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Learn to apply best practices and optimize your operations.
IoT: The potential, and the performance challenges
The challenges of the IoT world parallel what has happened in the traditional web world. Catchpoint's Mehdi Daoudi explains where IoT monitoring fits in, and why enterprises must be ready to take ... Continue Reading
Addressing security at the edge
The physical and digital aspects of edge computing require additional security strategies. Stratus Technologies' Jason Andersen offers three questions to determine your company's level of security ... Continue Reading
Navigating the IoT security minefield: Securing device-to-cloud flows
Another month, another IoT security flaw. Threat X's Andrew Useckas explains the vulnerability in the MiSafes child-tracking smartwatch and explores how TPM and the proper cryptography could have ... Continue Reading
Four reasons to involve IT in IoT
Many of today's IoT initiatives don't have IT involvement. How are technologies like SD-WAN and edge computing creating more collaborative efforts? MOBI's Josh Garrett discusses. Continue Reading
Use analytics in IoT projects to mine a hot commodity
Is data really the 'new oil,' as some are saying? Yes -- it's potentially a highly valuable commodity, though that depends on the proper application of IoT analytics. Continue Reading
IoT and security: Using your network to become an IT disruptor
Masergy's Terry Traina outlines three steps to help organizations overcome IoT security challenges and become and IoT disruptor to take advantage of all the benefits a connected enterprise has to ...Continue Reading
Addressing the issue of product liability in a connected world
The onus of IoT liability and risk is often laid on device manufacturers, yet there are implications for those creating the applications and services as part of that product. Netscout's Ron Lifton ...Continue Reading
Mobile and IoT threats during the holiday season
As the holiday season approaches, it is critical for retailers and others offering connectivity to customers to be aware of IoT security threats and how to prevent them. FortiGuard Labs' Anthony ...Continue Reading
Securing the fourth Industrial Revolution: A shared responsibility
Since many IoT devices are resource-constrained, securing them can be a challenge. Kudelski Security's Andrew Howard discusses why a shared responsibility security model is critical.Continue Reading
California's new IoT security law: Inching toward a safer future
As the government begins to take action for IoT security, California's SB 327 sets the stage to ensure reasonable security measures are taken by IoT device manufacturers. Sectigo's Damon Kachur ...Continue Reading
TDOA for LPWANs: Challenges, improvements and testing
There are a number of challenges involved in TDOA in LPWANs. Skyhook's Kipp Jones outlines the challenges and offers insight into field testing in real-world scenarios.Continue Reading
Why security is the key to emerging technology -- and vice versa
Securing emerging tech, such as IoT, drones and smart city deployments, is critical yet not always easy. Tata Communications' Srinivasan CR explains how adding new security tech, including ...Continue Reading
Use coexistence testing to solve the IoT device interference challenge
Interference is a major issue for IoT devices. What can be done about it? Keysight Technologies' Cheryl Ajluni explains why the answer is coexistence testing.Continue Reading
Don't overlook IoT this National Cybersecurity Awareness Month
IoT cybersecurity precautions should be taken year-round. MobileIron's Ojas Rege explains the risks of IoT devices in the enterprise and discusses how to prepare for the future IoT-enabled office.Continue Reading
Navigating the IoT security minefield: The cloud portal
Threat X's Andrew Useckas offers best practices that need to be followed in order to build a secure centralized IoT management portal.Continue Reading
Realizing the Holy Grail of digital
An open, cloud-native edge is critical to realizing the Holy Grail of digital. Dell's Jason Shepherd discusses the importance of starting small and scaling big, as well as the importance of open ...Continue Reading
The importance of network standardization in the age of connected cars
