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2018's top blogs highlight goals, obstacles to modern CIO strategies
SearchCIO's top 2018 blog posts provide a glimpse into how evolving technology and the digital transformation of business processes are influencing CIO strategies.
Topics discussed in the top SearchCIO blogs of 2018 are certainly wide-ranging: IT leaders perused posts about topics ranging from the evolving machine learning market and cloud computing interoperability to changing consumer expectations. Despite the range in content, these posts do have at least one thing in common: They detail CIO strategies that are helping IT leaders gain a competitive advantage in their respective markets.
In these popular blog posts, SearchCIO contributors delve into real-world examples of how IT continues to transform business processes -- for better and for worse. From the implementation of data privacy rules to the changing machine learning market to evolving cloud strategies, our top posts outline how modern companies are adapting to the digital transformation of business processes.
They also provide a glimpse into how CIO strategies are evolving as members of the C-suite continue to adapt to digital transformation. And while they serve as a great way to recap IT in 2018, looking behind us could serve as a preview of what to expect in 2019 as rapidly evolving business technologies and IT strategies continue to change the CIO role. Without further ado, here are the most popular SearchCIO blog posts to help guide your digital transformation efforts in 2019.
ITIL 4: What to expect in the 2019 update
ITIL 4 is scheduled to be published in early 2019 and is the first major update of the IT service management library since 2011. In a webinar to outline the new guidance, Akshay Anand, lead architect for the ITIL 4 update, gave a preview of what to expect.
A website remake leads the charge for one bank's digital transformation
Federal Bank Ltd., an Indian bank that operates more than 1,000 branches and ATMs, replaced a custom-built website with a new corporate site based on open source technology from Liferay Inc. The change, along with a UI overhaul, led to a huge increase in daily site visits. In this blog, Federal Bank reps discussed the bank's adoption of the Liferay Digital Experience Platform, which includes an enterprise portal, web content management and developer tools.
Apple CEO Tim Cook calls for federal data privacy oversight
While delivering a keynote speech at a conference in October, Apple CEO Tim Cook said it was time the U.S. adopted its own federal data privacy law -- while calling out corporations for "weaponizing consumer data." Experts weighed in on whether Cook's criticism would move the needle on consumer data privacy, and what a U.S. federal privacy law should look like in light of GDPR.
With machine learning platforms in demand, ML market is in flux
A Gartner report from earlier this year found that the market for data science and machine learning platforms was in flux, with more established players being usurped by companies capable of adapting quickly to growing market demands. Read more in this blog to learn CIO strategies for keeping apace of this rapidly-evolving market.
To achieve multi-cloud unity, interoperability and portability are required
When put to good use, cloud computing interoperability and portability are concepts that can help companies avoid being locked into vendor relationships while making the best use of a plethora of cloud services. However, for companies with multi-cloud environments, interoperability and portability can create complications. Read more in this blog to learn how to take advantage of cloud interoperability and portability while avoiding potential pitfalls.
The "digital CFO" in demand as data analytics drives finance processes
Digitized business processes has unquestionably influenced CIO roles and responsibilities. As tools like improved data analytics techniques and automation continue to spread in the business setting, a new and highly sought-after position is rising: the "digital CFO."
As digital transformation spending increases, CIOs called on to drive business growth
Earlier this year, IDC forecast worldwide spending on technologies and services that drive enterprise digital transformation to soar past $1 trillion in 2018, forcing CIOs to consider business needs when implementing digital technologies or enhancing IT systems. In this blog, Stephen Hamrick, vice president of product management at SAP Jam, explained how enterprise digital transformation is advancing the CIO role and how CIO strategies should align with overall business goals.
Gartner: Develop an AI "framework" for business success
For many enterprises, useful artificial intelligence implementation remains uncharted territory. Gartner advises that CIOs develop a step-by-step framework' designed to sort out the type of AI applications, AI solutions and core AI technologies needed to produce desired results.
To read these and more blog posts focusing on IT strategy, visit TotalCIO.