
Marketing and Sales Alignment is the First Step to a More Agile ABM Program

Align Sales and Marketing for ABM Agility

align sales and marketingA crucial cornerstone when launching an ABM program is alignment. Before implementing ABM, successful marketing practitioners must make sure that they’re aligned with their sales counterparts: working together to develop target account lists, creating campaign messaging together and developing shared goals and KPIs. The collaboration process lends itself to a more adaptive and flexible approach to the overall strategy.

But to be more agile, you can’t only rely on a more collaborative mindset – a commitment to change is required on several fronts, not just organizational change. Agility often requires leveraging new data sources and ABM innovators are discovering that purchase intent data offers a new level of access to active demand in the market – and must proactively share and enable sales with those insights. Read this article to explore in more depth how your organization can better achieve ABM agility.

By unifying your marketing and sales teams and adopting additional data sources, ABM success is more likely to happen for your organization.

Want to learn more about alignment and ABM? Below are more good resources and insight on the subject from experts in the industry.

8 Good Reads on Marketing and Sales Alignment for ABM 

Matt Benati (LeadGnome): How to align your sales and marketing teams for account-based marketing success

John Hall (Influence & Co): Align Your Sales And Marketing Teams With Account-Based Marketing

Josh Hill (Marketing Rockstar Guides): Account Based Marketing Means Sales-Marketing Realignment

Alisa Groocock (SiriusDecisions): The Power of Sales and Marketing Alignment for Account Planning

Marketo: The Key to Successful ABM: Marketing and Sales Alignment

American Marketing Association:  Alignment of Sales and Marketing Identified as Top ABM Strategy for 2018

Scratch Marketing + Media: 5 Tips to Align Sales and Marketing Ops for an Account-Based Marketing Approach

Forbes: B2B Pipeline Marketing: An Account-Based Approach Results In Better Leads And Sales Team Alignment