H - Contributors Kyle Hiebert Independent researcher, Computer Weekly Dan Higgins Global Technology Consulting Leader , EY Robbie Higgins Contributor Carol Hildebrand Contributor Sue Hildreth Sophie Hill Freelance journalist Gavin Hill Vice president, data center and network security, Bitdefender Mark Hillary Writer Michael Hillenbrand Director of IT - Business Intelligence and Data Management, Thermo Fisher Scientific John Hilliard TechTarget Brad Hiquet Neil Hobson Chris Hodson Diane Hoffman Principal consultant, Intelopment Group LLC Scott Hoffpauir Chief Technology Officer, BroadSoft Tijs Hofmans Brian Holak Makenzie Holland Senior News Writer, TechTarget Paul Holland Principal Research Analyst, Information Security Forum Tayla Holman Site Editor, TechTarget Tim Holman CEO, 2-sec Lord Chris Holmes Lord Holmes of Richmond, House of Lords blog Maxine Holt Research director, Omdia Richard Holway Chairman, TechMarketView LLP Brian Honan Security Consultant, BH Consulting Thomas Honoré CEO and president, Columbus John Horn CEO, Ingenu Andrew Horne IT practice leader, CEB Bill Horne Vice president and general manager, Intertrust Secure Systems, Intertrust Brenda L. Horrigan Executive Managing Editor, TechTarget Christine Horton Lindi Horton Product Manager, ServiceMesh Maria C. Horton CEO, EmeSec Incorporated Elisabeth Horwitt Contributor Lauren Horwitz Managing Editor, Cisco Lauren Horwitz Managing Editor, Cisco Leon Hounshell Chief Technology Officer, Greenwave Systems T.J. Houpes Alexander Howard Associate Editor, TechTarget Andrew Howard CEO, Kudelski Security Fran Howarth Tom Howarth Anthony Howell PowerShell Consultant blog Jason Howells Director EMEA, Barracuda MSP Jim Howson Contributor Haomiao Huang CTO and Co-Founder, Kuna Systems Patrick Hubbard Technical Product Marketing Principal and Head Geek, SolarWinds, SolarWinds Nick Huber Spencer Huckstepp Principal Consultant, Bell Microsystems Ltd Chris Huff Chief Strategy Officer, Kofax Adam Hughes Bruce Hughes Senior analyst, KuppingerCole Bryan Hughes Chief Technology Officer of IoT, SpaceTime Insight Paul Hughes Technical Analyst - Web Admin, Imperial College London Terry Hughes IoT Practice Lead, AppDirect George V. Hulme Business and technology writer Richard Hunt Founder and CEO, Turnkey Consulting Laura Hunter Technology Architect Paula Hunter Executive Director, NFC Forum blog Saj Huq cyber innovation lead, Plexal Ellie Hurst Head of marketing communications and media, Advent IM Diana Hwang 1 2 Find Contributors Alphabetically A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z