Learn to apply best practices and optimize your operations.
Learn to apply best practices and optimize your operations.
Implementing webhooks: Benefits and best practices
Webhooks are a simple technology, so make the implementation strategy simple, too. Start by designing an intuitive workflow that plans for the unexpected and prioritizes security. Continue Reading
Difference between a statement vs. expression in programming
The decision between statement-centric and expression-oriented languages can influence an individual's programming style and the code's length, complexity and security. Continue Reading
The 5 essential HTTP methods in RESTful API development
While HTTP methods aren't inherently complex, developers still need to understand the core RESTful API HTTP methods and why they matter. Continue Reading
Harnessing space-based architecture for high performance
Space-based architecture offers the modularity of a distributed microservices architecture but with submillisecond data access times. Unsurprisingly, it comes with tradeoffs. Continue Reading
Webhook security: Risks and best practices for mitigation
Webhook security is an ongoing process, with responsibility shared between providers and consumers to protect against threats and ensure a secure webhook ecosystem. Continue Reading
What's next for APIs? 4 API trends for 2025 and beyond
As businesses navigate tightening budgets and resources, the API marketplace will continue to play a vital role in integrating services, applications and cloud environments.Continue Reading
8 microservices best practices to remember
From integrating domain-driven design to securing APIs, explore a range of microservices best practices for building a resilient and scalable application.Continue Reading
Rust vs. Python: Strengths, challenges and use cases
This Rust vs. Python faceoff breaks down how the two programming languages stack up against each other in terms of performance, speed, memory management and more.Continue Reading
Rust vs. C++: Differences and use cases explained
C++ was mature before Rust even existed. Does that mean developers should switch from C++ to Rust? Not always.Continue Reading
An introduction to TypeSpec, a new API definition language
Standardizing API descriptions and converting API definitions into different formats can be challenging. TypeSpec, a new API definition language, aims to solve that.Continue Reading
5 best practices for microservices authorization
Authorization is a critical security component of a microservices architecture. Follow these five guiding principles to deploy and manage the microservices authorization process.Continue Reading
Why and how to manage microservices without API gateways
Managing microservices without API gateways might be uncommon, but not unheard of. Consider the benefits, downsides and available auxiliary tools before taking an alternate approach.Continue Reading
When not to use microservices: 4 challenges to consider
The switch from microservices to monolith could save costs and improve performance. Explore key considerations and questions to ask when deciding the right architecture for an app.Continue Reading
An introduction to the RESTful API Modeling Language (RAML)
The RESTful API Modeling Language, or RAML, can be a powerful tool for developers looking to create an efficient, standardized API management strategy.Continue Reading
Using bounded context for effective domain-driven design
Domain-driven design helps organizations develop software focused on key business needs. But to do so, architects need to understand the fundamentals of bounded context.Continue Reading
Object-oriented vs. functional programming explained
While plenty of developers entertain the idea of adopting a functional programming model, it's important to first know exactly how it differs from the object-oriented approach.Continue Reading
How to make a strong business case for software projects
Every software project proposal requires in-depth research into the technical aspects at play, but the business case for the project should tone down the tech talk.Continue Reading
The pros and cons of a layered architecture pattern
Layered architecture patterns provide a consistent and secure way to organize code when implemented correctly. However, the way those layers interact should remain a top concern.Continue Reading
Comparing MERN vs. MEAN stacks for web app development
While MERN and MEAN stacks share many common elements, their respective use of React and Angular is a defining factor in choosing one or the other.Continue Reading
Elixir vs. Clojure for functional programming at scale
While they don't have the prestige of JavaScript or Python, Elixir and Clojure are making a name for themselves when it comes to functional programming at scale.Continue Reading
Serverless vs. containers: Which one for microservices apps?
How do you know when microservices should run in containers vs. serverless functions? A big factor is what you plan to do with your microservices.Continue Reading
Understanding the role of polymorphism in OOP
Polymorphism is used in OOP to allow developers to write more efficient code and redefine methods for derived classes; however, it could raise real-time performance issues.Continue Reading
Understanding protocol buffers vs. JSON
Protocol buffers have some compelling advantages over JSON when it comes to sending data between internal services. But is it really a replacement for JSON?Continue Reading
Scripting vs. programming languages: Where they differ
Choosing a programming language is often dictated by the problem the programmer wants to solve and the compute goal that a language is designed to achieve.Continue Reading
Kotlin vs. Scala: Which one is right for your project?
