Data Management & Analytics

  • Application and Email Security Trends

    ESG’s Master Survey Results provide the complete output of syndicated research surveys in graphical format. In addition to the data, these documents provide background information on the survey, including respondent profiles at an individual and organizational level. It is important to note that these documents do not contain analysis of the data.

    This Master Survey Results presentation focuses on the current processes for and technology approaches to securing business applications and email messaging platforms.


  • Splunk Acquires SignalFx for $1 billion

    cloud-native-application-architectureIt was time. Splunk was waiting for the next-generation, cloud-native application architectures to evolve to a point where it could pounce. And pounce Splunk did, scooping up SignalFx for $1.05 billion. This dwarfs previous acquisitions by Splunk over the last couple years, which acquired security automation and orchestration platform Phantom for $350 million, and DevOps incident management VictorOps for $120 million.


  • The State of Data Analytics

    ESG’s Master Survey Results provide the complete output of syndicated research surveys in graphical format. In addition to the data, these documents provide background information on the survey, including respondent profiles at an individual and organizational level. It is important to note that these documents do not contain analysis of the data.

    This Master Survey Results presentation focuses on the current people, process, and technology approaches to supporting data analytics activities, including business intelligence, enterprise data warehouses, data lakes, and public cloud-based services.


  • Clumio Joins The Club

    GettyImages-967494496ESG research shows that cloud data protection has hit the stratosphere, with a significant acceleration in the past three years. Organizations see cloud as having a positive impact on their data protection strategies in general, and backup data is increasingly shifting to cloud. Cloud-based VMs are also perceived to be more resilient than on-premises. Founded in 2017, Clumio was built in the public cloud and is headed by Poojan Kumar, Clumio CEO, ex Oracle Exadata Co-founder, Pernix Data CEO, and Nutanix VP Engineering and Products. Investors include some well-known names in the industry. The company announced $51 million in funding. This combination of investors, funding, and experienced leadership is worth noting, as I am sure competitors have. 


  • GettyImages-723500123The HPE buying spree continued Wednesday afternoon, as they scooped up big data vendor MapR. This comes on the heels of the recent BlueData acquisition, and to a lesser extent, Cray. And with each HPE acquisition, the strategy is clear as day – data is the crown jewel and HPE will help you gain value from it with a holistic approach that covers hardware, software, and services. HPE is becoming a one-stop shop for all things data, and they are prioritizing simplicity. They recognize that organizations are at different stages of their analytics and AI journeys, and need help every step of the way. By incorporating MapR technology, they’ll be capable of inserting themselves much earlier in the analytics and AI journey.


  • Data Protection Conversation with Actifio (Video)

    In this latest edition of Data Protection Conversations, I speak with David Chang, Senior Vice President of Products at Actifio. We discuss the company’s data protection announcements from Actifio Data Driven 2019, held in Boston.

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    I recently had the opportunity to connect with Avon Puri, Rubrik’s CIO and Sveta Shandilya, Rubrik’s Head of IT Planning and Operations. The company has also recently made a significant IT hire in Rinki Sethi, who joined as CISO.

    I was curious to know how a fast growing “digital-native” organization (i.e., 10 years or less of existence – Rubrik was founded in 2014) leverages its own technology and for what purposes. You know, the old “dog food” concept.

    How do you go in five years from a few to over 1500 employees, keep introducing data protection solutions to the market, and make the whole thing work? (more…)

  • Data Protection Cloud Strategies

    ESG’s Master Survey Results provide the complete output of syndicated research surveys in graphical format. In addition to the data, these documents provide background information on the survey, including respondent profiles at an individual and organizational level. It is important to note that these documents do not contain analysis of the data.

    This Master Survey Results presentation focuses on how organizations utilize cloud services as part of their data protection strategy, as well as how organizations protect public cloud-resident applications and workloads.


  • Google to Acquire Looker for $2.6 Billion

    aquisitionGoogle has a vision of offering the most complete and comprehensive data platform in the industry. It wants to provide a true end-to-end data platform across clouds, and the last two words there are key. Customers want an end-to-end multi-cloud data platform and Google is committed to delivering just that. As such, Google continues to invest in areas that enable it to further this goal, and this morning Google announced its intentions to buy Looker for $2.6 billion in an all-cash transaction. It’s a natural acquisition for Google as the companies have worked together for years and share hundreds of the same customers.


  • IT’s Best Kept Secret…or Not…

    One question we often hear at conferences and industry events is whether IT organizations can get more value out of the data copies that they already have. 

    You bet they can. It’s been right there in front of them for a long time. As my colleague Vinny Choinski from the ESG Validation team points out, capacity efficient snapshot technology has been around for decades. It was pioneered in primary storage systems in the late 90s (e.g., EMC, IBM, Hitachi…) and got a capacity savings boost when it was combined with deduplication in data protection appliances (e.g., Data Domain) and purpose-built continuous data protection and data management solutions (e.g., Actifio). IT orgs have primarily been using these solutions for a quick and cost-effective alternative to traditional restores and some have been leveraging them to make copies for test and development. Now, backup solutions with the ability to “instantly” boot virtual machines from a writeable snapshot (e.g., Veeam) and data management solutions (e.g., Cohesity, Rubrik, Datrium) have expanded the value and the potential uses of this powerful technology, but, for most organizations, the value of these powerful technologies is a secret that’s locked up in an organizational silo. This silo is locking the value of data, limiting the return that can be realized by re-using it for additional purposes to serve the organization/business. (more…)

  • Insights from VeeamON 2019

    In this ESG On Location video, my colleague Vinny Choinski and I discuss our impressions of VeeamON 2019 in Miami, Florida. (more…)

  • VeeamON 2019

    VeeamON just started in Miami (about 2000 in attendance) with a number of announcements that will get the industry’s attention – not surprisingly, some might add, because it’s Veeam.  
