Weigh the pros and cons of technologies, products and projects you are considering.
Weigh the pros and cons of technologies, products and projects you are considering.
CIO skills in most demand: The ability to 'helicopter'
Does your CIO skills repertoire include the ability to "helicopter"? Then do I have a job for you! Continue Reading
Social media tips and other helpful lists
In this week's roundup, we have a list made up primarily of lists -- how meta! Included are social media tips and a general how-to on being a good CIO. Continue Reading
Filling soft skills gap may be easier than you think
Some of our readers responded to a recent story about the perceived soft skills gap in IT suggesting the talent leaders are seeking could be all around them. Continue Reading
CEOs: CIOs earn seat at the table by creating competitive advantage
CIOs who master new technologies and wring value from legacy systems are great, but what CEOs really want is a partner in creating competitive advantage. Continue Reading
Even a minor lapse in security protocol can lead to major costs
When security protocols are neglected, data isn't the only loss. A breach in Utah cost the state CIO his job and possibly his reputation. Continue Reading
Really big deals: Facebook IPO and SEC guidance on cybersecurity
Read about this week's biggest tech news, including Facebook's long-awaited IPO and the SEC's guidance on cybersecurity.Continue Reading
Of motherhood and mobile strategy
In this week's roundup, we make a highly unscientific link between motherhood and mobile strategy and get a glimpse of Siri's possible true calling.Continue Reading
Mobile spending seeding a business revolution
Mobile computing is burning up the enterprise in more ways than one. A new report on mobile spending adds a piece of kindling to the rage.Continue Reading
BI? Website relaunch? It's all about mobile app design
Whether it's a conversation about websites, business intelligence, sales, you name it -- all roads lead to mobile app design.Continue Reading
Do CIOs care about gaining a competitive advantage?
Do CIOs care enough about gaining a competitive advantage—or is collegiality the secret of success in IT?Continue Reading
Sometimes tech innovation is the only option
This week's roundup of bits from around the Web includes two interesting looks at tech innovation. Plus, could your Facebook profile help save a life?Continue Reading
Enterprise CIO project management resources guide
Project management success requires proper planning, a dedicated team and a deft CIO touch. Learn more in this project management resources guide.Continue Reading
Four ways to improve your change management strategy
What creates the most bottlenecks when it comes to a change management strategy? One expert outlines the biggest offenders.Continue Reading
Promoting innovation, from boss-less offices to tweaking big data
This week's roundup of tidbits from the Web includes ways of promoting innovation, as well as talent in the workplace.Continue Reading
Privacy concerns surround Google cloud storage service
Soon after Google launched its Drive cloud storage service, data privacy and security worries arose.Continue Reading
CIOs get no respect? They should follow the money
CIOs don't get any respect from CEOs on innovation leadership. Don't get miffed, follow the money.Continue Reading
Seeing the obvious is an IT project management skill
Having good IT project management skills can mean knowing when you don't need them.Continue Reading
Quotable quotes on the role of the CIO
The best comments on the role of the CIO often don't make it into stories. Here's a collection of insightful and often humorous CIO side comments.Continue Reading
Reading the tea leaves on the CIO job shakeup at BofA
What do companies want from their CIOs? This week's shakeup in the CIO job at Bank of America suggests the question is not given to easy answers.Continue Reading
Strategic outsourcing and vendor management guide
Get strategic outsourcing tips and IT vendor management best practices in this IT outsourcing guide for enterprise CIOs.Continue Reading
Business transformation and the human touch
Business transformation, and how the CIO can bring this to bear through adaptability and a bit of a human touch.Continue Reading
Teamwork is important, folks at the top say
Teamwork is important. Two born leaders tell CIOs why.Continue Reading
Personal cloud solutions part of a frictionless future
By 2015, analysts say, personal cloud products will displace PCs as the hub of consumers' digital lives, with annual spending topping $2 trillion.Continue Reading
Will cloud service providers create a jobs boom?
Are cloud service providers fueling major job growth, or just re-employing workers bumped by the cloud?Continue Reading
Spring is here, and innovation is in the air
In this week's roundup of news and notable bits from around the Web, spring brings thoughts of innovation.Continue Reading
A tale of two data quality theories
Data quality still hobbles business intelligence efforts. The question is what to do about it.Continue Reading
Siri, find me a good lawyer
In this week’s roundup, a legalpalooza: Yahoo sues Facebook, someone sues Siri and a lawyer slowly backs away from her Pinterest boards.Continue Reading
Where are the women in computer science?
Women are nearly at parity with men when it comes to bachelor's degrees in science and engineering. So, why are so few women in computer science?Continue Reading
How big data improves an information security strategy
A security guru discusses new ways of looking at the intersection between big data and an information security strategy.Continue Reading
Who’s afraid of the iPad 3?
This week’s bits include why the iPad 3 should put a scare in the competition, and an example of how CIOs who consider the consumer come out on top.Continue Reading
The love-hate nature of unified communications
A unified communications strategy where workers are empowered to make decisions comes up against management's need to control.Continue Reading
Security woes and a different kind of Net threat
We're feeling a little vulnerable this week. Maybe it's because our cache of tech bits is a little heavy on security issues.Continue Reading
Data loss statistics: Emerging culprits
Social networking, cloud computing and mobile technology create business opportunities. But data loss statistics show these advances create risks too.Continue Reading
Silence on business analytics speaks volumes
The next time your CIO pals clam up about business analytics, watch out. They're on to something. You should be too.Continue Reading
No need to search, they know what you want
Tidbits of news and analysis from the week that was, including another manipulation of big data, three steps to becoming the CIO you know you are and one mobile device that might give you headaches.Continue Reading
BI strategies evolve for big data analysis needs
"Big data" is a buzzword no more. CIOs are adapting their BI strategies to meet the challenges of big data analysis.Continue Reading
Mission-critical systems taking on dual roles
As CIOs take on new roles, they are finding new uses for mission-critical systems -- and that in turn is making their role more business-critical.Continue Reading
Is technology leadership training lacking?