The key connected car success is getting them all 'talking.' Esurance's Haden Kirkpatrick explains why network standardization and interoperability is key to starting the conversation and keeping ...Continue Reading
4 spooky internet of things goblins and how to outsmart them
By delaying IoT adoption, says Cisco's Maciej Kranz, enterprises risk losing out on the transformation potential of the internet of things. Here, he outlines four of the scariest IoT goblins, as ...Continue Reading
Industry 4.0: Where the U.S. and EU could lose
A recent PwC report find 20% of companies adopting bleeding-edge IoT technology are in APAC -- why are the U.S. and EU falling short? Nozomi Networks' Andrea Carcano takes a look.Continue Reading
Securing industrial intelligence against attacks
Cybersecurity for IIoT devices is still very much in the early development stages. NCP engineering's Julian Weinberger discusses the IoT threats on ICSes and offers tips to ensure ICS security.Continue Reading
AT&T IoT strategy focuses on development, management platforms
AT&T touts its open, vertical-neutral IoT platform, yet industry experts say the company needs to refine its strategy to differentiate from other mobile operators in the IoT space.Continue Reading
Protecting the internet of things
Cyberattacks targeting IoT devices are on the rise. To combat the threat, says Equinix's Chiaren Cushing, it is an interconnection-oriented architecture and centralized data encryption strategy is ...Continue Reading
The internet of things and the war against water
From flood damage to leaking pipes, the internet of things is emerging as a critical component to managing water resources and updating legacy infrastructure. Particle's Zach Supalla discusses.Continue Reading
Securing IIoT requires extra care. NAC and segmentation can help
Converging IT and OT networks naturally exposes critical devices and processes to new threats. Fortinet's Peter Newton outlines how NAC and segmentation can help sure IIoT.Continue Reading
Navigating the IoT security minefield: Hardware security
In our hyperconnected world, organizations now need to look at hardware security through a different lens. Here, Threat X's Andrew Useckas explains how to ensure the security of IoT devices.Continue Reading
IoT security at Black Hat 2018: The insecurity of things
While attending Black Hat 2018, Portnox's Ofer Amitai saw a number of IoT hack demonstrations firsthand. Fortunately, IoT security doesn't have to be this way.Continue Reading
The unlikelihood of 'IoT, secure by design,' and what we can do about it
The 'secure by design' concept is a great idea in theory, but without automatic updates, IoT security will always be an issue. Minim's Alec Rooney discusses.Continue Reading
Cryptojacking infections are coming from inside your home
Cybercriminals have a new target: IoT devices. FortiGuard Labs' Anthony Giandomenico discusses why IoT and smart home devices are vulnerable to cryptojacking infections and offers pointers to help ...Continue Reading
Pi and the sky: The AOL Stage of IoT
As Dell Technologies' Jason Shepherd likes to say, we're in the "AOL stage" of IoT, which leads to a paradigm he calls "Pi and the sky." Read on to learn more.Continue Reading
Avoid killing your IoT device battery life with these 4 tips
Battery life can make or break an IoT device. Keysight Technologies' Cheryl Ajluni outlines four tips to help product makers ensure their devices have a long battery life.Continue Reading
The four pivots of the consumer IoT market
The strategies, key players and narratives around consumer IoT keep shifting as companies vie to keep up with shifting technological advancements and customer expectations. Kaleido Insights' ...Continue Reading
IoT ripe for SegmentSmack Linux kernel security vulnerability
SegmentSmack, a new vulnerability found in the Linux kernel, poses a major risk for IoT devices. Insignary's TJ Kang explores how to find vulnerabilities in IoT code and firmware, as well as how to ...Continue Reading
Financial services finding value in IoT
The financial services industry has been slow to adopt IoT. MOBI's Josh Garret outlines why more organizations are uncovering value with these advanced mobile technology systems.Continue Reading
Can security keep pace with the rise of the machines?
