3 Reasons Why Marketers Must Market Their Content to Their Sales Teams

market your content to sales

I know what you’re thinking: “Did he just tell me to market content to your own sales teams? Why would I do that? They work for the same company that I do. In […]

Content Amnesty: Coming Clean About Your Content – No Questions Asked

content amnesty program

Marketers spend an endless amount of time and energy refining their creative briefs, testing messaging, producing world-class PowerPoint presentations complemented by perfectly edited white papers and compelling landing pages, all […]

Today’s Need for an Intelligence-Driven Marketing Strategy [Infographic]

Intelligence Driven Marketing Strategy

Marketing activities generate data, but intelligence turns data into deals. The technology purchasing landscape has evolved and buyers have the ability to evaluate vendors with little interaction with sales. Because […]

The Power of Data in Marketing – Takeaways from TechTarget’s San Francisco #ROISummit

power of data

Last Thurs. March 19th,  over 100 senior technology marketers converged at TechTarget’s San Francisco ROI Summit in San Mateo for an interactive event filled with market trends, best practices, actionable […]

Compelling Content: Who Are You Writing For – Your Stakeholders or Your Customers ?

compelling content - customers or stakeholders

From your desk, you can watch a Greek tragedy play out slowly. Over weeks, our protagonist will develop a marketing campaign with a goal of collecting lots of leads. In […]

Where to Look for Competitor Content Gaps to Build up your Content Portfolio

competitor content gap analysis

Marketers are creating and sharing content more than ever before. In fact, 70 percent of B2B marketers say they are creating more content now than they were just a year […]

The 10 Biggest B2B Technology Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

10 biggest technology mistakes to avoid - featured

There is no shortage of advice and best practices out there on how marketing and sales teams can address their challenges, including in the pages of this very blog. Some […]

Don’t Just Be a Content Marketer – Stand Out as a Content Navigator

Guided by Content

Over the years, we have all witnessed the power shift in the buyer/seller relationship. The education that a buying team requires in order to make a well-informed purchase decision is […]

Smarter Sales and Marketing: 2014 Success Hacks for 2015 Action

smarter sales and marketing succesful hacks

EDITOR’S NOTE: This post is part of our “Smarter Sales and Marketing” series, a regular feature where technology marketing and sales experts will be sharing insight, tools, and best practices to help today’s leaders […]

2015 Global Content Marketing Checklist: Are You Localizing?


As you plan your content marketing efforts for 2015, there are a number of things to consider when it comes to development and distribution of your content within specific global […]

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