
How 128 Technology Increased Lead Generation by 20x with Priority Engine

An interview with successful technology sales and marketing innovator Kenny Dellovo, Lead Development Manager at 128 Technology

128 Technology’s innovative networking solution enables enterprises and service providers to build service-centric fabrics that deliver breakthroughs in simplicity, security, performance, and savings. Kenny is an experienced demand generation marketer and lead development rep with over a decade of experience in B2B technology. Check him out on LinkedIn.

What are some of the business challenges you face at 128 Technology?

The main challenges we face are identifying which leads are the highest priority, keeping up with the competition, and getting in front of customers at the right time with the right message. As a startup, our resources are limited, so we need to make sure we are spending our time effectively to convert more leads.

Tell us how you’ve structured your campaigns with Priority Engine?

using priority engine 128 technology

We get an automated email delivered weekly that gets uploaded to our marketing automation system. Depending on the prospect’s interest based on the insights from Priority Engine, they go into a specific drip campaign. They get targeted and personalized messaging, and based on how they engage with that content, they go in different paths. So, if they’re visiting our website, they will get a personalized email from me. If they’re not opening that email, we send them additional content, like educational content on our product, until there is a certain level of engagement.

How do you leverage Priority Engine insights for your prospecting outreach?

When I’m prospecting, I lean on Priority Engine insights to highlight specific topics that are relevant to the person’s interests. I’m always shaping my pitch to hit on what they care about. If they have an interest in network security, I shape my pitch to hit on more of our network security features. It’s about highlighting the specific topics that will be relevant to the individual based on the purchase intent and insights we get from Priority Engine.

How does your team utilize Inbound Converter?

The main thing we use Inbound Converter for is retargeting. Additionally, we’re sharing information from Inbound Converter with our sales team to give them more data on where they should be spending their time and who to spend it with. That way we can say, ‘this account you’re working with, or this account you haven’t heard from in a few months, was on the site this week and they’re also showing intent signals from Priority Engine. We suggest you reach out and have a conversation.” As a result, we’re seeing engagement from people we weren’t previously seeing engagement from before Priority Engine.

What results have you seen since partnering with TechTarget?

The first impact we saw from our relationship with TechTarget was an influx of leads into our database – 20x lead growth month-over-month. With Priority Engine, we’re sparking better conversations, increasing webinar attendance and setting more meetings.

A big thank you to Kenny for sharing your experience with us. We look forward to hearing about more of your successes with TechTarget in the future!

If you’re interested in sharing your TechTarget story with us, feel free to reach out to Sarah Geissler.