If we want security measures to keep pace as more and more machines come into existence, we need to be able to reliably determine which machines should be trusted. Gemalto's Gorav Arora discusses.Continue Reading
The importance of securing the internet of things
Securing IoT devices is difficult -- yet critical. Tata Communications' Tim Sherwood explores the challenges and offers pointers to ensure IoT security.Continue Reading
Offset IoT network demand with IoT edge analytics strategy
As more organizations add IoT devices, the resulting data streams run the risk of overloading the IoT environment. IoT edge analytics could help distribute the workload.Continue Reading
Managing IoT resources with access control
While IoT devices play a crucial role in helping organizations compete in today's digital marketplace, without the proper security and access control, says Fortinet's Peter Newton, they present a ...Continue Reading
Oracle Integration Cloud services fuse IoT and third-party apps
How do you integrate IoT data with other feeds or third-party systems? Oracle has a unified platform to help get the job done.Continue Reading
Putting IoT to work in the intelligent office
As we all know, the increasing sophistication of our workplaces has also created more opportunities for chaos. Crestron's Daniel Jackson explains how the internet of things and cloud computing can ...Continue Reading
From words to action: Implementing AI
As AI goes from a "nice to have" to a "need to have," it's also evolving in terms of complexity. Implementing AI isn't one-size-fits-all, as Progress's Mark Troester explains.Continue Reading
Living on the edge: Why IoT demands a new approach to data
Many IoT scenarios require ways to analyze and act on collected data at the source. StreamSets' Kirit Basu explains why edge computing is gaining traction in an IoT world.Continue Reading
How to turn IoT data into a tradable asset
What organizational changes and new value-chains will allow industrial firms to package and monetize IoT data successfully? More With Mobile's Ken Figueredo discusses.Continue Reading
How organizations can prepare for an IoT-based attack
To garner insight from IoT while thwarting attacks, says Secure Channel's Richard Blech, improved visibility, enhanced devices and a security-focused mindset will all need to come together.Continue Reading
IIoT data protection demands new ways of thinking
Just as industrial IoT has changed how industrial organizations operate, says Stratus' Jason Andersen, so too must it change how those organizations protect the data IIoT generates.Continue Reading
Hacking the factory floor: Cybersecurity in smart manufacturing
The security threats toward manufacturing have only been exacerbated with the proliferation of IoT and BYOD. Momenta Partners' Ed Maguire offers tips to help stay safe in smart manufacturing.Continue Reading
Five steps toward making smart IoT testing a reality
Testing in the day and age of the internet of things poses many challenges. Eggplant's Antony Edwards offers five steps DevOps teams must take to start delivering smart IoT testing today.Continue Reading
Build a smarter supply chain with IoT
Manufacturers today are using IoT to track products through their lifecycle and achieve higher levels of efficiency. Magic Software's Javier Jiménez outlines the top five benefits of a smart supply ...Continue Reading
BAW filters: Problem-solvers for key Wi-Fi and IoT challenges
Qorvo's Cees Links explains how bulk acoustic wave filters can solve two key Wi-Fi and IoT issues: thermal challenges and interference challenges.Continue Reading
Simplifying the autonomous car
While experts agree that autonomous cars are the future of transportation, self-driving vehicles face a number of obstacles to ubiquitous use. Mobiliya's Ankush Tiwari explains.Continue Reading
Safeguard AI from security vulnerabilities as IIoT big data grows
As AI comes into play to help organizations manage the IIoT data deluge, it is critical to secure AI against vulnerabilities. Insignary's TJ Kang discusses.Continue Reading
Seizing the benefits of AI and IoT through data security
Rambus' Asaf Ashkenazi offers steps to help businesses avoid hefty legislative fines and get back to innovation and growth, capitalizing on the promise of AI and IoT unhindered by cyberattack.Continue Reading
The DHS cybersecurity strategy and IoT security
The recent DHS cybersecurity strategy outlines a few areas in which the additional level of detail will be the difference maker when it comes to IoT security. Thales eSecurity's John Grimm discusses.Continue Reading
Data: Its value and its consequences
Data sharing is generally a touted benefit of IoT, but when you pull privacy regulations, anonymization and the utility of the IoT data into the mix, says Red Hat's Gordon Haff, we're facing ...Continue Reading
IoT data: Giving new definition to 'data-driven' marketing
With high-octane, real-time data collection, IoT devices are helping change the definition of data-driven marketing. Esurance's Haden Kirkpatrick explains.Continue Reading
IoT device breaches: Consumers can help, but onus is on device vendors
While consumers can help solve the IoT security problem by demanding more secure devices, says zvelo's Louis Creager, the onus is on vendors to put common standards into practice.Continue Reading
Protect against IoT device hacking
Instances of hacking IoT devices are making the news on a regular basis. Attack surfaces, updating, risk assessments and even involving trusted hackers are key to preventing the risk.Continue Reading
What does the GDPR mean for IoT?
The GDPR presents serious challenges for IoT, but they are not insurmountable. Openwave Mobility's Aman Brar explains how the GDPR will affect IoT.Continue Reading
Defending the internet of things at machine speed
FortiGuard's Anthony Giandomenico offers key findings from the recent Fortinet Global Threat Landscape Report, explaining why machine speed security is critical to protect IoT environments.Continue Reading
Hyperledger Sawtooth: Blockchain for the enterprise
Hyperledger Sawtooth, an open source blockchain platform, is designed to help enterprises build distributed ledger applications and networks -- but it's also of interest for IoT applications.Continue Reading
Why is it so hard to see IoT devices on the network?
