Krish Kupathil

Krish Kupathil

Chief Executive Officer , Mobiliya

Entrepreneur, thought leader, speaker and innovator Krish Kupathil juggles diverse roles with great finesse. As CEO, Krish has been at the helm of affairs at Mobiliya since its inception and is spearheading company's global strategic growth through disruptive technologies and niche engineering in the IT industry. He has been responsible for pivoting the company to new emerging technologies and developing intellectual property owned platforms.

A qualified Chartered Accountant with a heart of a techie, Krish brings in more than 25 years of experience in building and growing companies and new markets. Over the years, Krish has successfully formulated and executed long-term strategies and led the company's passion for building innovative products and developed strong customer relationships. He has been the chief architect in building teams that deliver proven solutions to solve customer challenges

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