Data Management, Analytics & AI

  • Tony Palmer

  • Stephen Catanzano


    Senior Analyst Stephen Catanzano brings more than 20 years of industry experience and extensive knowledge in many disciplines to his coverage of data management for operationalizing data at scale within an organization and maximizing the value of data.

    In addition to operational roles in larger enterprises, Stephen has created and grown multiple SaaS startups, performed M&A transactions, and raised venture and PE capital.

    Stephen has appeared in Inc., Reuters, Fortune, The Wall Street Journal, Yahoo News, and TechTarget, among others. He holds a BS in Finance and Economics from Bentley University in Waltham, Massachusetts.

    Areas of Expertise

    • Data Collection
    • Data Integration
    • Data Management
    • Data Observability
    • Data Ops & Data Mesh
    • Data Platforms
    • Data Preparation
    • Data Quality
    • Data Search/Log
    • Data Streaming
    • Data Transformation
    • Data Visualization
    • Data Warehousing
    • Databases

    Connect with Stephen Catanzano

    Request Briefing

    Quoation Mark

    Maximizing the value of data is about building data-driven organizations by turning data at scale into intelligence for faster corporate and consumer decision-making, quicker innovations, competitive advantages, and achieving operational efficiencies.”

    Stephen Catanzano
    Senior Analyst, Data Platforms
    Vertical Pills

    Survey Results

    Data Governance in the Age of AI

    This Complete Survey Results presentation focuses on data user trends, data classification and lineage, drivers behind data governance strategies, challenges with data governance adoption, the impact of AI on data governance, the importance of data governance elements, and investment plans. Already an Enterprise Strategy Group client? Log in to read the full report. If you are […]

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    Stephen Has Appeared In

  • Mike Leone


    Principal Analyst Mike Leone draws upon his enthusiasm for bleeding-edge technology and his engineering and marketing background to provide a unique perspective to enterprise technology vendors.

    At Enterprise Strategy Group, Mike focuses on all things data, analytics, and AI. His passion shines through in helping organizations improve everything from go-to-market strategies and messaging to product development and content creation.

    Mike has a strong technical background, with early roles in software and hardware engineering focused on future product feasibility, modeling, and performance. He gradually moved into roles that interfaced with marketing by helping translate deep technical concepts into understandable business benefits.

    Mike has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, AIthority, Fox News, eWeek, BizTech, SDXcentral, Computerworld, DevOps, Datanami, Data Center Knowledge, CBR, and T_HQ, among others. He holds a BS in Computer Science from Stonehill College in Easton, Massachusetts.

    Areas of Expertise

    • Analytics
    • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    • BI & Data Visualization
    • Data Platforms
    • Data Science/Machine Learning
    • Data/AI Lifecycle
    • Databases, Warehouses, Lakes & Platforms
    • DataOps/MLOps
    • Generative AI

    Connect with Mike Leone

    Request Briefing

    Quoation Mark

    While data has the power to transform the business in radical ways, achieving data excellence requires an equal balance of tightly integrated technology, well-defined processes, and the empowerment of all stakeholders to confidently bring the right data to every decision.”

    Mike Leone
    Practice Director, Data Analytics & AI
    Vertical Pills

    Survey Results

    Evaluating the Pillars of Responsible AI

    This Complete Survey Results presentation focuses on responsible AI maturity, prioritization, best practices, terms, outcomes, challenges, responses to issues, bias mitigation, measurements, acceptable fairness levels, data and analytics impact, and stakeholders. Already an Enterprise Strategy Group client? Log in to read the full report. If you are not yet a Subscription Client but would like to […]

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    Mike Has Appeared In

  • Brian McKenna


    As Enterprise Strategy Group’s Senior Analyst for Business Applications, Brian McKenna focuses his research primarily on customer experience technology. Brian covers other business applications through a data management and analytics lens.

    He is based in the London office of TechTarget, ESG’s parent company, where he also helps to direct ESG’s analyst services in EMEA covering business applications, information management, and cybersecurity topics.

    Most recently Brian was business applications editor at TechTarget’s Computer Weekly publication. CW is well known for putting the voice of the IT customer first, and Brian brings that perspective to bear on his research, writing, and consultancy. Prior to joining Computer Weekly, Brian was the editor of Infosecurity magazine. He has also edited academic journals in information science and computer security.

    Brian holds a degree in History and English from the University of Glasgow, Scotland, and a doctorate from the University of Oxford, England. He was a British Academy post-doctoral fellow and Junior Research Fellow at Oxford before turning to IT journalism. He is also a Fellow of the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce).

