
Why Quality Editorial Content Matters When Capturing Real Technology Purchase Intent

quality editorial contentOver the last couple of years we’ve witnessed an influx of insufficient quality content and a rise of generic uninformative news splashed across the web for the purpose of volume ad revenue and traffic. This has created a massive chasm between those who are actually building content the right way to really inform and educate and those just looking to merely monetize impressions.

This put a huge burden on buyers to search for not just what’s informative, but to sift through what’s actual, accurate and quality.

Simultaneously, this has put a burden on marketers to understand who the real buyers in market are. Yes, you can “target” buyer profiles through programmatic platforms, but to surface real buyer intent, you need to determine the environment and context for buyer research. Are they performing research in relevant environments or are they merely seeing a targeted ad when visiting a personal website?

Real buyers seek relevant, credible content that helps them understand and evaluate their landscape, solve legitimate problems and find solutions to current technology projects.

Quality content matters when attracting real buyers

I want to call attention to this article TechTarget published the other week, and not because it’s about HPE buying Nimble. If you read through this, I’d imagine that you might be surprised to see the impressive roster of leaders at some of the biggest disruptive and innovative vendors in the space contributing.

Here’s the rundown of contributors:

Kieran Harty – CTO of Tintri

Rob Commins – VP of Product Marketing at Tegile

Mohit Aron – CEO of Cohesity

Mike Grandinetti – CEO of Reduxio

Bipul Sinha – CEO of Rubrick

Ash Ashutosh – CEO of Actifio

So here is our editor Garry Kranz, fielding calls and gathering information from some of the top leaders and brass of technology.   Not just one and not just two. But six… all speaking with Gary, all wanting to inform TechTarget’s audiences of their perspective and vantage point.

Do you think this group is talking to every content provider?  Foremost, this certainly doesn’t strike me as a group who’s got an open calendar to speak with just anyone. I couldn’t help but ask myself is they were all taking their time to make sure that their vantage point was on record with real online audiences that have value to their organization? Or perhaps they wanted to engage with the editors and sites that they themselves rely on for their information?

I don’t know the answers to these questions, but I also don’t see others in the space landing this level of quality outside contribution, which is a testament to the investment in quality that TechTarget is making.

An unmatched content footprint in enterprise technology

The reason I’m sharing this is that it’s important today to look at the content your media and publishing partners are producing and really understand who’s doing it right. These are the providers who attract real buyers with real needs to drive your bottom line. The group I shared above is no small group of technology leaders and there are numerous other examples of how our editors are working with technology leaders in every major technology market to bring the best perspective to technology buyers to help them make the right decisions about purchasing technology for their organizations.

Since 1999, TechTarget has built a deep technical content footprint and unrivaled topical authority in enterprise technology that enterprise technology experts rely on daily.  With 500,000 content pages covering some 10,000+ targeted technology topics across its network, TechTarget is at the top of search results in virtually every major technology market.  This ensures that when enterprise technology buyers have a need, they find TechTarget first – and we capture their intent across their entire buyer’s journey, providing essential input for marketing activation and pipeline development.

TechTarget makes it possible to understand behavior and audience activity in ways that are not available from other methods and it is all made possible by the depth and breadth of content across our extensive network of over 140 websites.

To learn more about how to leverage TechTarget’s powerful audience to capture real buyers and real purchase intent insight, please feel free to reach out today.