What Is Trauma-Informed Care & How to Deliver It
Delivering trauma-informed care will be critical to healthcare’s pursuit of health equity. Continue Reading
Considerations for Social Determinants of Health Screening Design
Organizations designing social determinants of health screening should consider the tools, questions, and communication skills needed to support assessment. Continue Reading
Digital Health Literacy: Why It’s Important and How to Improve It
Healthcare providers should consider strategies to improve digital health literacy as the medical industry continues to integrate more patient engagement technologies. Continue Reading
Understanding Environment, Climate as Social Determinants of Health
Some healthcare stakeholders are looking at both natural and built environment, as well as climate change, as emerging social determinants of health. Continue Reading
How Do Patient Portals and Personal Health Records Differ?
Patient portals and personal health records can help drive patient engagement through many shared features. Continue Reading
Using Patient Engagement Apps to Reduce Hospital Readmissions
Using patient engagement apps, surgeons at The Community Hospital of Monterey Peninsula facilitate patient self-management that reduced hospital readmissions by up to 14 percent. Continue Reading
Top Effective Social Determinants of Health Interventions
Most organizations are designing social determinants of health interventions focused on food security, housing security, and transportation. Continue Reading
Why Patient Education Is Vital for Engagement, Better Outcomes
Patient education is key for engagement in pre- and post-care management, chronic disease management, and preventive care access. Continue Reading
What’s on the Horizon for Healthcare Consumerism?
Healthcare experts weigh in on where the medical industry is going next to support healthcare consumerism. Continue Reading
Top Health IT Components of Medicine’s Digital Front Door
Talk of the digital front door is leading the patient experience conversation these days, but what health IT components actually comprise that proverbial door? Continue Reading
What Is Patient Loyalty, Does It Affect Healthcare Consumerism?
Healthcare consumerism is taking hold, prompting organizations to consider the factors that help build patient loyalty. Continue Reading
4 Key Use Cases for Patient Data Access, Patient Portals
Patient data access and patient portal use is not just a regulatory requirement, but also a patient engagement strategy that can improve the overall patient experience. Continue Reading
Distinguishing Patient Experience, Patient-Reported Outcomes, and PGHD
Patient experience, patient-reported outcomes, and patient-generated health data (PGHD) all give insight into different aspects of patient healthcare. Continue Reading
Top Clinical Quality Measures Impacted by Patient Engagement
Many of the most common clinical quality measures are inevitably shaped by patient engagement strategies, experts agree. Continue Reading
Defining Patient Engagement for Value-Based Care
Value-based care hinges on low healthcare spending through tailored and innovative care delivery models, all of which rely on effective patient engagement. Continue Reading
How to Write Open Clinical Notes for a Good Patient Experience
Open clinical notes that are empathic, informative, and rely on objective clinical information are most likely to yield a good patient experience. Continue Reading
Charting the Future of Patient Experience and Technology
Connected health swooped in to define the patient experience during the pandemic, but as healthcare moves forward it must remember that quality healthcare goes beyond tech. Continue Reading
How Healthcare Is Starting to Heal Damaged Black Patient Trust
A history of racism in medicine and implicit bias tainting patient-provider communication has resulted in a significant barrier to Black patient trust. Continue Reading
How Do Social Determinants of Health Affect Patient Wellness?
Different social determinants of health affect patient wellness by limiting patient access to key health and lifestyle resources. Continue Reading
“First Do No Harm:” Combatting Black Maternal Health Disparities
Decades of health inequities have led to stark, and worsening, black maternal health disparities. Continue Reading
How Coronavirus Sparked Industry Collaboration, Team-Based Care
As the nation contends with an unprecedented global health crisis, clinicians are meeting the moment with never before seen levels of team-based care and industry collaboration. Continue Reading
Smart Hospitals Making the Future of Patient Experience a Reality
Smart hospital rooms might look like something out of the future, but they are slowly bringing a modernized patient experience to the present. Continue Reading
Using Social Determinants of Health to Drive Medication Adherence
Programs to address the social determinants of health have the potential to improve medication adherence rates. Continue Reading
What the CMS Hospital Star Ratings Mean for Care Quality, Patients
Hospitals must understand how the CMS Hospital Star Ratings are calculated in order to make an action plan to improve care quality and patient experiences. Continue Reading
How Non-Clinical Staff Enable Patient Engagement, Care Coordination
Patient navigators, health coaches, and community health workers are key to patient engagement and care coordination. But what is the difference between these non-clinical jobs? Continue Reading
How Rideshare Companies Can Address Social Determinants of Health
Rideshare companies have become an important vehicle for driving better patient care access and addressing the social determinants of health. Continue Reading
Improving Pediatric Patient Experiences with Age-Appropriate Education
At Boston Children’s Hospital and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, reducing patient fears and improving pediatric patient experiences is child’s play. Continue Reading
Patient Pre-Registration Tips for a Quality Consumer Experience
Pre-registration will ideally replace convoluted patient check-in processes, helping to improve the patient registration experience. Continue Reading
Strategies for Rural Patient Healthcare Access Challenges
Regional providers and industry leaders and policymakers must work together to overcome rural patient healthcare access challenges. Continue Reading
How to Create, Conduct Community Health Needs Assessments
Community health needs assessments are not only an IRS requirement, but also a critical tool for forging community health partnerships. Continue Reading
Overcoming Patient Barriers to Chronic Disease Management
Non-compliant patients aren't simply ignoring their chronic disease management plans; they usually have a series of barriers keeping them from adherence. Continue Reading
How Hospitals Can Raise Patient Satisfaction, CAHPS Scores
Improving patient satisfaction scores, such as CAHPS, is key for driving practice reputation and reimbursements. Continue Reading
Patient Engagement Strategies for Post-Discharge Follow-Up Care
Ensuring patients attend their post-discharge follow-up care is critical to driving health outcomes. Continue Reading
Balancing Patient Portal Privacy and Access for Pediatric Care
Patient portals in pediatrics raise several privacy issues, especially as patients age into adolescence and young adulthood. Continue Reading
What Providers Should Know to Improve Patient Access to Healthcare
Ensuring patient access to healthcare is an important piece of the patient engagement puzzle. Continue Reading
How Will MACRA Impact Patient Engagement, Care Coordination?
As the first reporting period draws nearer, providers will need to understand the patient engagement requirements listed under MACRA. Continue Reading
How Patient Engagement Supports Chronic Disease Management
In order for providers to be successful in chronic disease management, they must employ strong patient engagement strategies. Continue Reading
How the Affordable Care Act Impacts Patient Engagement
The signing of the Affordable Care Act brought the healthcare industry full-throttle into the age of patient-centered care and patient engagement. Continue Reading
How Patient Portals Improve Patient Engagement
Patient portals are a regularly talked-about technology in a doctor's tool belt, but how can they use the portal to boost patient engagement? Continue Reading