One of the biggest challenges with the internet of things is that the devices are hard to see and control on the network. Portnox's Ofer Amitai offers tips to help secure IoT.Continue Reading
IoT security: Trust is a must
IoT vulnerabilities are being constantly discovered an exposed across all industries. Thales eSecurity's John Grimm discusses why trust in IoT is critical, and offers steps to enabling trust.Continue Reading
Ethics, values and common standards are essential for shaping an IoT-smart society
Industry leaders and policymakers must ensure the well-being of the consumer in a smart, connected world. Wipro's Jayraj Nair explains why ethics, values and common standards are critical.Continue Reading
The great IoT data ownership debate
IoT is all about the data, but who owns that data? A panel at MIT Connected Things took a look at this question and found it was a tricky one to answer.Continue Reading
How a blend of customer experience and data helps brands build trust in IIoT
A successful industrial IoT deployment requires the right mix of customer experience and data utilization. Voxpro's Brian Hannon offers advice to help customer experience teams prepare support for ...Continue Reading
Boost built-in IIoT security with VPNs
Though there are several recommended properties for built-in security, says NCP engineering's Julian Weinberger, encrypting communications with VPNs is essential.Continue Reading
The need for network assurance in a world of connected healthcare
While IoT has revolutionized healthcare, says Netscout's Eileen Haggerty, expanding threats and increasingly innovative tech make the need for complete visibility and service assurance critical.Continue Reading
IoT in e-commerce logistics: Where's the money? Part 3
The opportunities of IoT in e-commerce logistics are unlimited. Aankhen's Subhash Chowdary explains, offering examples of success and an IoT case study.Continue Reading
Behavioral eManipulation: Attacking the care delivery workflow to deliver harm
Behavioral eManipulation, explains Independent Security Evaluators' Ted Harrington, is an attack methodology in which attackers use technical exploits to influence human behavior.Continue Reading
Five ways to accelerate predictive maintenance
Splunk's Erick Dean offers five key technology trends Industry 4.0 is talking about today that are making manufacturers rethink planned versus unplanned maintenance.Continue Reading
Use software composition analysis to secure the industrial IoT
Flexera's Eric Free explains how software composition analysis software can help IIoT developers scan and manage the components used during IIoT development ensure IIoT security.Continue Reading
ICS cybersecurity: The missing ingredient in the IoT growth equation
There's a lot to be gained by adopting IoT or IIoT within OT networks and ICS environments, says Nozomi Networks' Andrea Carcano, but cybersecurity cannot be ignored.Continue Reading
The new bottoms-up IIoT strategy that may already be underway at your organization
A bottoms-up approach to industrial IoT is popping up at many plants, with IT pros and engineers launching IIoT initiatives in a DIY fashion. Kepware's Jeff Bates discusses.Continue Reading
Five tips for securing your IoT devices
Many IoT devices provide limited security, leaving the onus on your IT staff. Insignary's Tae-Jin Kang outlines five steps to improving your organization's IoT security strategy.Continue Reading
IoT myths busted for your business
If you're looking to start or restart an IoT project, you'll need a clear, fact-based understanding of IoT. To help, Cisco's Maciej Kranz dispels five major enterprise IoT myths.Continue Reading
Keeping up with digital change requires a new approach to security
IoT, mobile computing, cloud-based services and multi-cloud infrastructures are redefining not only how business is done, but how environments must be secured. Fortinet's Michael Xie discusses.Continue Reading
IoT exploit activity has quadrupled -- are you prepared?
IoT attacks are on the rise, and traditional security strategies aren't getting the job done. Fortinet's Anthony Giandomenico describes the threat and how to best protect what matters.Continue Reading
Essential IoT compliance could change your game
IoT compliance will be a challenge, especially with expanding guidance and standards. EmeSec's Maria Horton explains how to tackle the task and offers essential steps to take now.Continue Reading
Six challenges facing blockchain and IoT convergence
While distributed ledger technology is in the spotlight, there are some challenges facing the convergence of blockchain and IoT. Kaleido Insights' Jessica Groopman discusses.Continue Reading
IoT is the key to sustainability, so what's holding it back?
