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Include dark web security strategies to strengthen security framework
As dark web security threats rise, enterprises should begin incorporating strategies to understand and implement dark web cyber-security measures. Continue Reading
What is embedded intelligence and how can CIOs prepare for it?
Deloitte advises CIOs keep their eyes on a new application of AI. The consultancy calls it pervasive intelligence. Continue Reading
How can companies build a strategy for monetizing data?
To extract value from data, most companies will face people, process and technology challenges. Matt Maccaux explains the ins and outs of monetizing data. Continue Reading
How automating feature engineering can help data scientists
Feature Labs CEO Max Kanter explains how automating feature engineering for machine learning can help data scientists and why CIOs should care. Continue Reading
With AI techniques, don't get stuck in the data quantity rut
Gartner's Erick Brethenoux gives practical advice on how CIOs can get started with AI. One of his tips: Think data quality, not data quantity. Continue Reading
Definitions to Get Started
- What is a think tank?
- What is emotional intelligence (EI)?
- What are agreed-upon procedures (AUPs)?
- What is cognitive automation?
- What is an IT project manager?
- What is a cyberthreat hunter (cybersecurity threat analyst)?
- What is blockchain? Definition, examples and how it works
- What is nearshore outsourcing and how does it work?
Improve your digital transformation plan: 3 tips from EY's Jeff Wong
EY's chief innovation officer believes a successful digital transformation plan rests on building an ecosystem of internal champions and outside experts who don't think alike.Continue Reading
An 18-month-old virtual agent at Credit Suisse gets its bearings
Credit Suisse's Jennifer Hewit shares lessons learned while launching the bank's first virtual agent, Amelia. Hiring a neuroscientist, rebranding the agent and managing expectations proved crucial for persuading employees to give the bot a chance.Continue Reading
ITSM program: Tips on where to start, from a CIO who's been there
Link Alander has spent nearly a decade taking Lone Star College's ITSM program from subpar to superior. Here, he offers some tips for CIOs just getting started.Continue Reading
What are the benefits of ITSM for fast-moving businesses?
IT service management helps enable digitization, but CIOs will have to invest resources to develop an effective ITSM program. Here are six benefits of ITSM that help make the case.Continue Reading
In a hot RPA market, the 'rule of five' keeps CIOs focused on use cases
The robotic process automation market is advancing at a rapid clip. "Market growth is exceeding our greater than 50% CAGR to get from $500 million to $2.8 billion in five years," said Craig Le ...Continue Reading
AR headsets in the enterprise: An expert perspective
In his book, The Fourth Transformation, Shel Israel makes the argument that augmented reality -- the superimposition of digital information on the real world -- is the next technology innovation ...Continue Reading
When running IT like a business, consider the bagel shop
Ciena Corp. CIO Craig Williams expounds on the importance of running IT like a business and how to identify the type of IT people who can execute on that strategy.Continue Reading
Chief data officer role today: Less on defense, more on offense
Customer experience is front and center for every member of the C-suite today -- from the CEO down. That goes for the chief data officer role, too. CDOs were once seen as the high stewards of data ...Continue Reading
How to start a blockchain project: Questions for IBM's Jerry Cuomo
A blockchain project starts with a belief that business needs to be done in a different way. Here's what happens next, including the role CIOs play in a blockchain journey.Continue Reading
An AI-machine learning data challenge: Predicting the unpredictable
A difficult test for companies wanting to capitalize on huge amounts of data and emerging tech is getting it to fit what they can't see, says MIT's Iyad Rahwan.Continue Reading
The time to think about post-quantum cryptography is now
Rob Clyde, chairman-elect of ISACA's board of directors, worries a lot about the world according to qubits. He explains why here -- and why post-quantum cryptography should matter to CIOs.Continue Reading
Artificial intelligence center of excellence emerges as best practice
One way for enterprises to get a grip on an AI strategy that makes sense for them is to establish an artificial intelligence center of excellence.Continue Reading
Digital transformation program: How to drive business success
When embarking on their digital transformation journey, CIOs must first understand the problems they are trying to solve. CIO Bill Gillis explains why.Continue Reading
CISO soft skills in demand as position evolves into leadership role
