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5 predictions for 2020 software architecture trends


As a decade of app architecture closes, another begins

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Most developers at work 10 years ago could not have imagined today's world of lightning-paced, iterative and distributed application development. Today's apps are propelled by trends such as serverless and microservices, a proliferation of API types and management practices, and a thriving ecosystem of development languages and design patterns. In fact, the evolution of app architecture is expected to continue unabated with no sign of slowing down.

Some trends, such as modern API management and microservices, were slow to develop. These technologies have matured enough to find a crucial role within an enterprise application architecture. Or, in some cases, the sheer popularity of a new technology has pushed enterprise adoption in places where application architects wish them to be showcased as a part of their digital business strategy.

How will app architecture trends play out next year? We asked some of our experts at SearchAppArchitecture to predict the brave new world of development and architecture management in 2020. They explore new software tools, practices and platforms and what each can offer an enterprise. They also address what responsible developers and architects need to consider when they navigate these trends safely and successfully.

Fred Churchville is the site editor for SearchAppArchitecture.

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