Getting to know the API proxy
Explore the capabilities and practical uses for an API proxy, as well as examine the relationship between an API proxy and an API gateway. Continue Reading
4 microservices antipatterns that ruin migration
A migration to microservices can quickly lead to a chaotic heap of overly-coupled modules and fragile code. Here are the most critical microservices antipatterns to avoid. Continue Reading
Use tokens for microservices authentication and authorization
Independent and interoperable microservices require a permissions rethink, or you'll drive users crazy. Examine how tokens come into play for authentication and authorization. Continue Reading
The 7 crucial RPA developer skills
As enterprises move in on RPA, they need developers who can juggle both the business and technical sides of automation. Here are seven essential RPA developer skills. Continue Reading
How to plan and execute a migration to microservices
Ready for a migration to microservices? Here are the steps your development team can take to gradually transition your existing monolithic applications. Continue Reading
The 3 tenets of microservice messaging patterns
In a microservices architecture, there's no question that it's tricky to ensure effective service communication. Review these three tenets of microservice messaging patterns. Continue Reading
5 key software testability characteristics
How do you design the software components for comprehensive testing? Start with these fundamentals of software testability -- from mocks and stubs to infrastructure-as-code. Continue Reading
Get started with a hybrid microservices model
Enterprises don't always have to choose between a microservices and monolithic architecture -- take a hybrid approach to experience the best of both worlds. Continue Reading
What is the difference between Python and Ruby?
In this article, we explore the genesis of these two programming languages, notable characteristics and differences, and where each language might be headed. Continue Reading
4 trends for Kubernetes cloud-native teams to watch in 2020
Today's software architectural landscape seems to change like the weather. Stay ahead of the curve with these cloud-related trends, including GitOps and service meshes. Continue Reading
A concurrent programming faceoff: Erlang vs. Elixir
Do you want the strong data integrity of Erlang, or the flexibility of Elixir? We explore the pros and cons of each in this head-to-head language matchup. Continue Reading
What is a microkernel architecture, and is it right for you?
Apps aren't limited to monolith and microservices architecture. Discover the benefits of a microkernel, common plugins and the apps best suited for this type of architecture. Continue Reading
Consider these key microservices caching strategies
Data caching is a key part of ensuring microservices have easy access to the data they need. We review a few key caching strategies. Continue Reading
3 microservices resiliency patterns for better reliability
The flipside of microservices agility is the resiliency you can lose from service distribution. Here are some microservices resiliency patterns that can keep your services available and reliable. Continue Reading
Fundamental patterns for service discovery in microservices
Service discovery is a huge part of managing a microservices-based application. We examine helpful service discovery patterns developers can use for clean service interaction. Continue Reading
5 big microservices pitfalls to avoid during migration
Too many development teams make these failure-inducing mistakes during a switch to microservices. Learn where things go wrong, and the best ways to avoid problems. Continue Reading
Is microservices adoption right for your organization?
Assess whether your org will benefit from microservices, and use this expert advice to take the initial steps to make a successful architectural and cultural transition. Continue Reading
Rethinking change control in software engineering
The traditional method of application change control won't fly in a modern, DevOps environment. Here's how we can rethink the process in a time where rapid app development rules. Continue Reading
A few fundamental microservices team structure strategies
A microservices architecture can be quite a culture shock to unprepared enterprises. Here's how you can prepare your team to make microservices part of development processes. Continue Reading
The fundamental benefits of programming in Rust
Why does Rust continue to rise in popularity? We examine the features of this composable, cross-platform language that make it a valid competitor to C-based coding. Continue Reading
Pros and cons of monolithic vs. microservices architecture
Developers interested in shifting to microservices should seriously consider whether a monolithic approach may be the smarter choice. Here are the key factors to consider. Continue Reading
Advantages of monolithic architecture that prove it isn't dead
Don't rush to break up a monolith too quickly without considering what you might lose in the process. We examine why a monolithic architecture is sometimes the smarter choice. Continue Reading
Follow these 10 fundamental microservices design principles
The right design principles enable microservices adopters to build an application from autonomous, cohesive components that can scale seamlessly. Here are 10 to follow. Continue Reading
How to improve API documentation with Swagger and OpenAPI
Discover why developers should take advantage of Swagger tooling and the OpenAPI specification to streamline API design, documentation and management, especially for RESTful APIs. Continue Reading
3 event sourcing patterns that ease app processing
Examine the pros and cons of three event sourcing patterns that solve certain problems but can introduce new ones in an event-driven architecture. Continue Reading
How the .NET Core platform advances cloud-based app deployment
The capabilities of .NET Core keep developers interested. We break down the reasons why that's the case. Continue Reading