    Areas of Expertise

    • Business & Technology Strategy
    • Business Applications
    • Business Intelligence
    • Contact Center
    • Customer Data Platforms (CDP)
    • Customer Experience/CRM
    • Customer Service
    • Cybersecurity
    • Data Analytics & AI
    • Data Management
    • Data Protection
    • Digital Experience Platforms (DXPs)

    Connect with Brian McKenna

    Request Briefing

    Quoation Mark

    The macroeconomic and environmental crises besetting organizations globally demand ever-greater creativity from the suppliers and the users of the software that runs those entities. And for them to become authentically data driven, they must extract business value from modern data technologies, from lakes to real-time analytics.”

    Brian McKenna
    Senior Analyst, Business Applications & EMEA Analyst Services Director
    Vertical Pills

    Research Report

    Impact of Evolving Work Environments on Contact Center Platform Requirements

    The aftereffects of the pandemic have continued to disrupt contact centers, where staffing shortages and skill gaps make it difficult to manage customer interactions across channels. To address these challenges, organizations are increasingly turning to cloud-based solutions like contact center-as-a-service (CCaaS) and unified communication-as-a-service (UCaaS). These platforms can connect agents with internal specialists for faster […]

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  • Aaron Tan


    As Enterprise Strategy Group’s regional director of analyst services for APAC, Aaron Tan helps clients identify and quantify key market trends on a wide range of technology topics, including cloud infrastructure, DevOps, business applications, and cybersecurity in the Asia-Pacific region.

    Aaron also serves as Editor in Chief, APAC at ESG’s parent company, TechTarget.

    Aaron is a seasoned media and information professional who has been involved in technology implementations in the public sector and has nearly two decades of experience covering B2B technology for leading media companies. He has held various managerial roles in the Singapore public sector, including the National Library Board of Singapore and the Infocomm Media Development Authority.

    Aaron holds a bachelor’s degree in Communications from Nanyang Technological University Singapore and a master’s degree in Information Science from Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York.

    Areas of Expertise

    • Application Modernization & DevOps
    • Business Applications
    • Cloud Computing
    • Cybersecurity
    • DevOps
    • IaaS/Cloud
    • IoT
    • Networking & 5G
    • Storage

    Connect with Aaron Tan

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    Quoation Mark

    The growing use of public cloud services in Asia-Pacific has not only drawn cloud suppliers to the region but also integration platform players who provide the glue that ties cloud services together in a multi- cloud and hybrid IT environment.”

    Aaron Tan
    Regional Director Analyst Services, APAC
  • Alex Arcilla

  • Pure Accelerate: Focus on Cyber-resilience

    Photo: Charlie Giancarlo (by CB)

    As I wrote in a previous blog, in-person events are coming back! Pure is holding its user conference in Las Vegas this week. My colleague Scott Sinclair, who is also attending, covers some of the announcements in a recent blog. For my part, I will focus on the cyber-resilience announcements at the event, in particular, the ransomware recovery SLA.

    Pure’s CEO Charlie Giancarlo kicked off the session by providing some interesting metrics in his keynote to support Pure’s power and space efficiencies, reliability, labor requirements, and TCO, amongst others.

    According to Charlie, Pure essentially differentiates itself in the market in 4 areas: direct to flash management (which is key at scale), a cloud operating model (run like the cloud, run in the cloud, build for the cloud, and power the cloud), an evergreen program to minimize obsolescence, and a coherent and consistent portfolio of platforms that rely on common technologies and software. I think a 5th one should be added to the list: Cyber-resilience!

    Ransomware Recovery SLA Program

    What it is:

    On the cyber-resilience front, Pure announced the Evergreen//One Ransomware Recovery SLA program, which is sold as an add-on subscription. Existing and new customers can now purchase an add-on service guarantee for a clean storage environment with bundled technical and professional services to recover from an attack.

    Many things can happen when ransomware hits: systems are essentially taken out of production, can be seized by law enforcement, and/or can be used to run forensics, for example. So it could be weeks before you gain access back to your own systems for production. At the end of the day, it’s about being able to recover as quickly and cleanly as possible in order to resume business operations. Of course, this assumes that your data is properly protected in the first place.

    A customer can initiate a recovery via Pure Technical Services at any time. When a customer calls with their request following the incident, Pure immediately starts working with the customer on a recovery strategy and plan, which includes Pure shipping a clean array within 24 hrs (for North America) with a professional services engineer onsite to help. The idea is to have you all recovered and ready to resume production within 48 hours with this “loaner” array. Transfer those immutable snapshots back on the loaner and you are back in business. You have 180 days to return the array.

