Formulating Eye-Catching Subject Lines

Email subject lines

In this series, we share tips to create engaging copy for your buyers, from crafting effective emails to e-books, and more.   In email marketing, subject lines are the first part […]

Conversation Engine Thinking: What It Is and How It Can Power Your Brand, from an EMEA Perspective

conversation engine

Face-to-face interactions in B2B sales and marketing are declining and digital messaging is getting ever noisier. 83% of prospects say they receive more online messages from IT vendors now than […]

EMEA Marketer’s Content Toolbox: How to Drive Growth Through Content (Part 2)

EMEA content marketing strategies

This is the second part of a blog series on how marketers can better build and optimize content for EMEA. You can read Part 1 here. The truth is – […]

EMEA Marketer’s Content Toolbox: How to Drive Growth Through Content (Part 1)

EMEA content marketing

Content is the number one building block in the overarching category of customer experience (CX).  How to successfully build your content efforts, in the ever-shifting move to more and more […]

APAC Perspectives on Regional Content Development


An interview with Marcelo Loustau, Head of Demand, APAC – MOI Global Content development is an essential part of any tech vendor’s marketing strategy, and yet often marketers struggle with […]

We’re Only Human: 4 Ways to Become a Better Copy Editor


We’ve all been there – sent that promotional email with a word missing or realized your e-book has a formatting error after sharing it with your audience. It’s incredibly frustrating […]

Four Big Tips for Better Subject Lines

subject lines

If your subject line doesn’t stand out in your audience’s inbox, they won’t engage. They’ll never see the informative message you wrote or the valuable content you’ve spent all that […]

Beyond Words: Why “Design-Forward” for Content Creation?


Among B2B content marketing teams, design is still far too often introduced in the last stages of the process. Instead of using a more collaborative approach, completed copy is basically […]

The Story Arc: A Marketer’s Roadmap to Greater Impact

Story Arc

Because of its ability to draw readers in, storytelling has become a potent format for B2B writers. Just like everyone else, many businesspeople enjoy consuming information in story form versus […]

Content Everlasting: Making the Most of Your Best Content


Do you have a piece of content that continues to engage people well beyond its anticipated “sell by” date? What do you do with it? Rather than simply sharing the […]

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