How to tackle 5 common event bus pattern problems
The event bus pattern has quickly become a necessity, but it's not a free ride. Here are five common problems you'll face when you rely on an event bus. Continue Reading
How to test microservices for functionality and compliance
If you're new to microservices testing practices, understand that traditional techniques won't work anymore. We examine how to approach four critical microservices tests. Continue Reading
Apigee vs. Mulesoft: An API management platform face-off
Mulesoft and Apigee are two of the most widely used API management platforms around. This article places them side by side to compare their pros and cons. Continue Reading
The benefits of Python are plenty, but it's not for everyone
Python boasts plenty of features that make it a go-to object-oriented language. But is it always the right choice? We take a look at what you should know about coding with Python. Continue Reading
An introduction to combining CQRS and event sourcing
Combining CQRS and event sourcing is a powerful way to maintain data speed and consistency for web-scale applications. Learn about the pros and cons of pairing these two processes. Continue Reading
Scaling microservices takes conceptual skills and good tooling
Independent scalability is a major benefit of microservices, and simultaneously a complex and challenging thing to implement. Scale microservices with a focus on users' priorities. Continue Reading
API gateway comparison: Kong vs. Tyk
API gateways help organizations smooth out interactions among microservices. This side-by-side rundown of Kong vs. Tyk will help you choose which tool fits your business' needs. Continue Reading
The right (and wrong) way to think about code refactoring
Code refactoring keeps code clean, sharp and efficient -- ideally without changing any of its functionality. Learn how to refactor code without interrupting your deployment pipeline. Continue Reading
Scala: Lightweight functional programming for Java
Scala provides a lightweight code option for Java development, but there could be a steep learning curve. Learn a little about Scala and if it's worth adopting. Continue Reading
3 ways to implement a functional programming architecture
Functional programming, which came about as a highly theoretical, mathematical way to build software, has a place in APIs and other components of applications. Continue Reading
The benefits -- and tradeoffs -- of a mobile SDK
A mobile SDK can do wonders for mobile app development. But how does it work, and what are the pitfalls to watch out for when you take this approach? Continue Reading
Use an API mapping tool to demystify complex API integrations
Whether a simple diagram or more complex model, an API mapping tool can bring order to loosely coupled application components, speed up debugging and simplify application updates. Continue Reading
Compare microservices deployment patterns for best strategy
To solve pesky deployment woes, match your app to a microservices deployment pattern, like single service instance per host, multiple service instances per host or even serverless. Continue Reading
Choose an event-processing architecture for an application
Sift through the state control methods that exist for event-driven applications and see which architecture type is the best fit. Continue Reading
These 6 microservices architecture design patterns solve problems
Navigate the benefits and drawbacks of standard architecture design patterns that aim to diminish microservices deployment and performance miseries. Continue Reading
Elixir functional programming enables concurrency, fault tolerance
Developers can combine features of Erlang functional programming with a newer language, Elixir, which promises simplicity and fault-tolerant operations for distributed applications. Continue Reading
Unravel asynchronous inter-service communication in microservices
See why microservices need to communicate with each other asynchronously. Then, see how to surmount the challenges of inter-service communication in microservices architecture. Continue Reading
Invoke these 3 commandments of microservice applications
Unlock a microservice app's potential with a three-pillared approach centered on a thorough component directory, absolute service flexibility and reliable backwards compatibility. Continue Reading
Match market shifts with a lightweight enterprise architecture
Lightweight EA can streamline and refine how IT software meets business needs. See which lightweight EA toolkit route fits your team: one focused on an EA model or workflows. Continue Reading
Implement and manage an event-driven microservices architecture
Learn the basics of event-driven architecture as they apply to microservices, with the help of real-world examples and three main architecture patterns. Continue Reading
Serverless testing in CI eliminates surprises in production
Writing in a functional language without intuitive unit test coverage? Don't have control over resources or scaling? Here's how to make serverless testing work anyway. Continue Reading
Software reliability engineering practices for distributed apps
Learn how these four software reliability engineering concepts -- inventories, monitoring, observability and Pareto analysis -- can aid API management and application performance. Continue Reading
What semantic monitoring can and can't do for microservices
Semantic monitoring can identify microservices performance problems, catch bugs in transactions and ensure uptime. But when you test in production, you'd better know what you're doing. Continue Reading
Think carefully about API language standards
API language standards were few and far between in the past, but now cloud has made API standardization more important than ever. Learn what you need to know about these standards. Continue Reading
API workflow design patterns for microservices scenarios
When it comes to workflow systems for microservices, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Learn about the API workflow pattern options that can set you straight. Continue Reading
