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CIOs: Nominate your IT services partners for project award
Here's your opportunity to recognize an MSP, IT consultancy, systems integrator or other tech service provider that made a difference to your organization in 2021.
Ties between CIOs and IT services partners are deepening as enterprises battle the talent gap and strive to deliver digital transformation projects.
Help us recognize one of your valued partners and a specific IT initiative they worked with your company to implement in 2021. The second annual SearchITChannel Top IT Projects Awards will spotlight innovative project collaborations between CIOs (or other IT managers) and managed services providers, value-added resellers/solution providers, systems integrators or IT consulting/professional services firms.
Nominate your company's top partner by filling out the four-question entry form by Friday, Feb. 4, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. PDT. Our independent panel of judges will select winners and runners-up in three partner categories: small businesses, mid-sized businesses and large enterprises. We will announce those companies and their CIO customers March 22, 2022 to members of SearchITChannel.com and SearchCIO.com.
The top IT service partner winner in each business-size category, along with their CIO customer, will be featured in a project case study published on SearchITChannel.com and visible to thousands of TechTarget end-user and channel members. For a look at last year's winner, click here.
In addition, the award winners and runners-up will be recognized on SearchCIO, a SearchITChannel-affiliated website that serves technology decision-makers. Winners and runners-up will also receive a 2021 Top IT Projects logo for use on their websites and marketing and event materials.
Judging criteria
The judges will consider entries based on the following criteria:
- Technical innovation. Did the IT service provider offer emerging technology, an original use of mainstream technology or custom development to deliver your IT project?
- Challenges that were overcome. What unique challenges did the project pose, and how did the IT services partner help overcome them?
- Creative partnering. How did the IT services company's partnering approach -- with your company and with third parties such as technology vendors -- contribute to the project's success?
- Business benefits. How did your organization, as an IT services customer, benefit from the project? Were there broader benefits to external customers or the general public?
The entry form is available here.
Please complete each of the form's four questions to enter a project. CIOs can submit multiple IT service provider or project nominations; please fill out a separate entry form for each project. Please only submit using the form, as we are not able to accept hard copy submissions or emailed submissions. If you have problems with the form, please contact us for guidance.
We look forward to receiving your submissions!