Cybersecurity industry veteran Joan Pepin discusses how the evolution of the CISO role has made soft skills essential to thrive in the information security field.Continue Reading
IT pros name users, GDPR as biggest cloud computing security threats
The cloud is growing faster than companies can prepare for cloud computing security threats, a quartet of tech leaders say at a Boston forum. But managing risk is within reach.Continue Reading
Best practices for cloud security: Be cognizant of what's in the cloud
In this Ask the Expert, Booz Allen Hamilton's Anil Markose offers the cloud security best practices organizations need to protect their cloud information.Continue Reading
Machine learning use case to ID unhappy employees
Telus International CIO Michael Ringman analyzes the machine learning use case he launched to curb high attrition rates in call centers.Continue Reading
Some types of artificial intelligence aren't ready for their close-up
Michael Ringman, CIO at TELUS International, has a unique vantage point on artificial intelligence and how the technologies under the AI umbrella are developing. He's helping build an artificial ...Continue Reading
Gartner on blockchain: Questions to ask and lots of caveats
It's immature, misunderstood, untested in the enterprise, risk-laden -- and needs to be on the CIO agenda. Gartner's Nick Heudecker frames the blockchain questions you should be asking.Continue Reading
Fostering human-machine collaboration is a CIO's job
Uncover why human-machine collaboration was singled out in a Forrester Research report that says it's time for enterprises to embrace AI in the workplace -- and IT has a special role to play.Continue Reading
Tackling security debt: The role of risk register, patch management
In this Q&A, Akamai's Dave Lewis offers pointers on how to address security debt and also discusses how organizations can avoid incurring such debt.Continue Reading
At Accenture, benefits of public cloud are business benefits
In this Q&A, infrastructure chief Merim Becirovic reports on the consulting company's cloud journey, discusses new technologies cloud will make possible and offers some getting-started advice.Continue Reading
Bold cloud computing plan puts Accenture on fast track
Three years ago, the consulting company aimed to go from 10% in the public cloud to 90%. How's it faring? Infrastructure chief Merim Becirovic tells in this interview.Continue Reading
CIOs won't own enterprise machine learning -- they'll enable it
How can CIOs support an enterprise machine learning initiative? They can start by building a data lake.Continue Reading
Security debt: Why you should pay attention
Akamai's Dave Lewis -- a speaker at the upcoming RSA Conference 2018 -- discusses how organizations build security debt over time and its potential risks.Continue Reading
Readying your IT shop for RPA software
IT's role in an RPA implementation varies depending on the scope of the project and the company's enterprise architecture. Here's how Fannie Mae, Duke Energy and Abbyy handle RPA.Continue Reading
Crypto-agility: Strategies and best practices to get there
Staying crypto-agile is vital for data security. Venafi's Paul Turner discusses how to establish crypto-agility and the need for creating an inventory of cryptographic assets.Continue Reading
Data, the cloud and its impact on the job of CIO
Cloud computing has made it so easy to create data and move into and out of business, according to one tech vendor exec, it's changed the focus of the job of CIO.Continue Reading
Vendor briefing on standardizing processes for RPA services
Robotic process automation (RPA) services promise eye-popping returns on investment. Here, a veteran business process improvement expert talks about his experiences in preparing Fortune 100 ...Continue Reading
Serverless computing architecture won't kill containers
As a way of building applications, serverless computing architecture is gaining in popularity. But it won't replace containers or any other development method, Red Hat's Rich Sharples says.Continue Reading
Artificial intelligence strategies tackle 'reasonable goals' -- not moonshots
The Gartner Data & Analytics Summit I've been writing about recently was filled with prescriptive advice for data analytics leaders. Much of that advice, unsurprisingly, was focused on the ...Continue Reading
Serverless computing model puts the developer in the driver's seat
The application design method is all the rage in IT circles. A former developer sounds off on what it's good for -- and what it isn't.Continue Reading
Savvy reasons not to use public cloud platforms
Going to the cloud could lead to business benefits aplenty. Yet, for some, sticking to terra firma may be the solid choice.Continue Reading
Today's great cloud challenge: The hybrid IT puzzle
Companies are still in an early phase of a big cloud challenge: managing a mishmash of public and private cloud systems and data centers. And they may have to wait on vendors to help tackle it.Continue Reading
How can the CISO become a business enabler?