As general-purpose programming languages, both Scala and Kotlin have a lot to offer. But that doesn't mean their uses cases are the same.Continue Reading
Architecting beyond microservices and monoliths
A recent architectural change tied to Amazon's Prime Video service could help enterprise application teams understand their own microservices vs. monolithic architecture choices.Continue Reading
3 critical stops on the back-end developer roadmap
When it comes to acquiring the skills needed to be a proficient back-end developer, there are no shortcuts. Some of the topics to know will be obvious, others might not be.Continue Reading
Techniques to gain control over unruly API sprawl
A lapse in proper control over large portfolios of internal and external APIs can result in problematic sprawl. Here's what software teams can do to prevent that from happening.Continue Reading
5 types of software architecture design worth knowing
While it's impossible to identify any software design style as the 'most important' to know, there are five major patterns with which all architects should arguably become familiar.Continue Reading
4 enterprise architect skills you should never overlook
While there's certainly plenty that goes into being an enterprise architect, what skills are the absolute 'must haves' to stay on top of the job? We examine a few.Continue Reading
A quick look at the Carbon programming language
Carbon is an experimental programming language built to stand on the shoulders of C++ -- but with a new outlook on memory safety, threading and functional programming.Continue Reading
The enduring link between Conway's Law and microservices
While Conway's Law is a decades-old concept, some would argue that the industry's rush to adopt microservices makes this take on development team structure more relevant than ever.Continue Reading
The fundamentals of achieving high cohesion and low coupling
It's easy to say, 'high cohesion, low coupling,' but is it as easy to put into practice? We examine some of the basics behind cohesion, coupling and the right balance between them.Continue Reading
What developers need to know about open banking
Open banking has made financial transactions easier and more secure for those with multiple banking accounts; however, vulnerabilities within open APIs raise security concerns.Continue Reading
5 ways to survive the challenges of monolithic architectures
Those unable to make the jump to microservices still need a way to improve architectural reliability. Here are five ways software teams can improve a monolith's reliability.Continue Reading
How architects can use napkin math to forecast performance
Although modern software systems can be inordinately complex, architects can still use simple napkin math to glean quick overviews of system performance and architecture alignment.Continue Reading
10 training courses to prep for microservices certification
While it's not necessarily easy to become certified in microservices architecture, there are plenty of courses you can take to prep for certification exams like the S90.MSA.Continue Reading
Signs of a Golden Hammer antipattern, and 5 ways to avoid it
The Golden Hammer antipattern can sneak up on a development team, but there are ways to spot it. Learn the signs, as well as some direct steps a team can take to avoid it.Continue Reading
Why contract testing can be essential for microservices
Developers face numerous struggles trying to perform traditional, end-to-end integration testing on microservices. Contract testing presents a potential alternative.Continue Reading
3 common CQRS pattern problems, and how teams can avoid them
While CQRS can provide a lot of value when it comes to structuring an event-driven architecture, improper practices can cause this pattern to be more of a burden than a blessing.Continue Reading
A quick glance at the history of C programming languages
Since C hit the scene in 1972, the language has continuously evolved to stay relevant in modern development. We examine C's history and why it's still relevant.Continue Reading
A 7-point language comparison of Ballerina vs. Golang
This comparison takes a look at both Ballerina and Golang, including their support for high-level programming, libraries, built-in management features and community support.Continue Reading
How viable is it to create microservices in Python?
Python offers microservices developers access to advanced scripting, embedded testing and plugin tooling. But is it a good fit for you? And what are the alternatives if it isn't?Continue Reading
9 steps to implement in an observability strategy
As distributed software systems grow in scale and complexity, things like monitoring and debugging can become a tangled mess. Here are nine ways to bolster your observability plan.Continue Reading
Can you really use a shared database for microservices?
Since its emergence as a mainstream development style, experts have debated the wisdom of using a shared database for microservices versus providing a database per service.Continue Reading
5 fundamental strategies for REST API authentication
There are various authentication methods for REST APIs, ranging from basic credentials and token encryption to complex, multilayered access control and permissions validation.Continue Reading
6 ways cloud-native and cloud-agnostic architecture differ
While development teams should carefully weigh the tradeoffs between cloud-native and cloud-agnostic architectures, they don't necessarily have to commit to just one.Continue Reading
The deep-rooted relationship between REST and microservices
The REST paradigm can be a natural fit for microservices architectures, but it also presents potential challenges for development teams.Continue Reading
The management approach for internal vs. external APIs
While internal and external APIs don't differ much mechanically, there are some important contrasts when it comes to certain API design and lifecycle management issues.Continue Reading
The role of sidecars in microservices architecture
Sidecars can do a lot for microservices when it comes to communication with distributed application components, though they also present some precarious management challenges.Continue Reading
The basics of working with declarative programming languages
While imperative programming is often a go-to, the declarative approach has proved useful in the face of demands for complex, feature-heavy business applications.Continue Reading
Micro apps vs. microservices: What developers should know
On the surface, the contrast between micro apps and microservices simply seems a matter of front-end vs. back-end concerns. But this isn't the only difference worth knowing.Continue Reading
WebStorm vs. Visual Studio, and how to choose the right IDE
WebStorm and Visual Studio represent two ends of a wide spectrum when it comes to the IDE platform market. However, their true differences go well beyond their pricing structures.Continue Reading
Should software architect responsibilities include coding?
