Lead, Don’t Sell: What Michael Phelps Can Teach B2B Marketers about Content

michael phelps thought leadership content

In my role at TechTarget, I evaluate a lot of client assets. I look at it for quality of content, proper length, call to actions as well as stage in […]

3 Questions Your Content Must Answer for C-Level Executives

C-level marketing

As marketers, we are always trying to figure out how to position content and messaging to the C-Suite audience. Most content marketers assume that a specific content format is the […]

Why Marketers Must Develop In-Language Content for France (and Other European Regions)

in-language content strategy in France

Wait, the world isn’t fluent in English?  The nerve! Bonjour! Je m’appelle Byrony. Je suis Américaine. J’habite à Londres. 30 hours of French class this past couple of weeks and […]

How to Conduct an Effective Marketing Content Audit

marketing content audit image

In an online lead generation world, we talk a lot about content promotion as being a crucial element for success. However, it all starts with the content itself – your […]

Why Marketers Need to be Down with OPP (Other People’s Platforms)

social platform publishing

Are you down with OPP? Sorry, ‘90s rap fans, I’m not talking about the acronym popularized by Naughty By Nature, but one more appropriate for B2B publishers and marketers:  Other […]

3 Questions Your Marketing Content Must Answer in 2016

marketing content questions

2016. A new year (and a happy one to you!). Time to start fresh, look ahead, and keep those resolutions you’ve set (or at least attempt to). It’s funny how […]

To Gate or Not to Gate, That is the Question… for Content Marketers

gate content

In today’s world of social media and sharing, there are numerous B2B marketers who ask themselves every day whether they should gate their content or leave it open for all […]

2016 Resolutions for B2B Marketers

new year's marketing resolutions

The New Year is the perfect time to start fresh and set some new goals for yourself. So in the spirit of things, I’ve laid out a few New Year’s […]

How Culturally Aware is Your Content Marketing Strategy?

in-language content

If you’ve ever traveled abroad, you know how diverse cultures can be. Languages, social norms, currency, religion, fashion – everything varies from culture to culture. And your content marketing strategy […]

Tech Marketer Talks: Creating Marketing-Driven Pipeline Through Content Syndication in EMEA – Ping Identity

tech marketer talks ping identity featured

Claudia Goeppel, Marketing Manager, EMEA Central, is responsible for strategic marketing planning, management, tactical execution, demand generation, brand awareness and measurement of marketing activities both direct and via the Ping […]

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