The Real Deal: The Power of Purchase Intent Insight – TAKE 2

intent insight

A couple of weeks ago, I shared this story about the power of real purchase intent. For those that didn’t have a chance to read it, Microsoft recently announced that […]

Before You Leap, Understand the 4 Pillars of Intent-Based Marketing

4 pillars of intent-based marketing

Intent-based marketing is a very important topic right now—it’s the first really promising application of big data in the B2B IT sales and marketing space. The basic idea is simple; […]

The Real Deal: Proof of the Power of Purchase Intent Insight

purchase intent insight

Like you, I try to learn from my peers.  People succeeding at what I’m trying to do.  And one thing that really helps me is a meaty set of facts:  […]

Demand Excellence: Insights on the New Reality of Integrated Demand Generation

integrated demand generation light bulb

Integrated demand generation is no longer just about diversifying content, promo messaging and lists. You have a lot more options to feed the top of your funnel and to move […]

How do Marketers Evaluate Intent Data? Go to the Source

data sources bottled

There are many choices marketers have when it comes to data, but the truth is; data is only as good as its source. Understanding just how the data you possess […]

Why Purchase Intent Data Outpaces Demographics for Smart Marketers

purchase intent data outpaces demographics

Consumption is intentional; with a little bit of circumstance and serendipity thrown in. But without intention, there is nothing creating forward movement. As marketers, this is something that needs to […]

Does Telemarketing for Lead Acquisition Get You Good Data about International IT Decision Makers?

telemarketing lead acquisition

Getting accurate data at the beginning of your lead process is crucial, especially about the lead’s interests in your solution area. You stake your reputation with the sales team when […]

Marketers Beware: Not All Purchase Intent Data is Created Equal

not all data created equalfeaturedimage

New technologies are a great thing. Often they lead to new ways to approach issues and can be disruptive as well as additive to success. They lead to new and innovative ways […]

2 Ways to Use Data to Inform Marketing Creative You Should Start Using Now

intelligence-driven creative

Let’s go back for a moment to a time when there was little insightful marketing data… In 1987, I sat across a very expensive desk from one of the era’s […]

6 Must-Have Data Requirements to Find Your Next Deal {Infographic}

2 Attributes

As technology marketing and sales has evolved, there has been a seismic shift in how buyers buyers evaluate vendors and make IT purchase decisions. To keep pace, marketers have begun […]

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