There are many variations to the role of the software architect in today's IT teams, and a lingering debate is over whether they should all be hands-on with code.Continue Reading
The 4 Golden Signals, and how to put them into practice
There's nothing easy about monitoring distributed systems, but the right metrics can help. Here's how to put the Golden Signals of software reliability to work.Continue Reading
Resilient software strategies all developers should know
Failures are unavoidable. However, the right software design and development choices can help minimize their impact, isolate problems and speed recovery times.Continue Reading
To master software design patterns, perspective is everything
Elisabeth Robson and Eric Freeman, authors of 'Head First Design Patterns,' outline their quest to teach software design patterns and show developers the right way to learn them.Continue Reading
IPaaS vs. API management: Why the enterprise needs both
Enterprise iPaaS and API management integrate applications and data, but it's not a choice of one or the other. Here's why you probably need both, and why planning is necessary.Continue Reading
3 ways to maximize business process automation benefits
As business automation continues to take the enterprise by storm, there are a few ways software teams can better prepare themselves to confidently kick-start BPA initiatives.Continue Reading
A quick rundown of multi-runtime microservices architecture
Learn the basics about a multi-runtime architecture, and the two-component approach it takes to provide a standard for abstracted microservice-messaging processes.Continue Reading
Feature toggles: A simple fix for complex release cycles
While development teams should always strive to improve app functionality, unchecked collections of feature releases can quickly cause trouble. Feature toggles may be the answer.Continue Reading
Using a business rules engine to streamline decision-making
Get to know some of the details behind a business rules engine, particularly the automated approach it takes to handling critical, rules-based decisions.Continue Reading
5 tips for stronger development team management
Being a competent manager and leading a successful software development team isn't as easy as it looks. Explore the skills, tools and best practices that can strengthen your current workforce.Continue Reading
Using the saga design pattern for microservices transactions
We explore how the saga design pattern can support complex, long-term business processes and provide reliable rollback mechanisms for multistep transaction failures.Continue Reading
4 mobile app security threats all developers must face
Mobile apps carry their own set of code-based vulnerabilities and entry points, meaning developers need to step up their secure development, coding and deployment practices.Continue Reading
Styles, protocols and methods of microservices communication
As application architectures grow in complexity, messaging must become a priority. Review the two types of microservices communication and the primary protocols involved.Continue Reading
Decomposing a monolithic database for microservices
When breaking up a monolith, it's critical to decompose your database alongside your new distributed services. We explore how to do this and avoid creating a distributed monolith.Continue Reading
Navigate service discovery in a microservices architecture
Microservices move rapidly, making streamlined service discovery a must. Learn more about the specific types of discovery approaches and how to determine a strategy.Continue Reading
Explore API documentation basics and best practices
API documentation should be easy to understand -- but how do you accomplish this? Use this quick guide to learn key API documentation components, noteworthy tools and best practices.Continue Reading
3 lessons microservices developers can learn from SOA
Microservices developers can learn from past SOA mistakes to build more resilient and high-performance applications today. Take a look at three major lessons for microservices projects.Continue Reading
Microservices availability tips for pandemic's scaling challenge
Surges in app user activity caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have forced architects to make immediate decisions around service availability and performance, especially for distributed architectures.Continue Reading
14 top mobile app KPIs that advance development
No matter its purpose, a mobile application must meet expectations from users and corporate stakeholders. Here are 14 mobile app KPIs that you need to know.Continue Reading
3 microservices resiliency patterns for better reliability
The flipside of microservices agility is the resiliency you can lose from service distribution. Here are some microservices resiliency patterns that can keep your services available and reliable.Continue Reading
Popular microservices testing tools developers should know about
Testing microservices gets messy as services are independent and communicate often. Here are tests necessary for microservices, and popular tools developers use to perform them.Continue Reading
Rethinking change control in software engineering
The traditional method of application change control won't fly in a modern, DevOps environment. Here's how we can rethink the process in a time where rapid app development rules.Continue Reading
How the .NET Core platform advances cloud-based app deployment
The capabilities of .NET Core keep developers interested. We break down the reasons why that's the case.Continue Reading
Finding the right fit for business process automation