For a cybersecurity program to be effective, CISOs must be viewed as business enablers. Kudelski Security's John Hellickson offers tips on how CISOs can make the transformation.Continue Reading
Who needs a tech futurist? In today's world, you do
A Chicago consulting outfit hires a tech futurist to help clients prepare for the fast-coming next waves of technology. But looking at the future to prepare today isn't just for consultants.Continue Reading
How to create the best RPA architecture
Enterprises are embracing robotic process automation to automate rules-based, repetitive tasks in a cost-efficient manner. ROI depends on having the right RPA architecture.Continue Reading
AI in the enterprise: A framework for success
Developing an AI use case that lays out what the project will cost, the value it will provide and the potential risks it will bring can be a head scratcher for CIOs. AI in the enterprise is ...Continue Reading
Understanding of cloud computing ERP clearing -- but still foggy
Companies drawn to the centralizing simplicity of cloud computing ERP need to fully grasp the characteristics that make it different from on-premises software, according to the Cloud Security Alliance.Continue Reading
Cloud ERP systems present 'business-critical' security challenges
Where does the data live? Who -- the provider or the customer -- is responsible for securing what? They're vital questions to ask when mulling a cloud move, a new report posits.Continue Reading
Blockchain implementation: Connecting the missing DLT links
Blockchain implementation is helping streamline governance processes, but a few questions must be answered first to take full advantage of distributed ledger technology.Continue Reading
Cloud computing ecosystem: Greater than the sum of its parts
The cloud affords companies the freedom to try new things fast. But they also risk "totally losing control," says analyst Liz Herbert. A cloud computing ecosystem imposes a sense of order.Continue Reading
AI in the workplace: Try it, you'll like it
Google and its big tech compatriots know what we're up to much of the time; it won't be long before employers do too. Welcome to the future workplace; behold the quantified worker.Continue Reading
Among AI use cases that matter to CIOs, ITSM ranks high
AI use cases for your ITSM program abound, but early adopters caution that vendor offerings are immature and will require hands-on testing for best results.Continue Reading
Prepare now for an AI-assisted ITSM strategy
What does it mean to have an AI-assisted ITSM strategy? Pink Elephant's Jennifer Wels outlines seven areas where AI can be applied to ITSM.Continue Reading
Some may not know it, but companies want CIOs with cloud expertise
Organizations know what benefits cloud computing can bring -- and they're seeking out IT leaders with cloud expertise to make them a reality.Continue Reading
In digital era, CEO's job is to score with tech
Lisa Pearson, chief exec at data analytics company Umbel, discusses the CEO's job -- ever-slanting toward tech -- in a time of the "superpower consumer."Continue Reading
Enterprise data analytics strategy: A guide for CIOs
This Essential Guide explores enterprise data analytics strategies and how to select the right infrastructure, management tactics and technologies for your organization.Continue Reading
Instagram is a free, online photo-sharing application and social network platform that was acquired by Facebook in 2012.Continue Reading
'Proof of value' -- not proof of concept -- key to RPA technology
Companies interested in robotic process automation (RPA) technology get fixated on proving it works, not its business value. Here's how to fix that.Continue Reading
Unclouding: How one company reversed the cloud migration process
As cloud use matures, more companies are considering scaling back and starting a reverse cloud migration process. Here is one IT officer's 'unclouding' experience.Continue Reading
The new products development process and IT innovation
Most people don't know what their company's business objectives are. But for IT to contribute to a successful new products development process, your team needs to know.Continue Reading
Break the bottleneck with this new IT/business engagement model
CIO teams need to interact more directly with business stakeholders -- from the digital sophisticates to the digital naïfs. Here are five elements of a new business engagement model.Continue Reading
The power of positive four-letter words to unlock employee potential
Four-letter words like can't and don't crush an employee's potential and quash creativity. Have the courage to use positive four-letter words and watch what happens.Continue Reading
Key IT metrics: A CIO guide
As technology and the business evolve, so do IT metrics. In this Essential Guide, learn how to navigate KPIs, IT investment and cloud cost optimization techniques.Continue Reading
Writing a statement of work? Here's what you should include
A project's success can hinge on having clear and specific details about it. Download this free checklist to see critical elements of a statement of work.Continue Reading
Free statement of work template examples for CIOs
Statements of work are critical in helping CIOs keep projects on track and meet business goals. Check out these free statement of work template examples.Continue Reading
How organizational agility will save and destroy your company
Aiming for organizational agility? Prepare to change how you scope work, structure teams, develop talent, practice leadership, and deliver and sell your products.Continue Reading
Building an online game platform: Startup caters to developers
The online game platform startup STOVE aims to solve the catch-22 of platform businesses by offering business assistance to its content producers, in addition to user analytics.Continue Reading
Pixar president on why building a 'fail fast' culture is hard
The duality of failure, IBM's bet on cognitive computing, and the difference between a data officer and an analytics officer: The Data Mill reports.Continue Reading
A CIO's guide to enterprise cloud migration
Considering an enterprise cloud migration? This Essential Guide delves into the process and lays out best practices for getting the job done.Continue Reading
Infographic: Strategic IT plan checklist for CIOs
A company's IT strategy can determine whether it sinks or floats in today's competitive marketplace. Download our free checklist to find out what components should be in your strategic IT plan.Continue Reading
Larry Wall's programmer virtues and 'vices'
IT pros who are lazy, impatient and hubristic are just what CIOs need. Gartner analyst Danny Brian explains why in this SearchCIO tip.Continue Reading
CIO guide to project management basics, DevOps and Agile
In this Essential Guide, learn project management basics and get expert advice on how to get the most out of DevOps and i an Agile digital strategy.Continue Reading
Profiles in digital leadership at Forbes, CBS, US Bank
Forbes, CBS and US Bank use social media marketing, mobile devices, Agile project development -- and strong IT-marketing partnerships -- to drive digital projects.Continue Reading
Loss of focus chief reason for startup failure
Too much passion, too little passion, too many cooks -- there are many factors that can lead to loss of focus and, ultimately, to startup failure.Continue Reading
Free RFP template examples for ERP
Use these free RFP template examples for ERP to make the best use of your business' technology resources.Continue Reading
Three steps to keep IT policies and procedures regulatory compliant
Corporate compliance and risk management expert Jeffrey Jenkins shares how he ensures IT policies and procedures remain in sync with current compliance regulations.Continue Reading
Can automated segregation of duties benefit regulatory compliance?