There's an underutilized tool that can help create a sustainable future: IoT. Wipro's Jayraj Nair discusses steps companies can take towards a more sustainable, connected future.Continue Reading
A method to the madness: How to think about security and privacy for IoT
Security and privacy may be bundled together in many scenarios, but as ISE's Ted Harrington discusses, they are distinct concepts with their own requirements.Continue Reading
A big looming risk for IoT is privacy
While IoT security is a major concern that often steals the headlines, IoT privacy is an issue that will affect us all. Fastly's Jose Nazario discusses.Continue Reading
Smart manufacturing and IoT: Driving operational efficiency with real-time insights
Insights gleaned from IoT data are changing business models, and no other sector has been impacted by the IoT transformation more than manufacturing.Continue Reading
The enterprise of things is not secure!
Companies deploying the enterprise of things must plan for the long term, and long-term security will be one of the biggest challenges EoT faces.Continue Reading
Shielding valuable IIoT data with VPNs
NCP engineering's Julian Weinberger explores the benefits of IIoT and smart factories, as well as the security risks which can be mitigated by a centrally managed VPN.Continue Reading
Predictions: Learning from the past as we advance IoT security in 2018 and beyond
Myles Bray of ForeScout compiled IoT security predictions from Ayelet Kutner, Jon Connet and Bob Reny, revealing what security threats organizations may see over the next year.Continue Reading
Protecting the car of the future
Protecting driverless cars is complex and difficult. HARMAN's Andrew Till explores how companies are leading the way to protect the car of the future.Continue Reading
Why governments must take the lead on IoT security frameworks
To solve the IoT security issue, a basic yet detailed and continuously updated IoT security framework must be put in place for innovators to build on, says PwC's Marin Ivezic.Continue Reading
Addressing the fundamental challenges to IoT data management
Striim CTO Steve Wilkes discusses the three primary challenges of IoT data management and the importance of a streaming-first architecture.Continue Reading
AI toys: The new insider threat
Some of the coolest toys on kids' wish lists include AI capabilities. While fun, says empow's Avi Chesla, they present a number of security risks.Continue Reading
Embedded security for IoT lies in the chip
Keeping resource-constrained devices safe isn't an easy task. Chipmakers and cryptography specialists are taking the matter of embedded security for IoT into their own hands.Continue Reading
Securing global ATM networks as attacks in M2M environments rise
Julian Weinberger of NCP engineering explains how VPNs can help secure global ATM networks as the number of M2M attacks increases.Continue Reading
Domino's Pizza IoT deployment delivers temp monitoring, food safety
Domino's Pizza franchises are putting IoT on the menu to automate manual processes, save costs and predict machine maintenance -- and to better focus on cranking out pizzas.Continue Reading
XMPP: IoT protocol winner, or second place to MQTT?
XMPP has come a long way from its beginnings as Jabber, but is the lightweight XMPP-IoT specification ready for the spotlight?Continue Reading
Five IIoT companies prove value of internet-connected manufacturing
Five leading companies show that slowly, but surely, global manufacturers are making strides in industrial IoT, enjoying benefits from process improvements to cost savings.Continue Reading
Five key elements to ensure security for IoT in the enterprise
To enjoy the fruits of the Internet of Things' labors, security for IoT must be taken seriously. Here are five key steps to getting the job done.Continue Reading
IoT and food safety spell more CIO involvement
CIOs and CTO will play an increasingly active role at the intersection of IOT and food safety.Continue Reading
IoT data analytics spurred on by big data's expansion
Data from the Internet of Things creates opportunities to analyze equipment performance and track the activities of drivers and users of wearable devices. But IoT data analytics requires significant IT provisions.Continue Reading
How to expedite building IoT applications for the cloud
A basic framework that leverages Spring Boot, Cloud Foundry and a build tool makes it easy to spin up a cloud application for IoT devices quickly. Learn how in this example.Continue Reading
NFV use cases emerge as IoT evolves
NFV use cases in an Internet of Things environment are taking shape, as CSPs turn to virtualization to support the growing number of smart devices.Continue Reading
Enterprise IoT security: Is the sky truly falling?
Horror stories in the consumer market have cast a shadow over the Internet of Things. Are enterprise IoT deployments even more at risk?Continue Reading