
Global communications and collaboration company Fuze – named a “Visionary” by Gartner – needed to find a way to efficiently get the right message to active accounts at the right time.

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To successfully identify and engage active accounts, Fuze turned to TechTarget to optimize their tech stack to scale its account-based marketing (ABM) program and leverage real purchase intent data with Priority Engine™.

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higher CTR than benchmark

higher monthly recurring revenue (MRR) for target accounts


Purchase intent insight from TechTarget’s Priority Engine provides expanded visibility into buying team activity, allowing the Fuze marketing and sales teams to effectively engage and convert prospects at accounts actively researching technology solutions like theirs.

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Fuze accelerates ABM with Priority Engine.

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Implemented solutions


Account Based Marketing
Intent Data
Intent Data
Emily Ketchum

The TechTarget team is absolutely a strategic partner for us. They push us to do more, they help us to be more strategic, and they make sure we’re leveraging the data and the tool to the fullest extent.”

Emily Ketchum, Director, Global Marketing Operations

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Emily Ketchum
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