The essentials of refactoring a monolith to microservices
Enterprise apps are complex, long-lived and vital to the business. In short, they're excruciatingly difficult to modernize. If you address these prerequisites, it will hurt less. Continue Reading
How to design APIs for hybrid cloud architecture
Hybrid cloud is complex, particularly because it's the application -- not the server -- that manages API flows. Review some strategies for API management in a hybrid scenario. Continue Reading
A serverless architecture tutorial for development teams
Still emerging serverless technology offers some big advantages for development teams. This serverless architecture tutorial can help clarify the basics on where to start. Continue Reading
4 practical methods to increase service resilience
Resiliency refers to the ability of your architecture to quickly predict, detect and mitigate potential performance failures. Here are four ways to fortify your software. Continue Reading
3 distributed tracing tools perfect for microservices
Distributed tracing is a critical part of the microservices monitoring processes. Here are three tools that can help provide the view you need to identify strangling bottlenecks. Continue Reading
Streamline CI/CD with the Jenkins Blue Ocean tool
Organizations that run Jenkins may find that plugins complicate their CI/CD pipeline. Here's how the continuous delivery tool Blue Ocean can help keep things on track. Continue Reading
Prepare to face these 4 common challenges with microservices
The benefits of microservices come with a cost. Review four common ways breaking up a monolith can actually complicate routine application development and management tasks. Continue Reading
3 serverless development strategies for stateful applications
Serverless developers can connect stateless functions to state information in several ways, without introducing debilitating latency to the application design. Continue Reading
Use event processing to achieve microservices state management
What good are stateless microservices for stateful processing? Bring complex event processing into the mix to manage microservices state through scaling and failures. Here's how. Continue Reading
How to pick the right application wireframing tool
Determine the best application wireframing tool for mobile and website projects based on team collaboration, prototype complexity and other real-world factors. Continue Reading
Simplify Java-based development with the Kotlin language
What makes Kotlin popular among Java professionals? Explore the attributes of this functional programming language that's equipped for both traditional Java and Android developers. Continue Reading
8 practical serverless design patterns for enterprise devs
Serverless app teams can turn to architecture patterns to guide the way to a successful product. Learn the criteria to narrow your options and the key differences between eight patterns. Continue Reading
Get realistic about your multi-cloud strategy aspirations
Multi-cloud is attractive to software teams that want to expand their development toolboxes, but be careful about the complexity it can add to your overall development lifecycle. Continue Reading
Explore Clojure programming language and its multithread style
Discover the fundamentals of the Clojure programming language and its Java-specific uses and tool pairings to see if this multithread programming approach is a fit for your team. Continue Reading
4 tips to tackle common microservices testing problems
Flaky tests put code quality -- and development team morale -- at risk. Proliferating microservices stress out test environments, so use these techniques to keep everything running. Continue Reading
4 fundamental practices for serverless architecture security
Are you ready for serverless security? Learn about four critical planning considerations software teams need to focus on if they plan to adopt serverless. Continue Reading
Address goals with various enterprise architecture strategies
Enterprise architects have a range of frameworks at their fingertips, but their role also entails creating consensus and understanding between business and technical stakeholders. Continue Reading
How to create a stateful application with service brokers, DTP
Complex state control issues come with the territory of stateful application design. Learn useful concepts that manipulate state and enable a stateful app to work as envisioned. Continue Reading
Discover practical serverless architecture use cases
While architects and developers were slow to find practical use cases for serverless, numerous enterprise trends should drive the need for this architecture style. Continue Reading
ICYMI: 6 tips to master Kubernetes performance and management
The more skilled the team, the better a Kubernetes implementation can be. Learn how to get the most out of service discovery, infrastructure management, CI and more. Continue Reading
What does it mean to be an enterprise API management architect?
APIs can't be taken lightly, and that means the API architect's job is essential. Learn about essential API architect responsibilities and how organizations can make the most of APIs. Continue Reading
The key differences between stateless and stateful microservices
Not all services are the same. Learn about the fundamental differences between a stateful and a stateless microservice and the appropriate scenarios for each. Continue Reading
How to create an efficient container-based architecture
Containers can introduce as many problems as they solve. In case you missed it, these four articles offer practical advice for consistent and structured container implementations. Continue Reading
Let app architecture dictate cloud integration tool selection
Does your application rely on a homogeneous or heterogeneous stack? Will the architecture evolve? Learn the types of cloud integration and which app and dev team setups they match. Continue Reading
How does Ballerina stack up as a cloud-native programming language?
