
Finding Innovators and Empowering Sales—Insights from TechTarget’s Boston Priority Engine User Group

Priority Engine User Group BostonPriority Engine continues to pave the way in changing how marketing and sales organizations approach their day-to-day. Hosting a forum for users to share both their successes and challenges in a collaborative environment is proving to be a key stage in their path to ROI. Following successful user group roundtable discussions in London, Munich, Paris, and San Francisco, and other cities, we just wrapped up our third Boston meeting.

Despite the majority of attendees being relatively new Priority Engine users, they’ve already had big wins. Many had been TechTarget customers, spending most of their time and budget on traditional lead generation tactics. But the battle for content attention can be tough, especially when your content falls somewhere below par. Good content is the currency you need to win someone’s attention.

Whether you are a marketer or sales leader, the following includes key findings uncovered in the peer to peer discussions which can be replicated in your current workflow. If you aren’t currently using Priority Engine today, these are likely some pain points you are experiencing in your own organization that can and should be addressed.

Two Creative Use Cases for TechTarget Purchase Intent insight

There were two creative use-cases that particularly resonated with marketers:

Using install base to find “innovators”

Building account lists by install data is a great way to go after accounts where you know you have some type of successful point of entry, whether it is from a partner play and complementary integrations/solutions or a winning competitive attack campaign. But what about when being tasked with finding innovators or early adopters? One of the marketers in attendance shared how they found a positive relationship of companies using a specific install because they are forward-thinking tech innovators which garnered a more interested response to their own offerings.

Inbound + outbound = BDR magic

More and more BDR/SDR/ISR teams are using Priority Engine to drive value and create opportunities with accounts in their territory. Empowering sales with the right prospects to go after—where they not only know there is clear purchase intent but also have access to the purchase intent insights into the deal—allows sales to seamlessly incorporate this powerful insight into their talk tracks and email scripts. A creative way to incorporate both inbound and outbound follow-up strategy into a BDR’s current workflow would be to strategically copy additional members of the buying team on their email outreach. A client’s BDR team tasked with following up on inbound contacts uses Priority Engine to search for additional people at those organizations. When the BDRs are emailing an inbound contact, they’ll then copy up to two additional relevant researchers on their outreach. This technique is producing much higher response rates, as people feel obligated to reply because others are on the email. The BDRs can strategically select personas based on their known research and content consumption patterns.

Everyone has limited resources. We are constantly strapped for time. These use-cases may seem overwhelming, or perhaps you lack the internal infrastructure to support such aggressive campaigns. That was a concern for some as they listened to their peers sharing these creative use-case wins. It’s important to know that with TechTarget, we are able to consult with you on what the most successful approach will be for your business. Everyone’s needs are diverse and how they fuel them even more so. Further client successes with Priority Engine include:

  • Pre- and post-event support
  • Channel support
  • ABM support

Learn more

For more information on Priority Engine, TechTarget’s global purchase intent insight platform, please click here.

If you are interested in participating in a future Priority Engine user group in your city, reach out today.