Customer Experience Advisory Board
- Jermaine Edwards, independent customer strategist and adviser; founder of Customer Advantage System and The Irreplaceable Advisory Group
- Catriona Howell, CX consultant
- Liz Miller, analyst, Constellation Research
Business Intelligence and Data Analytics Advisory Board
- Wayne Eckerson, president, Eckerson Group
- Donald Farmer, principal, TreeHive Strategy
- Bill Schmarzo, "Dean of Big Data," author, professor, former Dell CTO
- Sue Tripathi, IBM partner
Desktop Management Advisory Board
- Jo Harder, senior technical marketing architect, VMware
- Tobias Kreidl, retired desktop creation and integration services team lead; Citrix Customer Advocate for Education
- Ryan Mangan, founder and CTO, Systech IT Solutions; founder, Efficient Ether
- Peter van der Woude, principal consultant, InSpark
- Michael Goad, Copilot technical specialist, Microsoft
- Marius Sandbu, cloud evangelist, Sopra Steria
Networking Advisory Board
- Lee Badman, network engineer and wireless technical lead, large private university
- Amy Larsen DeCarlo, principal analyst, security and data center services, GlobalData
- Chris Grundemann, managing director, Grundemann Technology Solutions
- Andrew Froehlich, president, West Gate Networks
- Jim Frey, principal analyst, networking, TechTarget's Enterprise Strategy Group
Security Advisory Board
- Deepayan Chanda, cybersecurity strategy, governance and architecture practitioner, public sector
- Peter Gregory, Advisory, GRC, GCI Communications
- Diana Kelley, CISO, Protect AI
- Kyriakos Lambros, CEO and founder, RockCyber
- John Masserini, founder and managing partner, SentiCon Security
- Dave Gruber, principal analyst, ransomware, SecOps and services, TechTarget's Enterprise Strategy Group
Sustainability Advisory Board
- Asim Hussain, executive director, Green Software Foundation
- Shivin Kohli, lead of Financing for Nature, World Economic Forum
- Sajjad Moazeni, assistant professor, University of Washington
If you're interested in learning more about TechTarget's editorial advisory boards, please reach out to senior director of content strategy and member engagement Nick Martin.