
The Real Deal: The Power of Purchase Intent Insight – TAKE 2

intent insightA couple of weeks ago, I shared this story about the power of real purchase intent. For those that didn’t have a chance to read it, Microsoft recently announced that they had won a huge piece of business (public here from MSFT) in the UK. When we investigated, it turned out this was a project that TechTarget had directly observed and confirmed. Not only did we know about this project, but our intelligence solutions identified this as a Qualified Sales Opportunity months in advance.

Do you believe in purchase intent?

Understandably, I was very excited to share this great story with our customer base. Truth be told, based on the feedback I received, it was evident that marketers were 1) very impressed but 2) also still a bit skeptical. Here’s a sampling of some of that feedback:

“The UK MoD use case is indeed a good one!”

“Nice job tying this all back, but you could have gotten lucky!”

“It’s tough to have actionable intelligence at scale and in my marketplace”

“Very interesting stuff, but its Microsoft. We’re not them and don’t have the access they do”

Personally, I don’t blame marketers for being skeptical. I can appreciate the position they are in where every media sales rep is telling them: “Trust me, try me – we can deliver the results you need.”   Too often programs don’t live up to the promises being made and don’t deliver real impact on your pipeline.

Purchase intent data does not discriminate

It is true – not everyone can be Microsoft. But you don’t have to be Microsoft to leverage good purchase intent insight to get a seat at the table with enterprise buying teams. To illustrate this, I would like to share another story with you out of the UK market. This time, it involves Qlik, a data visualization company that is roughly 60x smaller than Microsoft.

Deep insight delivers the roadmap to the deal

Similar to the Microsoft example we shared last week, a rep of ours viewed this recent press release: National Express Drives Customer Satisfaction with Qlik. And similar to the MSFT story, TechTarget uncovered that we also knew about this project well before it happened.
Here’s a look at the report (click the image to get the full report):purchase intent insight QSO

If you’ve ever had a chance to look at our intelligence offerings you see how actionable they are. The project is laid out in detail with confirmation on the pain points, evaluation criteria, etc. It is this detail that forms a roadmap to winning a deal.

In this scenario, National Express was looking for a visual analytics platform for its third-party operators. Compare that to the Qualified Sales Opportunity and you’ll see we had confirmation that they were looking for a Data Visualization tool with the deployment method as a Managed Service:

purchase intent insight key-considerations

National Express was quoted in the release as saying: “With Qlik’s visual representation of data, anyone from across the organization and its third parties can conduct analysis and understand the results.”

Once again, our intelligence outlined that the new visualization software would be used for the entire company and not any one specific department:

purchase intent insight entire-company-qlik

Don’t waste time – get in front of the deals in your market today

I share these stories with you so you can be confident that the purchase insight that TechTarget provides is real, it is accurate and it is for deals that are happening right NOW.

Now is the time to work with us so that you can get the insight you need to jump ahead of the competition and get these airtight opportunities into your pipeline today. If you want to find out how TechTarget’s Qualified Sales Opportunities can deliver for you in your market, let’s talk.

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