John Strand
Senior Security Researcher , Black Hills Information Security
John Strand currently is a Senior Security Researcher with his company Black Hills Information Security. He also teaches the SANS 504 "Hacker Techniques, Exploits and Incident Handling," 517, "Cutting Edge Hacking Techniques," and 560 "Network Penetration Testing" classes as a Certified SANS Instructor.
John started the practice of computer security with Accenture Consulting in the areas of intrusion detection, incident response, and vulnerability assessment/penetration testing. He then moved on to Northrop Grumman specializing in DCID 6/3 PL3-PL5 (multi-level security solutions), security architectures, and program certification and accreditation. John is also a contributing author to Nagios 3 Enterprise Network Monitoring. He has a Masters degree from Denver University, and is currently also a professor at Denver University. In his spare time he writes loud rock music and makes various futile attempts at fly-fishing.