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6 tips to plan a digital transformation budget

Formulating budgets for digital transformation projects is fraught with complexities, expectations and unknowns that differentiate it from traditional IT and business planning.


Businesses left in legal limbo with FTC noncompete ban

Employers need to start planning for compliance with the FTC noncompete ban, effective Sept. 4, despite uncertainty around whether the rule will hold up in court.


Top enterprise risk management certifications to consider

Certifications are essential to many careers. Here are some useful enterprise risk management certifications for risk managers, IT professionals and other workers.


FTC, DOJ take aim at dark patterns with Adobe lawsuit

The FTC and DOJ's lawsuit against Adobe targets dark patterns by claiming that Adobe's allegedly difficult cancellation process traps consumers in unwanted subscriptions.

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    6 tips to plan a digital transformation budget

    Formulating budgets for digital transformation projects is fraught with complexities, expectations and unknowns that differentiate it from traditional IT and business planning.

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    12 digital transformation benefits for business

    Efficiency, resiliency, productivity and ROI are among the most critical digital transformation benefits for businesses fighting to remain competitive and gain market share.

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    product development (new product development)

    Product development -- also called new product management -- is a series of steps that includes the conceptualization, design, development and marketing of newly created or rebranded goods and services.

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