A lack of technology leadership training specific to the CIO position leaves the up-and-comers fending for themselves.Continue Reading
No honor-student bumper stickers for Steve Jobs
A roundup of items you might have missed from around the Web, including Steve Jobs' high school GPA and a possible storm over cloud privacy in the EU.Continue Reading
Days are dwindling for successful Windows 7 migration
If you've been hitting the snooze button on Windows 7 migration, it's time to wake up -- you're already late.Continue Reading
2012 Global IT Forecast
TechTarget asked 2,642 IT professionals and business analysts around the world for their IT forecasts for 2012. The direction of IT budgets and the technologies getting attention may surprise.Continue Reading
Big data is dead? Long live analytics apps?
The view of BI as an enterprise-wide system similar to ERP is giving way to a more tactical, "disaggregated" approach based on analytics apps.Continue Reading
Who's the 'insider' security campaigns target?
Can CIOs learn anything from a security campaign launched by the military more than 60 years ago?Continue Reading
Shared services model puts focus on external customer
For Owens Corning CIO David Johns, a shared services model is key to a low-cost, high-value IT and business services delivery strategy.Continue Reading
Enterprise CIO Decisions Ezine
The Enterprise CIO Decisions Ezine offers senior IT executives insights on pressing technology and management issues.Continue Reading
The CIO and the extended enterprise
The CIO role is stretching further into the outer limits of the "extended enterprise."Continue Reading
CIOs: Should your next IT hire be a consumer advocate?
How IT shops are changing and whom CIOs need to hire are big topics in the age of cloud and mobility. Should consumer advocates be on the list?Continue Reading
CIOs proving the value of technology investments
There's no easy way to prove the value of technology investments, but smart CIOs are finding new ones -- and smarter still, being proactive about it.Continue Reading
Rosy outlook for services broker model may have thorns
The IT services-broker model might be good for your business, but one CIO cautions against letting the label define your role.Continue Reading
Re-evaluating endpoint security tools
Has technology advanced to the point that some endpoint security tools -- and the staff needed to support them -- will go away?Continue Reading
An enterprise guide to CIO roles and responsibilities
Get answers to questions about IT career issues, salaries, budgets, spending and staff development in this guide to CIO roles and responsibilities.Continue Reading
Overtime pay limit could put CIOs in a tough spot
A bill limiting overtime pay for IT workers is one more example of politicians putting corporate interests ahead of individual workers, opponents say.Continue Reading
'IT as a services broker' model will carry beyond 2012
IT leaders are positioning themselves as facilitators or IT services brokers rather than as the managers and mainframe minders of yore.Continue Reading
CIOs have to be passionate and in fighting trim
To be executive material for the CIO job these days, you'll need more than a well-cut suit.Continue Reading
Application portals for managing mobile devices no joke
CIOs are turning to application portals to meet mobile needs while protecting corporate IT policies.Continue Reading
GE's journey from waterfall to Agile practices
General Electric Co. turned to Agile practices to revamp software development in its Energy division. Now Agile is making its way across the company.Continue Reading
The IT organization of the future: An enterprise within an enterprise
The IT organization of the future is shifting to become not only a business but also a part of an integrated business services organization.Continue Reading
The need for IT innovation leads to aggressive collaboration
IT innovation is what happens when there's no money for new equipment but plenty of fresh ideas emanating from all parts of the business.Continue Reading
CIOs looking for ways to say yes to the iPad in the enterprise
CIOs are looking for ways to say yes to the iPad in the enterprise, despite the technological and cultural challenges associated with new mobile devices.Continue Reading
IT offshore outsourcing markets, options on the rise, Gartner says
The never-ending quest to cut IT costs is opening up new IT offshoring markets. Here are a look at Gartner's latest assessment and a new index from IT advisory firm TPI Inc.Continue Reading
CIO podcasts: Information technology and leadership news and tips
At SearchCIO.com, we're always looking for new ways to deliver the latest IT news and trends. Download these podcasts and listen on the go!Continue Reading
Mobile data security spans policies, budgets and backups
A proliferation of mobile devices in the enterprise forces CIOs to reassess policies, budgets and backups for mobile data security.Continue Reading
Enterprise governance guide for CIOs and IT executives
An enterprise governance program is key to the IT success of many organizations. Learn how to properly govern IT assets and resources and align IT governance and compliance.Continue Reading
Data storage management tips, techniques and options for SMBs
With a growing number of storage options available to SMBs, it's important to nail down a data storage management strategy. Learn tips, strategies and techniques in our guide.Continue Reading
FAQ: GARP and how it helps you achieve better information governance
Many organizations do not have an information governance structure that works with defined record-keeping principles that ensures accountability. GARP may be your answer.Continue Reading
IT budgeting and spending strategies guide for CIOs
IT budgeting and spending is a balancing act between needs and wants even in a strong economy. Are you ready to figure out what your IT department will need? Check out this CIO Briefing for IT budgeting and spending strategies.Continue Reading