4 Keys to Better Sales Qualification – Insights from TechTarget Priority Engine London User Group

sales qualification

In September we hosted our 3rd Priority Engine User Roundtable in London and we heard insight from current clients on how they are driving success from Priority Engine. Interestingly, the […]

How to Become an Effective Multi-Channel Seller [Infographic]

multi-channel selling

In order to be successful in today’s competitive selling landscape, it is essential to leverage all of your selling channels to their fullest extent. This infographic provides B2B sales professionals […]

Tech Marketer Talks: Supercharging Lead Nurturing and Sales Engagement with Priority Engine – Iron.io

tech marketer talks iron.io

is Vice President of Global Marketing at Iron.io. She oversees all facets of marketing and the beginning of the sales pipeline including demand gen, product marketing, brand, PR/AR and the […]

3 Questions to Ask Before Doing an Outsourced Telemarketing Lead Acquisition Campaign

outsourced telemarketing questions

Since account-based marketing (ABM) is such a hot topic, marketers feel pressure from sales teams (and the VP) to do something around target account penetration. In response, telemarketing has made a […]

Why International Agencies are Asking for “No Telemarketing” Lead Gen Campaigns

no telemarketing lead generation

In the last few months, TechTarget Europe has received a rising number of lead generation briefs from savvy customers and agencies that say in big bold letters – “No Telemarketing.”  […]

Does Telemarketing for Lead Acquisition Get You Good Data about International IT Decision Makers?

telemarketing lead acquisition

Getting accurate data at the beginning of your lead process is crucial, especially about the lead’s interests in your solution area. You stake your reputation with the sales team when […]

Why Marketing Productivity Matters Just as Much as Sales Productivity

marketing productivity

EDITOR’S NOTE: This post is part of a series of posts from Alex Gorbansky, CEO of Docurated who will be sharing his expertise around marketing productivity and platforms to better help our audience […]

3 Reasons Why Marketers Must Market Their Content to Their Sales Teams

market your content to sales

I know what you’re thinking: “Did he just tell me to market content to your own sales teams? Why would I do that? They work for the same company that I do. In […]

Content Amnesty: Coming Clean About Your Content – No Questions Asked

content amnesty program

Marketers spend an endless amount of time and energy refining their creative briefs, testing messaging, producing world-class PowerPoint presentations complemented by perfectly edited white papers and compelling landing pages, all […]

Marketing and Sales Alignment for Grown-Ups

marketing and salesalingment4

EDITOR’S NOTE: This post is part of our “Smarter Sales and Marketing” series, a regular feature where technology marketing and sales experts will be sharing insight, tools, and best practices to help today’s leaders better […]

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