Identify the right tasks for your company's workflow automation initiative. Not every process should be automated, so it's important to choose wisely.Continue Reading
Business process automation software requires a strategy
Organizations of all sizes can benefit from automation, but they need to move beyond tactical deployments. To really make use of BPA software, a strategic approach is needed.Continue Reading
Why workflow automation isn't really about cost cutting
BPA can reduce expenses and boost efficiency. Its real value, though, is in how it can drive innovation throughout a company and provide a competitive advantage.Continue Reading
When business process automation benefits the whole company
Here's what you need to know about BPA tooling, from how it works, how it helps and how to consider potential providers.Continue Reading
Scaling microservices takes conceptual skills and good tooling
Independent scalability is a major benefit of microservices, and simultaneously a complex and challenging thing to implement. Scale microservices with a focus on users' priorities.Continue Reading
The best Agile architects write code
To be a better software architect, brush up on programming skills and write code. See how Agile architects help developers and make projects better when they dabble in coding.Continue Reading
Use an API mapping tool to demystify complex API integrations
Whether a simple diagram or more complex model, an API mapping tool can bring order to loosely coupled application components, speed up debugging and simplify application updates.Continue Reading
Tips to use for microservices in mobile app development
With mobile apps dominating enterprise customer interactions, developers must dig into microservices architectures, brush up on programming skills and decipher business requirements.Continue Reading
Container image size makes a difference
IT teams ready to embark on container deployment should look closely at how developers break down and package application components. Little details will be important.Continue Reading
Invoke these 3 commandments of microservice applications
Unlock a microservice app's potential with a three-pillared approach centered on a thorough component directory, absolute service flexibility and reliable backwards compatibility.Continue Reading
Match market shifts with a lightweight enterprise architecture
Lightweight EA can streamline and refine how IT software meets business needs. See which lightweight EA toolkit route fits your team: one focused on an EA model or workflows.Continue Reading
Digital business upends the CIO and enterprise architect role
IDC analyst Mike Rosen explains how new digital business pursuits amplify enterprise architects and CIOs into newly amplified roles that put business goals and requirements first.Continue Reading
ICYMI: How to select and manage serverless APIs effectively
Explore how API selection and API management in a serverless architecture can make all the difference between getting results and having your project fall flat.Continue Reading
Implement and manage an event-driven microservices architecture
Learn the basics of event-driven architecture as they apply to microservices, with the help of real-world examples and three main architecture patterns.Continue Reading
Quiz yourself on smart API gateway management
Did you know that API gateways are multipurpose? Compare your knowledge of API gateways and API management in this quiz.Continue Reading
4 practical methods to increase service resilience
Resiliency refers to the ability of your architecture to quickly predict, detect and mitigate potential performance failures. Here are four ways to fortify your software.Continue Reading
3 distributed tracing tools perfect for microservices
Distributed tracing is a critical part of the microservices monitoring processes. Here are three tools that can help provide the view you need to identify strangling bottlenecks.Continue Reading
Streamline CI/CD with the Jenkins Blue Ocean tool
Organizations that run Jenkins may find that plugins complicate their CI/CD pipeline. Here's how the continuous delivery tool Blue Ocean can help keep things on track.Continue Reading
Use event processing to achieve microservices state management
What good are stateless microservices for stateful processing? Bring complex event processing into the mix to manage microservices state through scaling and failures. Here's how.Continue Reading
4 fundamental practices for serverless architecture security
Are you ready for serverless security? Learn about four critical planning considerations software teams need to focus on if they plan to adopt serverless.Continue Reading
Discover practical serverless architecture use cases
While architects and developers were slow to find practical use cases for serverless, numerous enterprise trends should drive the need for this architecture style.Continue Reading
ICYMI: 6 tips to master Kubernetes performance and management
The more skilled the team, the better a Kubernetes implementation can be. Learn how to get the most out of service discovery, infrastructure management, CI and more.Continue Reading
Continuous architecture combats dictatorial EA practices
To thrive today, Agile businesses must outgrow the architecture review board and enterprise silos to create an integrated culture of continuous planning and management.Continue Reading
The key differences between stateless and stateful microservices
Not all services are the same. Learn about the fundamental differences between a stateful and a stateless microservice and the appropriate scenarios for each.Continue Reading