
The Real Deal: The Power of Purchase Intent Insight – TAKE 3

purchase insight featuredAs the saying goes, when it rains it pours! Although, when you’ve got the inside track on a deal, you know exactly what the weather forecast looks like.

As you’ve now seen thru my last 2 blog posts on this subject, our project intelligence is accurate and a real catalyst for organizations embracing the opportunity.

It was just last week where I shared the success that Qlik had with a big public win at National Express. Well, it just so happens this week that Qlik just announced another WIN with Public Service Credit Union. My hats off to the momentum Qlik is building as well as their marketing and sales teams strong effort.

More proof of the power of purchase intent insight

I’m going to keep sharing these public stories and I hope you take a second and think about how you can be using our intelligence to propel yourself and your organization. This is now the 3rd proof point (and certainly won’t be the last), that shows that the unique capabilities TechTarget has are actionable and spot-on.

You will see detail in the press release from Qlik that perfectly matches up with the project that TechTarget knew of 9 months before via our Qualified Sales Opportunities service. See below for a look at this report (click the image to see the full report):

purchase insight

Get your seat at the table with buying teams making decisions

Your sales reps can all tell you that you win and have a chance to grow deal sizes if you get in early. Having a roadmap laid out for you in a TechTarget Qualified Sales Opportunity (QSO) is as good as having a seat at the table with the project teams when they’re laying out their strategy. But please, don’t take my word for it, see for yourself below.

In the press release, Qlik shares:

“This purchase will help PSCU to drive greater efficiencies across the service organization.”

  • Our Qualified Sales Opportunity showed that it would  be an Enterprise Wide purchase and calls out each Department that will be using the solution.

“By leveraging Qlik Sense, PSCU is able to aggregate large amounts of operational performance data from various sources such as frontline applications, databases, and surveys. This data provides decision makers near real-time information to make tactical, data-driven business decisions…”

  • In the Qualified Sales Opportunity report, you’ll see that Data discovery/Self-service BI tools and Real-time analytics were all Technologies Considered for Purchase.
  • Dashboard functionality/Data Visualization and User self-service are Key Purchase Features.
  • A Key Purchase Feature was ‘Support for importing data from various systems (BI report, CRM, DBMS, spreadsheets).’

“Financial services providers like PSCU are transforming their analytic capabilities to move beyond static reports that explain what happened, to more modern analytic capabilities that can explain why something happened and, even better, what’s likely to happen in the future.”

  • In the Qualified Sales Opportunity report, one of the primary drivers for purchase was ‘Expand our data analysis capabilities beyond static reporting.’

This type of accuracy does not come from inferred data which may show possible intent – it comes from directly observed and verified project intelligence. Every day we confirm another project that can be your revenue. So I ask, what’s holding you back from leveraging this intelligence to turn over some of your own WINS?


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