NSA surveillance could lead to data collection policy
In case anyone wasn’t aware by now, private and public entities are collecting our data. This tidbit of not-quite-news was included in President Obama’s address last week on NSA surveillance reform. If upon hearing this, you thought to yourself “Aaaand …?” it’s pretty likely you’re not alone. Well, this week brought an answer to that sarcastic question; it’s the subject of this week’s lead Searchlight item.
On Thursday, the White House announced the launch of a working group tasked with looking into potential privacy issues related to data collection by public and private entities. A shall we say, “interesting” proposition considering the source — not to mention an enormous undertaking. As the White House well knows, it’s called “big” data for a reason. It’s easy (and entirely understandable) to look at this proposition with a very cynical eye — but worth looking at nonetheless.
Also in Searchlight this week: Netflix talks tough about net neutrality, HP and BlackBerry have a lousy week, and more.
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