Data Management, Analytics & AI

  • Christian Perry

  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) are topics frequently discussed in various contexts today, primarily regarding their impact on society and application in specific scenarios. When it comes to backup and recovery, two questions are significant: How much AI-generated data needs protection? How will backup and recovery processes adapt to take advantage of these rapidly evolving technologies? TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group recently surveyed IT and data professionals familiar with and/or responsible for data protection and data science for their organization to gain insights into these trends.

    To learn more about these trends, download the free infographic, Reinventing Backup and Recovery With AI and ML.

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the world of backup and recovery, bringing new opportunities and challenges for organizations that want to protect and leverage their data assets for business value. AI can help automate backup and recovery processes, improve data security and resilience, enable data reuse and insights, and optimize costs and performance. However, AI also poses new risks and concerns, including data privacy and compliance, data management and integration, ransomware attacks, and staff skill gaps.

    To understand how organizations are adopting AI and machine learning in their backup and recovery strategies, TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group surveyed 375 IT and data professionals familiar with and/or responsible for data protection and data science decisions for their organization.

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  • The Impact of AI/ML on Active Archiving

    This Complete Survey Results presentation focuses on active archive adoption, storage platforms and locations, preferred disk types, data retention, access frequency, retrieval times, strategy elements, use cases, deployment drivers, the role of active archives in AI/machine learning (ML) initiatives, and the distribution of data used in AI/ML initiatives.

    Already an Enterprise Strategy Group client? Log in to read the full report.
    If you are not yet a Subscription Client but would like to learn more about accessing this report, please contact us.
  • Data Governance in the Age of AI

    This Complete Survey Results presentation focuses on data user trends, data classification and lineage, drivers behind data governance strategies, challenges with data governance adoption, the impact of AI on data governance, the importance of data governance elements, and investment plans.

    Already an Enterprise Strategy Group client? Log in to read the full report.
    If you are not yet a Subscription Client but would like to learn more about accessing this report, please contact us.
  • Evaluating the Pillars of Responsible AI

    This Complete Survey Results presentation focuses on responsible AI maturity, prioritization, best practices, terms, outcomes, challenges, responses to issues, bias mitigation, measurements, acceptable fairness levels, data and analytics impact, and stakeholders.

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    If you are not yet a Subscription Client but would like to learn more about accessing this report, please contact us.
  • From burgeoning new technologies to quickly evolving digital initiatives, a slew of factors is conspiring to make the modern IT infrastructures that support business goals highly complex. Recent research by TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group found that managers of these infrastructures are looking to make specific investments in monitoring, management, and automation to harden and optimize the security of these critical environments.

    Already an Enterprise Strategy Group client? Log in to read the full report.
    If you are not yet a Subscription Client but would like to learn more about accessing this report, please contact us.
  • Businesses have been using FinOps to manage their operational expenditures related to cloud use to great effect. Recent research by TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group revealed that this business practice is evolving from quick wins and cost cutting to a holistic approach to managing cloud financials.

    Already an Enterprise Strategy Group client? Log in to read the full report.
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  • While economic uncertainty may cause some organizations to hold back on IT investments, that isn’t an option for those with charters to digitally transform. Recent research by TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group showed that digitally mature organizations have nuanced spending plans for 2024 compared with their less digitally advanced counterparts.

    Already an Enterprise Strategy Group client? Log in to read the full report.
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  • As organizations continue to recognize the importance of data-driven decision-making, the pace of business is preventing analytics success. The ever-increasing volume of distributed data available to the business overwhelms data-centric stakeholders. To address these challenges, organizations are turning to AI tools that eliminate manual processes to improve efficiency, promote productivity, and democratize analytics. TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group recently surveyed data and IT professionals to gain insights into these trends.

    To learn more about these trends, download the free infographic, Unleashing the Power of AI in Analytics and Business Intelligence.

  • The ever-increasing volume of distributed data generated by and available to the business continues to overwhelm data-centric stakeholders. As organizations struggle to gain a comprehensive picture of their data, yet another layer of complexity presents itself: rate of change. With the rate of change in the business often eclipsing the rate at which data can be collected and analyzed, organizations need help ensuring the timely delivery of accurate insight based on the current state of the business. By enabling users to access and analyze data without the need for specialist knowledge or coding expertise, AI is helping democratize analytics for the wider business. Users can quickly and easily explore and visualize data, gain new insight through better collaboration, and share results. Whether through augmented analytics or generative AI, AI is making it easier for users to find and analyze the data they need without the manual processes that typically deter broader BI and analytics adoption.

    To assess the state of analytics and BI platforms in today’s organizations, Enterprise Strategy Group surveyed 375 data and IT professionals in North America (US and Canada) involved with or responsible for evaluating, purchasing, managing, and building analytics and BI solutions.

    Already an Enterprise Strategy Group client? Log in to read the full report.
    If you are not yet a Subscription Client but would like to learn more about accessing this report, please contact us.
  • Navigating the Edge Data Deluge Is No Small Feat

    Edge computing locations are important and often mission-critical sites for business transactions and operations. As such, they can be the point of ingress for large volumes of data with varied processing and storage needs. Recent research by TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group examined the storage profile of edge sites for further insights into this landscape.

    Already an Enterprise Strategy Group client? Log in to read the full report.
    If you are not yet a Subscription Client but would like to learn more about accessing this report, please contact us.