Jason Helmick
Senior Technologist, Concentrated Tech
Jason Helmick is Senior Technologist at Concentrated Tech. His IT career spans more than 25 years or enterprise consulting on a variety of technologies, with a focus on strategic IT business planning. He’s a highly successful IT author, columnist, lecturer, and instructor, specializing in automation practices for the IT pro. Jason is a leader in the IT professional community, and serves as board member and COO/CFO of PowerShell.Org and is a Windows PowerShell MVP.
Jason’s publications include Learn Windows IIS in a Month of Lunches, and he has contributed to numerous industry publications and periodicals, including PowerShell Deep Dives, Microsoft TechNet and TechTarget. He is a sought-after speaker at numerous technical conferences and symposia, and has been a featured presenter in the Microsoft Virtual Academy. He can be contacted on Twitter: @theJasonHelmick.