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TechTarget ComputerWeekly.com

Informa TechTarget has a proven track record of successfully serving the information needs of ANZ tech buyers and delivering ROI for ANZ-focused tech marketers. More than 719,000 active IT researchers in ANZ rely on Informa TechTarget websites for advice on solving technical problems and maximizing their IT budgets. ANZ-specific editorial articles, case studies and interviews supplement our global best practices advice, offering unparalleled insight into local technology considerations.
More than 250 technology vendors in ANZ benefit from Informa TechTarget’s innovative digital product portfolio. Each quarter we deliver over 17,000 leads, identify more than 500 confirmed tech projects, and enable countless sales and marketing professionals access our intent data portal, Priority Engine™. Find out how Informa TechTarget’s digital platform, serious buying audience and data-driven insights can accelerate your progress.
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Provider of news, analysis, opinion, information and services for the ANZ IT community. Launched in 1966, Computer Weekly was the first ever weekly technology publication in the UK and in the last 5 years, extended its online audience to regional coverage in APAC and throughout Europe, as well as localized to German, Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese. Computer Weekly helps senior IT professionals make better IT strategy and technology purchasing decisions, improve their knowledge and skills, and develop their careers.
B2B IT purchasing cycles can be long and complex, so how can be sure to influence buyers throughout the entire process? In this short video, three APAC tech marketers – Jon Panker, Informa TechTarget; Camaryn Berry, SoftIron; and Ariff Kamal, Cloudfare – address how your marketing organization can best engage prospects with an ‘always-on’ demand generation strategy.