In this feature, Michael Rasmussen explains why automated SoD reduces compliance costs as well as the potential for fraud and lawsuits.Continue Reading
Mobility trend: For this IT leader, connected car is both zest and threat
The connected car is just one example of a mobility trend that is reshaping business as usual.Continue Reading
The new BPM program: A focus on data-driven business outcomes
With an emphasis on data-driven business results, the new BPM program is giving CIOs the tools to help grow the business.Continue Reading
Preparation underway for Dodd-Frank conflict mineral disclosures
Dodd-Frank conflict mineral provisions create new disclosure rules for public companies. In this tip, learn how to prepare for the regulations.Continue Reading
Quiz: Mobile BI strategy, techniques and practices for CIOs
Mobile business intelligence techniques are a hot topic in today's IT departments. Test your knowledge in our mobile BI strategy quiz.Continue Reading
Cloud: A disruptive technology that's worth the disruption
Cloud computing is a disruptive technology that promises to upend the enterprise, but the upsides are worth the risk.Continue Reading
IT service management and delivery: A quiz for CIOs
Is your IT organization doing all it can to improve user experience? Review our CIO coverage and take our quiz on IT service management and delivery.Continue Reading
A news feed (newsfeed) is list of newly published content on a website. End users can receive push updates for new content on a site by subscribing to the site's news feed. Continue Reading
business continuity management (BCM)
Business continuity management (BCM) is a framework for identifying an organization's risk of exposure to internal and external threats.Continue Reading
Generation Facebook (Generation F)
Generation Facebook (Generation F) is a term used to define millennials who have grown up using social media as their primary networking tool.Continue Reading
PICK chart (Possible, Implement, Challenge and Kill chart)
A PICK chart (Possible, Implement, Challenge and Kill chart) is a visual tool for organizing ideas. The purpose of a PICK chart is to identify which ideas can be implemented easily and have a high payoff.Continue Reading
Yammer is a private microblogging and collaboration platform for enterprise social networking. Unlike public social media platforms such as Twitter,Yammer only allows members to connect with other members who belong to the same email domain.Continue Reading
Millennials 101: Test yourself with our generational diversity quiz
As the Millennial generation enters the workforce, CIOs are balancing a lot of generational diversity. Test your knowledge about managing Millennials.Continue Reading
FAQ: Four criteria for an effective IT innovation strategy
In this FAQ, IT executives share four ways to kick-start and manage an IT innovation strategy that drives business value and transformation.Continue Reading
Test your social media risk management IQ: A quiz
Proliferating social networks have cast a spotlight on social media risk management. Take our quiz to find out if you are up to speed on social media.Continue Reading
control framework
A control framework is a data structure that organizes and categorizes an organization’s internal controls, which are practices and procedures established to create business value and minimize risk.Continue Reading
99.999 (Five nines or Five 9s)
In computers, 99.999 (often called "five 9s") refers to a desired percentage of availability of a given computer system.Continue Reading
Cloud computing service quiz for enterprise CIOs
Is your organization ready to ramp up its cloud computing service offerings? Read these recent stories and take our quiz to assess your cloud computing readiness.Continue Reading
FAQ: GARP and how it helps you achieve better information governance
Many organizations do not have an information governance structure that works with defined record-keeping principles that ensures accountability. GARP may be your answer.Continue Reading
IT in 2010: Keeping up with the latest IT management trends
Running IT in 2010 requires CIOs to consider ITSM methodologies, vendor contract renegotiations and investments in new technologies. Have you kept up with IT management trends?Continue Reading
Spoliation is the destruction, alteration, or mutilation of evidence that may pertain to legal action. (Continued)Continue Reading
Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA)
The Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) is a United States federal statute that prohibits a third party from intercepting or disclosing communications without authorization.Continue Reading
Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is United States federal legislation that promotes accuracy, fairness and privacy for data used by consumer reporting agencies.Continue Reading
CKO (chief knowledge officer)
Chief knowledge officer (CKO) is a corporate title for the person responsible overseeing knowledge management within an organization.Continue Reading
FFIEC compliance (Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council)
FFIEC compliance is conformance to a set of standards for online banking issued in October 2005 by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC)... (Continued)Continue Reading