    In order to maximize your chances and to qualify, end users must turn SafeMode on for all volumes and set retention to 14 days. This is a must-have best practice, in my opinion, regardless of whether you subscribe or not. The management software, Pure1, has a great set of capabilities for data protection assessment and anomaly detection. The software can give end users an assessment of their whole fleet of arrays and benchmark them against best practices, such as looking for customers having safe mode or snapshots turned on, for example. The protection can be very granular, at the volume level. In addition, the software can perform anomaly detection such as looking for signals like abnormal deduplication ratios. When data is encrypted, it becomes less unique and therefore less “de-dedupable.” A sharp dropping of the “normal” deduplication rate would be a key indication. Pure hinted that they will be adding additional signals in the future, looking at latency, file name changes, and other signals.

    Why This Matters

    To be clear, this is not a “marketing” guarantee (“we’ll pay you X if you can’t recover data”…followed by many exclusions and requirements). This is a practical, customer-focused, and outcome-driven service. If an array has questionable data, it will not go back in production. If you have protected your environment, you will need to recover the latest good copy of data (which can take a long time if you don’t use high performance snaphots) on a “clean” system. All the while, everyone is in full crisis mode, which is adding tremendous stress to the teams and processes. This is not only differentiated, it is smart and focused on what matters: resuming business ASAP.

    Christophe Bertrand (left) and Andy Stone (right) – photo by Scott Sinclair

    Panel: Building a Data-resilient Infrastructure

    I also had the pleasure of participating in a breakout session on building a data-resilient infrastructure with Andy Stone, Pure’s Field CTO, and a cyber-resilience expert. I shared some of the findings of our state of ransomware preparedness research and discussed “hot” topics such as budgeting and funding for ransomware preparedness, the reality of recovery service levels, best practices, cyber insurance, etc.

    The level of interest in the topic was clearly very high and many attendees shared their concerns and challenges. Andy reminded the group that no one can do it alone, it’s teamwork, and no vendor can solve the whole problem on their own. More importantly, we discussed how it’s not just the data that needs protection, it’s also the infrastructure, the “Tier 0,” and first line of defense. The ransomware SLA program was also mentioned and triggered many questions and a lot of interest.

    I have the strongest suspicion Andy’s schedule will be booked solid for the next few weeks with client visits and calls.

    A Big Surprise

    Look who came to say Hi on stage at the end of the keynote!

    Shaquille O’Neal and Charlie Giancarlo (photo by me)

  • The Strategic and Evolving Role of Data Governance

    Research Objectives

    • Determine the amount and value of data for a typical organization, and how this impacts data management activities like availability, usability, and security.
    • Connect the dots between the important elements of data governance like classification, placement, and compliance as ecosystems evolve and become more distributed.
    • Help overwhelmed IT organizations find the right combination of process and technology to solve their unique data governance challenges.
    • Identify data governance process and technology gaps that need to be addressed in vendor solutions.


  • Research Objectives

    Gauge current and planned adoption of integrated solutions.

    Identify business and technology drivers for partner solutions.

    Highlight the role of senior IT leadership in the buying cycle.

    Determine objections and critical success factors for integrated solutions.

    Assess the role of current vendor relationships in the buying process.


  • Data Protection Issues for Salesforce Persist

    Mission-critical applications and their associated data must meet stringent data protection SLAs to support business processes, mitigate risk, and place organizations in a favorable position should data loss occur, particularly when due to ransomware. However, a disconnect and many misconceptions exist when protecting SaaS workloads’ data to foster recoverability. The impact of this phenomenon hits SaaS deployments across the board, including Salesforce, which is detailed in this brief. IT professionals, workload owners, and business leaders must closely inspect their current data protection apparatus and processes for Salesforce workloads to put in place effective and efficient data protection solutions.


  • The SaaS Backup Disconnect: Data Loss Is Real!

    The SaaS backup disconnect persists and is causing data loss. One-third of IT professionals don’t do anything to protect their SaaS-resident application data as they believe it is the vendor’s responsibility. The problem with the state of SaaS data protection is that current misunderstandings can lead to data loss, with a majority of organizations reporting lost SaaS-resident data in the last year. There are many ways to lose SaaS data, whether through external events such as cyber-attacks or via internal events. Organizations using SaaS applications should consider deploying third-party solutions that meet core requirements to properly protect their data and ensure recoverability of these mission-critical workloads.

    Already an Enterprise Strategy Group client? Log in to read the full report.
    If you are not yet a Subscription Client but would like to learn more about accessing this report, please contact us.
  • Data Protection for SaaS

    It’s more important than ever that business-critical data is available, but there is still a problematic misunderstanding about the responsibility for protecting SaaS data.

    See fresh research into this market dynamic with the infographic, Data Protection for SaaS.