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ICIP IoT training: IoT strategies drive industry change

An outcome-based IoT strategy will revolutionize the way organizations do business by focusing on the big picture rather than on the individual parts.
IoT strategies will disrupt every industry and provide a new foundation for businesses to push innovation and create more effective strategies.
Many organizations follow a traditional sales model of addressing customer point problems, but these tactics address symptoms; they don't fix big-picture problems. Individual products that solve specific issues can sometimes be enough. When organizations use IoT strategies in their pipelines, they can give a full solution to the overarching problems customers want answers to. Customers don't care how products achieve their goals; they just care about the outcomes.
For example, software company Autodesk Softimage created the animation for the dinosaurs in the Jurassic Park series by developing multimedia tools and software for artists and engineers to build 3D animations or simulations. The pipeline of creating animation required several steps to build a scene that mixes CGI and live characters using physical representation models of the dinosaurs. Developers had to physically design the dinosaurs, apply movement animation to them with Softimage software, color the dinosaurs and composite them to look 3D in the 2D environment. A technical director was responsible for orchestrating the various people, products and steps necessary to reach the outcome for Universal Studios. Universal Studios was interested in the end result -- realistic animated CGI dinosaurs -- of all of these steps together, not any individual part.
IoT strategies driven by outcomes will serve a similar pipeline to the dinosaur animation process. Once IoT sensors can virtualize physical products, organizations across industries can build their own cohesive pipeline to achieve all-encompassing solutions.
The ICIP IoT training program aims to help professionals solve the most pressing challenge of IoT: creating a positive ROI and profitable business. Learn more about the ICIP IoT training program.