Kevin Curran
Professor of Cybersecurity, IEEE Senior Member., IEEE
Kevin Curran is a professor of cybersecurity, executive co-director of the Legal Innovation Centre and group leader of the Ambient Intelligence and Virtual Worlds Research Group at Ulster University and a IEEE senior member. His achievements include winning and managing UK and European Framework projects and Technology Transfer Schemes. Curran has made significant contributions to advancing the knowledge and understanding of computer networks and security, evidenced by more than 800 published works. His expertise has been acknowledged by invitations to present his work at international conferences, overseas universities and research laboratories. He is a regular contributor to print, online, radio and TV news on computing and security issues. He was the recipient of an Engineering and Technology Board Visiting Lectureship for Exceptional Engineers and is an IEEE Public Visibility technical expert since 2008. He currently holds a Royal Academy of Engineering and Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship awarded in 2016.
Curran’s stature and authority in the international community is demonstrated by his influence, particularly in relation to the direction of research in computer science. He has chaired sessions and participated in the organizing committees for many highly respected international conferences and workshops. He was the founding editor in chief of the International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence and is also a member of numerous journal editorial boards and international conference organizing committees. He has authored a number of books and is the recipient of various patents. He has served as an advisor to the British Computer Society in regard to the computer industry standards and is a member of the British Computer Society and IEEE technology specialist groups and various other professional bodies.