While WSO2 has high hopes for its microservices-centric and cloud-native programming language, what do developers think of the current version of Ballerina? Continue Reading
How API gateways work -- and why you need them
Learn the essentials of both API gateways and API design. Then, grasp how to use them to modernize monolithic apps and facilitate cloud-native microservices. Continue Reading
5 key management practices for a hybrid cloud architecture
Workload bottlenecks easily arise between legacy and modern apps in a hybrid cloud. Coordinate integration with these five steps to prep a microservices application for hybrid cloud. Continue Reading
Examine 4 hybrid cloud options from bursts to SaaS to CI/CD
Hybrid cloud can provide an enterprise with a happy medium of cloud and on-premises benefits. Unsure where to begin? Try setting up hybrid web services, software services or development tools, and other practical approaches. Continue Reading
Practical ways to automate microservices' CI/CD processes
Development teams need to make applications extensible and agile. Microservices bring those goals in sight, but an automated CI/CD pipeline is the key to success. Continue Reading
Use the Ballerina language to ease into cloud microservices
With native integration features, Ballerina promises to take care of lower-level technological considerations, while developers focus on building features. Continue Reading
Achieve application state management in microservices designs
Discover the how-tos for managing state in microservices applications, and then evaluate prevalent front-end and back-end state management approaches. Continue Reading
5 ways to manage multiple data sources for high-performance apps
Applications can pull from and work with data from multiple sources, as long as the app design incorporates these five fundamental data management and mapping techniques. Continue Reading
Enable an antilatency cloud event processing architecture
Event-based applications cannot tolerate unreliable networks or latency. Consider an architecture that puts some event processing local to the source to alleviate cloud traffic. Continue Reading
3 ways to grade integration platform-as-a-service vendors
The best iPaaS vendors offer a mix of standardization and flexibility, and they can't leave out compliance. Learn how to compare offerings based on these crucial capabilities. Continue Reading
How Jenkins X updates this CI/CD tool for the cloud, Kubernetes
Jenkins wasn't built for the cloud or Kubernetes, but that's not so for Jenkins X. Here's how users can keep their favorite CI/CD tool to build modern cloud apps and work with containers. Continue Reading
How integration platform as a service stacks up against PaaS and SaaS
IT orgs that face a hybrid mix of apps and data sets can turn to iPaaS for integration -- without the overhead of more software to manage. And there's more than one kind of iPaaS. Continue Reading
How shared Lambda functions help microservices access control
Shared Lambda functions can help combat error message issues that arise when developers create custom authentication and authorization for microservices. Here's how they work. Continue Reading
5 common traps lurking in RESTful development
Unfortunately, many RESTful API developers fall into the same traps during design. Here are five common mistakes that you can avoid with the right planning. Continue Reading
These tools help build microservices in Java
Depending on the mission, developers need to align their tool choices with one of two paths for Java microservices. Here's what you need to know. Continue Reading
How Google Cloud Build helps microservices build automation
Google Cloud Build has the potential to play a valuable and reliable role in CI/CD pipelines for microservices development. Learn how Cloud Build can help. Continue Reading
The 2 fundamental approaches to hybrid cloud integration
Organizations that want to create a hybrid cloud environment need to develop a strategy. Consider these two approaches. Continue Reading
The fundamentals of Micronaut and microservices development
The Micronaut framework offers developers an efficient way to build distributed applications, particularly thanks to quick startup capabilities, a multipurpose CLI and more. Continue Reading
4 development tools that bridge the architect-developer gap
There can be a frustrating divide between the role of software developer and architect in any organization. There are ways to bridge that chasm, and one of these four tools just might help. Continue Reading
How to prepare your own container development kit
A container development kit helps confederate containerized application development and transition developed components between clusters. Here's how to create your own. Continue Reading
How to build microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud
Spring Boot and Cloud can certainly help developers tackle microservices, but it's not for everybody and, unfortunately, there are a few important limitations to consider. Continue Reading
3 serverless platform approaches to consider
There are several ways to approach serverless, and each has pros and cons. Learn where cloud, open source and the more traditional platforms fit into the serverless conversation. Continue Reading
3 ways to minimize critical container vulnerabilities
Containers are complex, and it takes some work to keep your container components and images safe from attack. Here are three critical container development security practices. Continue Reading
Combining serverless and microservices has its benefits
Uncover the advantages that result from coupling serverless with microservices, and see how cloud providers prepare for customers to use these technologies together. Continue Reading
Pair AWS with microservices deployment to meet CI/CD goals
When combined with microservices, these AWS offerings can provide an easier way to adopt a fully Agile development methodology. Continue Reading